#! /Applications/Racket/bin/racket #lang web-server (require web-server/servlet-env) (require web-server/dispatch web-server/dispatchers/dispatch) (require "server-routes.rkt" "predicates.rkt") (displayln "Pollen server starting...") (define/contract (route-wrapper route-proc) ;; todo: make better contract for return value ((complete-path? . -> . tagged-xexpr?) . -> . procedure?) (λ(req string-arg) (define filename string-arg) (response/xexpr (route-proc (build-path pollen-file-root filename))))) (define-values (start url) (dispatch-rules [("start") (λ(req) (response/xexpr (route-index pollen-file-root)))] [("source" (string-arg)) (route-wrapper route-source)] [("xexpr" (string-arg)) (route-wrapper route-xexpr)] [("raw" (string-arg)) (route-wrapper route-raw-html)] [("html" (string-arg)) (route-wrapper route-html)] [else (λ(req) ;; because it's the "else" route, can't use string-arg matcher ;; so extract the path manually (define req-uri (request-uri req)) (define path (reroot-path (url->path req-uri) pollen-file-root)) (define force (get-query-value req-uri 'force)) (route-preproc path #:force force) (next-dispatcher))])) (displayln "Ready to rock") (serve/servlet start #:port 8080 #:listen-ip #f #:servlet-regexp #rx"" ; respond to top level #:command-line? #t #:extra-files-paths (list (build-path pollen-file-root)))