#lang racket/base (require racket/rerequire) (require "debug.rkt" sugar/coerce) ;; The cache is a hash with paths as keys. ;; The cache values are also hashes, with key/value pairs for that path. (provide current-cache make-cache cached-require cache-ref) ;; Don't initialize a cache when the module is loaded. This induces reliance. ;; The cache only makes sense if a single one is used across a whole session (e.g., via parameterize). (define current-cache (make-parameter #f)) (define (make-cache) (make-hash)) (define (cache-ref path-string) (hash-ref (current-cache) (->complete-path path-string))) (define (cache-has-key? path) (hash-has-key? (current-cache) path)) (define (cache path) (dynamic-rerequire path) (hash-set! (current-cache) path (make-hash)) (define cache-hash (cache-ref path)) (hash-set! cache-hash 'mod-time (file-or-directory-modify-seconds path)) (hash-set! cache-hash 'main (dynamic-require path 'main)) (hash-set! cache-hash 'metas (dynamic-require path 'metas)) (void)) (define (cached-require path-string key) (when (not (current-cache)) (error "cached-require: No cache set up.")) (define path (with-handlers ([exn:fail? (λ(exn) (displayln (format "cached-require: ~a is not a valid path" path-string)))]) (->complete-path path-string))) (when (or (not (cache-has-key? path)) (> (file-or-directory-modify-seconds path) (hash-ref (cache-ref path) 'mod-time))) (cache path)) (hash-ref (cache-ref path) key))