#lang racket/base (require racket/list racket/string racket/contract racket/match racket/set) (require "tools.rkt" "world.rkt" "decode.rkt") (module+ test (require rackunit)) (provide (all-defined-out)) ;; These functions need to be separated so that they can be accessed by pollen parser (in main.rkt) ;; Other pmap functions are in pmap.rkt. ;; pmap decoder takes pmap source and returns a full pmap structure. ;; recursively processes map, converting map locations & their parents into xexprs of this shape: ;; '(location ((parent "parent"))) (define/contract (add-parents x [parent empty]) ((tagged-xexpr?) (xexpr-tag?) . ->* . pmap?) (match x ;; this pattern signifies next level in hierarchy ;; where first element is new parent, and rest are children. [(list (? xexpr-tag? next-parent) children ...) (let-values ([(tag attr _) (break-tagged-xexpr (add-parents next-parent parent))]) ;; xexpr with tag as name, parent as attr, children as elements with tag as next parent (make-tagged-xexpr tag attr (map (λ(c) (add-parents c tag)) children)))] ;; single map entry: convert to xexpr with parent [else (make-tagged-xexpr (->symbol x) (make-xexpr-attr POLLEN_MAP_PARENT_KEY (->string parent)))])) (module+ test (define test-pmap-main `(pmap-main "foo" "bar" (one (two "three")))) (check-equal? (pmap-root->pmap test-pmap-main) `(pmap-main ((,POLLEN_MAP_PARENT_KEY "")) (foo ((,POLLEN_MAP_PARENT_KEY "pmap-main"))) (bar ((,POLLEN_MAP_PARENT_KEY "pmap-main"))) (one ((,POLLEN_MAP_PARENT_KEY "pmap-main")) (two ((,POLLEN_MAP_PARENT_KEY "one")) (three ((,POLLEN_MAP_PARENT_KEY "two")))))))) ;; this sets default input for following functions (define/contract (pmap-root->pmap tx) (tagged-xexpr? . -> . pmap?) (add-parents tx)) (define/contract (pmap-source-decode . elements) (() #:rest (and/c ;; todo: how to put these contracts under a let? ;; all elements must be valid pmap keys (flat-named-contract 'valid-pmap-keys (λ(e) (andmap (λ(x) (pmap-key? #:loud #t x)) (filter-not whitespace? (flatten e))))) ;; they must also be unique (flat-named-contract 'unique-pmap-keys (λ(e) (elements-unique? #:loud #t (map ->string ; to make keys comparable (filter-not whitespace? (flatten e))))))) . ->* . pmap?) (pmap-root->pmap (decode (cons 'pmap-root elements) #:xexpr-elements-proc (λ(xs) (filter-not whitespace? xs)) )))