#lang racket/base (require racket/file racket/path racket/vector racket/cmdline racket/match sugar/coerce "file-utils.rkt" "log.rkt" "../setup.rkt") ;; The use of dynamic-require throughout this file is intentional: ;; this way, low-dependency raco commands (like "version") are faster. ;; Whereas with `require` or `local-require`, everything would have to be front-loaded. ;; but ... maybe most of the latency is due to pollen/setup environment checking. ;; todo: investigate this (module+ raco (define command-name (with-handlers ([exn:fail? (λ (exn) #f)]) (vector-ref (current-command-line-arguments) 0))) (dispatch command-name)) (define (get-first-arg-or-current-dir [args (cdr (vector->list (current-command-line-arguments)))]) ; cdr to strip command name from front (normalize-path (with-handlers ([exn:fail? (λ (exn) (current-directory))]) ;; incoming path argument is handled as described in docs for current-directory (very-nice-path (car args))))) (define (dispatch command-name) (with-logging-to-port (current-error-port) (λ () (case command-name [("test" "xyzzy") (handle-test)] [(#f "help") (handle-help)] [("start") (handle-start)] ; parses its own args ;; "second" arg is actually third in command line args, so use cddr not cdr [("render") (handle-render)] ; render parses its own args from current-command-line-arguments [("version") (handle-version)] [("reset") (handle-reset (get-first-arg-or-current-dir))] [("setup") (handle-setup (get-first-arg-or-current-dir))] [("clone" "publish") (handle-publish)] [else (handle-unknown command-name)])) #:logger pollen-logger 'info 'pollen)) (define (very-nice-path x) (path->complete-path (simplify-path (cleanse-path (->path x))))) (define (handle-test) (displayln "raco pollen is installed correctly")) (define (handle-help) (displayln (format "Pollen commands: help show this message start [dir] [port] starts project server in dir (default is current dir) (default port is ~a) render [dir] render project in dir (default is current dir) render path ... render one or more paths (can be source or output name) publish copy project to ~a without source files publish [dir] [dest] copy project in dir to dest without source files (warning: overwrites existing dest) setup preload cache reset reset cache version print the version" (current-server-port) (make-publish-dir-name)))) (define (handle-version) (displayln (dynamic-require 'pollen/private/version 'pollen:version))) (define (handle-reset directory-maybe) (message "resetting cache ...") ((dynamic-require 'pollen/cache 'reset-cache) directory-maybe)) (define (handle-setup directory-maybe) (message "preheating cache ...") ((dynamic-require 'pollen/private/preheat-cache 'preheat-cache) directory-maybe)) (define (handle-render) (define render-batch (dynamic-require 'pollen/render 'render-batch)) (define string-join (dynamic-require 'string-join 'racket/string)) (define make-project-pagetree (dynamic-require 'pollen/pagetree 'make-project-pagetree)) (define render-target-wanted (make-parameter (current-poly-target))) (define render-with-subdirs? (make-parameter #f)) (define parsed-args (command-line #:program "raco pollen render" #:argv (vector-drop (current-command-line-arguments) 1) ; snip the 'render' from the front #:once-each [("-t" "--target") target-arg "Render target for poly sources" (render-target-wanted (->symbol target-arg))] [("-r" "--recursive") "Render subdirectories recursively" (render-with-subdirs? 'recursive)] [("-s" "--subdir") "Render subdirectories nonrecursively" (render-with-subdirs? 'include)] #:args other-args other-args)) (parameterize ([current-poly-target (render-target-wanted)]) ;; applies to both cases (let loop ([args parsed-args]) (match args [(== null) (loop (list (current-directory)))] [(list dir) ;; directory mode: one directory as argument #:when (directory-exists? dir) (define top-dir (very-nice-path dir)) (let render-one-dir ([dir top-dir]) (parameterize ([current-directory dir] [current-project-root (case (render-with-subdirs?) [(recursive) dir] [else top-dir])]) (define dirlist (directory-list dir)) (define preprocs (filter preproc-source? dirlist)) (define static-pagetrees (filter pagetree-source? dirlist)) ;; if there are no static pagetrees, use make-project-pagetree ;; (which will synthesize a pagetree if needed, which includes all sources) (define batch-to-render (map very-nice-path (cond [(null? static-pagetrees) (message (format "rendering generated pagetree for directory ~a" dir)) (cdr (make-project-pagetree dir))] [else (message (format "rendering preproc & pagetree files in directory ~a" dir)) (append preprocs static-pagetrees)]))) (apply render-batch batch-to-render) (when (render-with-subdirs?) (for ([path (in-list dirlist)] #:when (and (directory-exists? path) (not (omitted-path? path)))) (render-one-dir (->complete-path path))))))] [path-args ;; path mode (message (format "rendering ~a" (string-join (map ->string path-args) " "))) (apply render-batch (map very-nice-path path-args))])))) (define (handle-start) (define launch-wanted #f) (define localhost-wanted #f) (define clargs (command-line #:program "raco pollen start" #:argv (vector-drop (current-command-line-arguments) 1) ; snip the 'start' from the front #:once-each [("--launch" "-l") "Launch browser after start" (set! launch-wanted #t)] [("--local") "Restrict access to localhost" (set! localhost-wanted #t)] #:args other-args other-args)) (define dir (path->directory-path (get-first-arg-or-current-dir clargs))) (unless (directory-exists? dir) (error (format "~a is not a directory" dir))) (define http-port (with-handlers ([exn:fail? (λ (e) #f)]) (string->number (cadr clargs)))) (when (and http-port (not (exact-positive-integer? http-port))) (error (format "~a is not a valid port number" http-port))) (parameterize ([current-project-root dir] [current-server-port (or http-port (setup:project-server-port))] [current-server-listen-ip (and localhost-wanted "")]) (message "starting project server ...") ((dynamic-require 'pollen/private/project-server 'start-server) (format "/~a" (setup:main-pagetree dir)) launch-wanted))) (define (make-publish-dir-name [project-root (current-directory)] [arg-command-name #f]) (define user-publish-path (expand-user-path (->path (setup:publish-directory project-root)))) (if (complete-path? user-publish-path) user-publish-path (build-path (find-system-path 'desk-dir) (->path (case arg-command-name [("clone") "clone"] ; bw compat [else user-publish-path]))))) (define (delete-it! path) (match path [(? directory-exists?) (delete-directory/files path)] [(? file-exists?) (delete-file path)] ;; possible we'll get a file path whose parent directory ;; has been deleted (and so it too is already gone) [_ (void)])) (define (contains-directory? possible-superdir possible-subdir) (define (has-prefix? xs prefix) (and (>= (length xs) (length prefix)) (andmap equal? prefix (for/list ([(x idx) (in-indexed xs)] #:break (= idx (length prefix))) x)))) ((explode-path possible-subdir) . has-prefix? . (explode-path possible-superdir))) (define (handle-publish) (define command-name ; either "publish" or "clone" (vector-ref (current-command-line-arguments) 0)) (define force-target-overwrite? (make-parameter #true)) (define other-args (command-line ;; drop command name #:argv (vector-drop (current-command-line-arguments) 1) #:once-each [("-c" "--confirm") "Confirm overwrite of existing dest dir" (force-target-overwrite? #f)] #:args other-args other-args)) ;; other-args looks like (list [maybe-source-dir-arg] [maybe-dest-dir-arg]) (define source-dir (simplify-path (get-first-arg-or-current-dir other-args))) (define dest-dir (simplify-path ;; the source-dir might have its own pollen.rkt specifying a publish destination (with-handlers ([exn:fail? (λ (exn) (make-publish-dir-name source-dir command-name))]) (path->complete-path (string->path (cadr other-args)))))) (unless (directory-exists? source-dir) (error 'publish (format "source directory ~a does not exist" source-dir))) (when (source-dir . contains-directory? . dest-dir) (error 'publish "aborted because destination directory for publishing (~a) can't be inside source directory (~a)" dest-dir source-dir)) (when (dest-dir . contains-directory? . source-dir) (error 'publish "aborted because destination directory for publishing (~a) can't contain source directory (~a)" dest-dir source-dir)) (when (equal? dest-dir (current-directory)) (error 'publish "aborted because destination directory for publishing (~a) can't be the same as current directory (~a)" dest-dir (current-directory))) (message (string-append (format "publishing from ~a to ~a ..." source-dir dest-dir))) (define do-publish-operation? (or (not (directory-exists? dest-dir)) (force-target-overwrite?) (begin (display (format "destination directory ~a exists. Overwrite? [yes/no] " dest-dir)) (case (read) [(y yes) #true] [else #false])))) (cond [do-publish-operation? (when (directory-exists? dest-dir) (delete-directory/files dest-dir)) (copy-directory/files source-dir dest-dir) ;; if source-dir is provided, we want it to be treated as current-directory. ;; if no source-dir is provided, it is set to current-directory, ;; so the parameterize is a no-op. (parameterize* ([current-directory source-dir] [current-project-root (current-directory)]) (define (delete-from-publish-dir? p) (and (omitted-path? p) (not (extra-path? p)))) (for-each delete-it! (find-files delete-from-publish-dir? dest-dir))) (message "publish completed")] [else (message "publish aborted")])) (define (handle-unknown command) (match command [(regexp #rx"(shit|fuck)") (define responses '("Cursing at free software? Really?" "How uncouth." "Same to you, buddy.")) (displayln (list-ref responses (random (length responses))))] [_ (displayln (format "`~a` is an unknown command." command)) (display "These are the available ") ; ... "Pollen commands:" (handle-help) (exit 1)]))