#lang racket/base (require racket/port racket/file racket/rerequire racket/contract racket/path) ;(require "world.rkt" ) ;;todo: why is pollen/top operating in this file? (module+ test (require rackunit)) (provide render render-batch) ;; for shared use by eval & system (define nowhere-port (open-output-nowhere)) ;; mod-dates is a hash that takes lists of paths as keys, ;; and lists of modification times as values. ;; Reason: a templated page is a combination of two source files. ;; Because templates have a one-to-many relationship with source files, ;; Need to track template mod-date for each source file. ;; Otherwise a changed template will get reloaded only once, ;; and after that get reported as being up to date. ;; Possible: store hash on disk so mod records are preserved ;; between development sessions (prob a worthless optimization) (define mod-dates (make-hash)) (define/contract (make-mod-dates-key paths) ((listof path?) . -> . (listof path?)) (define project-require-files (or (get-project-require-files) empty)) (flatten (append paths project-require-files))) ;; convert a path to a modification date value (define/contract (path->mod-date-value path) (path? . -> . (or/c exact-integer? #f)) (and (file-exists? path) ; returns #f if a file doesn't exist (file-or-directory-modify-seconds path))) (module+ test (check-false (path->mod-date-value (->path "foobarfoo.rkt"))) (check-true (exact-integer? (path->mod-date-value (build-path (current-directory) (->path "render.rkt")))))) ;; put list of paths into mod-dates ;; need list as input (rather than individual path) ;; because hash key needs to be a list ;; so it's convenient to use a rest argument ;; therefore, use function by just listing out the paths (define/contract (store-render-in-mod-dates . rest-paths) (() #:rest (listof path?) . ->* . void?) ;; project require files are appended to the mod-date key. ;; Why? So a change in a require file will trigger a render ;; (which is the right thing to do, since pollen files are ;; dependent on those requires) ;; It's convenient for development, because otherwise ;; you'd need to restart the server when you change a require ;; or explicitly use the force parameter. ;; This way, require files and pollen files have the same behavior. (define key (make-mod-dates-key rest-paths)) (hash-set! mod-dates key (map path->mod-date-value key))) (module+ test (reset-mod-dates) (store-render-in-mod-dates (build-path (current-directory) (->path "render.rkt"))) (check-true (= (len mod-dates) 1)) (reset-mod-dates)) ;; when you want to generate everything fresh, ;; but without having to #:force everything. ;; render functions will always go when no mod-date is found. (define/contract (reset-mod-dates) (-> void?) (set! mod-dates (make-hash))) (module+ test (reset-mod-dates) (store-render-in-mod-dates (build-path (current-directory) (->path "render.rkt"))) (reset-mod-dates) (check-true (= (len mod-dates) 0))) ;; how to know whether a certain combination of paths needs a render ;; use rest argument here so calling pattern matches store-render (define/contract (mod-date-expired? . rest-paths) (() #:rest (listof path?) . ->* . boolean?) (define key (make-mod-dates-key rest-paths)) (or (not (key . in? . mod-dates)) ; no stored mod date (not (equal? (map path->mod-date-value key) (get mod-dates key))))) ; data has changed (module+ test (reset-mod-dates) (let ([path (build-path (current-directory) (->path "render.rkt"))]) (store-render-in-mod-dates path) (check-false (mod-date-expired? path)) (reset-mod-dates) (check-true (mod-date-expired? path)))) ;; convenience function for external modules to use (define/contract (render-batch . xs) (() #:rest (listof pathish?) . ->* . void?) ;; This will trigger rendering of all files. ;; Why not pass #:force #t through with render? ;; Because certain files will pass through multiple times (e.g., templates) ;; And with #:force, they would be rendered repeatedly. ;; Using reset-mod-dates is sort of like session control: ;; setting a state that persists through the whole operation. (reset-mod-dates) (for-each render xs)) ;; dispatches path to the right rendering function ;; use #:force to render regardless of cached state (define/contract (render #:force [force #f] . xs) (() (#:force boolean?) #:rest (listof pathish?) . ->* . void?) (define (&render x) (let ([path (->complete-path x)]) ; (message "Dispatching render for" (->string (file-name-from-path path))) (cond ;; this will catch preprocessor files [(needs-preproc? path) (render-preproc-source path #:force force)] ;; this will catch pollen source files, ;; and files without extension that correspond to p files [(needs-template? path) (render-with-template path #:force force)] ;; this will catch ptree files [(ptree-source? path) (let ([ptree (dynamic-require path 'main)]) (render-files-in-ptree ptree #:force force))] [(equal? FALLBACK_TEMPLATE (->string (file-name-from-path path))) (message "Render: using fallback template")] [(file-exists? path) (message "Serving static file" (->string (file-name-from-path path)))]))) (for-each &render xs)) ;; todo: write tests (define/contract (rendering-message path) (any/c . -> . void?) ;; you can actually stuff whatever string you want into path — ;; if it's not really a path, file-name-from-path won't choke (message "Rendering" (->string (file-name-from-path path)))) (define/contract (rendered-message path) (any/c . -> . void?) (message "Rendered" (->string (file-name-from-path path)))) (define/contract (up-to-date-message path) (any/c . -> . void?) (message (->string (file-name-from-path path)) "is up to date, using cached copy")) (define/contract (render-preproc-source x #:force [force #f]) (((and/c pathish? (flat-named-contract 'file-exists (λ(x) (file-exists? (->complete-path (->preproc-source-path x))))))) (#:force boolean?) . ->* . void?) ;; x might be either a preproc-source path or preproc-output path (define source-path (->complete-path (->preproc-source-path x))) (define-values (source-dir source-name _) (split-path source-path)) (define output-path (->complete-path (->output-path x))) (define source-reloaded? (handle-source-rerequire source-path)) ;; Four conditions under which we render preproc sources: (if (or ;; 1) explicitly forced render: force ;; 2) output file doesn't exist (so it definitely won't appear in mod-dates) ;; also, this is convenient for development: ;; you can trigger a render just by deleting the file (not (file-exists? output-path)) ;; 3) file otherwise needs render (e.g., it changed) (mod-date-expired? source-path) ;; 4) source had to be reloaded (some other change) source-reloaded?) ;; how we render: import 'main from preproc source file, ;; which is rendered during source parsing, ;; and write that to output path (begin (rendering-message (format "~a from ~a" (file-name-from-path output-path) (file-name-from-path source-path))) (let ([main (time (render-through-eval source-dir `(dynamic-require ,source-path 'main)))]) (display-to-file main output-path #:exists 'replace)) (store-render-in-mod-dates source-path) ; don't store mod date until render has completed! (rendered-message output-path)) ;; otherwise, skip file because there's no trigger for render (up-to-date-message output-path))) ;; todo: write tests ;; utility function for render-with-template (define/contract (handle-source-rerequire source-path) ((and/c path? file-exists?) . -> . boolean?) ;; dynamic-rerequire watches files to see if they change. ;; if so, then it reloads them. ;; therefore, it's useful in a development environment ;; because it reloads as needed, but otherwise not. (define-values (source-dir source-name _) (split-path source-path)) ;; need to require source file (to retrieve template name, which is in metas) ;; but use dynamic-rerequire now to force render for dynamic-require later, ;; otherwise the source file will cache ;; by default, rerequire reports reloads to error port. ;; set up a port to catch messages from dynamic-rerequire ;; and then examine this message to find out if anything was reloaded. (define port-for-catching-file-info (open-output-string)) ;; parameterize needed because source files have relative requires in project directory ;; parameterize is slow, IIRC (parameterize ([current-directory source-dir] [current-error-port port-for-catching-file-info]) (dynamic-rerequire source-path)) ;; if the file needed to be reloaded, there will be a message in the port ;; this becomes the return value (->boolean (> (len (get-output-string port-for-catching-file-info)) 0))) (define (complete-decoder-source-path x) (->complete-path (->decoder-source-path (->path x)))) ;; apply template (define/contract (render-with-template x [template-name #f] #:force [force #f]) (((and/c pathish? (flat-named-contract 'file-exists (λ(x) (file-exists? (complete-decoder-source-path x)))))) (path? #:force boolean?) . ->* . void?) ;; set up information about source (define source-path (complete-decoder-source-path x)) ;; todo: this won't work with source files nested down one level (define-values (source-dir ignored also-ignored) (split-path source-path)) ;; find out whether source had to be reloaded (define source-reloaded? (handle-source-rerequire source-path)) ;; Then the rest: ;; set the template, render the source file with template, and catch the output. ;; 1) Set the template. (define template-path (or ;; Build the possible paths and use the first one ;; that either exists, or has a preproc source that exists. (ormap (λ(p) (if (ormap file-exists? (list p (->preproc-source-path p))) p #f)) (filter (λ(x) (->boolean x)) ;; if any of the possibilities below are invalid, they return #f (list ;; path based on template-name (and template-name (build-path source-dir template-name)) ;; path based on metas (let ([source-metas (dynamic-require source-path 'metas)]) (and (TEMPLATE_META_KEY . in? . source-metas) (build-path source-dir (get source-metas TEMPLATE_META_KEY)))) ;; path using default template name = ;; "-main" + extension from output path (e.g. foo.xml.p -> -main.xml) (build-path source-dir (add-ext DEFAULT_TEMPLATE_PREFIX (get-ext (->output-path source-path))))))) ;; if none of these work, make fallback template file (let ([ft-path (build-path source-dir FALLBACK_TEMPLATE)]) (display-to-file fallback-template-data ft-path #:exists 'replace) ft-path))) ;; render template (it might have its own preprocessor file) (render template-path #:force force) ;; calculate new path for generated file (define output-path (->output-path source-path)) ;; 2) Render the source file with template, if needed. ;; Render is expensive, so we avoid it when we can. ;; Four conditions where we render: (if (or force ; a) it's explicitly demanded (not (file-exists? output-path)) ; b) output file does not exist ;; c) mod-dates indicates render is needed (mod-date-expired? source-path template-path) ;; d) dynamic-rerequire indicates the source had to be reloaded source-reloaded?) (begin (message "Rendering source" (->string (file-name-from-path source-path)) "with template" (->string (file-name-from-path template-path))) (let ([page-result (time (render-source-with-template source-path template-path))]) (display-to-file page-result output-path #:exists 'replace) (store-render-in-mod-dates source-path template-path) (rendered-message output-path))) (up-to-date-message output-path)) ;; delete fallback template if needed (let ([ft-path (build-path source-dir FALLBACK_TEMPLATE)]) (when (file-exists? ft-path) (delete-file ft-path)))) ;; cache some modules inside this namespace so they can be shared by namespace for eval ;; todo: macrofy this to avoid repeating names (require web-server/templates racket/list xml/path pollen/debug pollen/decode pollen/file-tools pollen/main-imports pollen/main-preproc-imports pollen/predicates pollen/ptree sugar pollen/template pollen/tools pollen/world) (define original-ns (current-namespace)) (define/contract (render-through-eval base-dir eval-string) (directory-pathish? list? . -> . string?) (parameterize ([current-namespace (make-base-empty-namespace)] [current-directory (->complete-path base-dir)] [current-output-port nowhere-port]) ;; attach already-imported modules ;; this is a performance optimization: this way, ;; the eval namespace doesn't have to re-import these ;; because otherwise, most of its time is spent traversing imports. (map (λ(mod-name) (namespace-attach-module original-ns mod-name)) '(racket/base web-server/templates xml/path racket/port racket/file racket/rerequire racket/contract racket/list pollen/debug pollen/decode pollen/file-tools pollen/main-imports pollen/main-preproc-imports pollen/predicates pollen/ptree sugar pollen/template pollen/tools pollen/world)) (namespace-require 'racket/base) ; use namespace-require for FIRST require, then eval after (eval '(require (for-syntax racket/base))) (eval eval-string (current-namespace)))) (define/contract (render-source-with-template source-path template-path) (file-exists? file-exists? . -> . string?) ;; set up information about source and template paths ;; todo: how to write these without blanks? (define-values (source-dir source-name _) (split-path source-path)) (define-values (___ template-name __) (split-path template-path)) ;; Templates are part of the compile operation. ;; Therefore no way to arbitrarily invoke template at run-time. ;; This routine creates a new namespace and compiles the template within it. (define string-to-eval `(begin ;; for include-template (used below) (require web-server/templates) ;; for ptree navigation functions, and template commands ;; todo: main-helper is here for #%top and bound/c — should they go elsewhere? (require pollen/debug pollen/ptree pollen/template pollen/top) ;; import source into eval space. This sets up main & metas (require ,(->string source-name)) (parameterize ([current-ptree (make-project-ptree ,PROJECT_ROOT)] [current-url-context ,PROJECT_ROOT]) (include-template #:command-char ,TEMPLATE_FIELD_DELIMITER ,(->string template-name))))) (render-through-eval source-dir string-to-eval)) ;; render files listed in a ptree file (define/contract (render-files-in-ptree ptree #:force [force #f]) ((ptree?) (#:force boolean?) . ->* . void?) ;; pass force parameter through (for-each (λ(i) (render i #:force force)) ;; use dynamic-require to avoid requiring ptree.rkt every time render.rkt is required ((dynamic-require "ptree.rkt" 'all-pages) ptree))) ;; todo: write test