#lang racket/base (require racket/class racket/gui/base racket/contract string-constants framework) #| Identical to scribble/private/indentation except it uses #\◊ rather than #\@ as the command char. In the unit tests, `scribble/base` became `pollen/markup` and `scribble/manual` became `pollen/markdown` to keep the number of characters consistent, and therefore the char positions within each sample. |# (provide determine-spaces paragraph-indentation keystrokes) (define paragraph-width-pref-name 'scribble-reindent-paragraph-width) (define paragraph-width-good-val? (and/c exact-nonnegative-integer? (>=/c 10))) (preferences:set-default paragraph-width-pref-name 60 paragraph-width-good-val?) ;; DrRacket loads this file when it encounters a suitable #lang ;; line, but the support for that doesn't correctly set up the ;; context when calling the "(λ (editor-panel) .." function, nor ;; when the callbacks of the GUI controls that that function adds. ;; So, we just disable it for now until there is time to figure out ;; a proper solution #; (preferences:add-to-editor-checkbox-panel (λ (editor-panel) (define hp (new horizontal-panel% [parent editor-panel] [stretchable-height #f])) (define tf (new text-field% [label (string-constant reflow-paragraph-maximum-width)] [parent hp] [init-value (format "~a" (preferences:get paragraph-width-pref-name))] [callback (λ (x y) (update-pref) (update-tf-bkg))])) (define (update-tf-bkg) (send tf set-field-background (send the-color-database find-color (cond [(paragraph-width-good-val? (string->number (send tf get-value))) "white"] [else "yellow"])))) (define (update-pref) (define current (preferences:get paragraph-width-pref-name)) (define candidate-num (string->number (send tf get-value))) (when (paragraph-width-good-val? candidate-num) (preferences:set paragraph-width-pref-name candidate-num))) (update-tf-bkg))) (define (reindent-paragraph t evt) (unless (send t is-stopped?) (define sp (send t get-start-position)) (when (= sp (send t get-end-position)) (paragraph-indentation t sp (preferences:get paragraph-width-pref-name))))) (define keystrokes (append (list (list "esc;q" reindent-paragraph) (list "?:a:q" reindent-paragraph)) (if (equal? (system-type) 'unix) (list (list "m:q" reindent-paragraph)) (list)))) ;;(paragraph-indentation a-racket:text posi width) → void? ;; pos : exact-integer? = current given position ;; width : exact-integer? = user defined line width limitation ;; Indent a whole paragraph (multiple lines that contains the given position) (define (paragraph-indentation txt pos width) (define pos-para (send txt position-paragraph pos)) (wait-for-colorer txt pos) (define-values (start-position end-position) (find-paragraph-boundaries txt pos)) (when (and start-position end-position) (send txt begin-edit-sequence) (join-paragraphs txt start-position end-position) (define new-end-position (compress-whitespace txt start-position end-position)) (define new-new-end-position (break-paragraphs txt start-position new-end-position width)) ;; reindent at newly inserted newlines (let ([end-para (send txt position-paragraph new-new-end-position)]) (let loop ([para (send txt position-paragraph start-position)]) (when (<= para end-para) (define sp (send txt paragraph-start-position para)) (define ep (send txt paragraph-end-position para)) (define s (determine-spaces txt sp)) (when s (define to-delete (let loop ([pos sp] [amt 0]) (cond [(= pos ep) amt] [(char-whitespace? (send txt get-character pos)) (loop (+ pos 1) (+ amt 1))] [else amt]))) (send txt delete sp (+ sp to-delete)) (send txt insert (make-string s #\space) sp sp)) (loop (+ para 1))))) (send txt end-edit-sequence))) ;; do this to ensure the colorer is sync'd, since ;; classify position returns bogus results if it isn't ;; this should ensure the colorer is sync up to `pos` (define (wait-for-colorer txt pos) (let ([bw (send txt backward-containing-sexp pos 0)]) (send txt forward-match (or bw pos) (send txt last-position)))) (define (find-paragraph-boundaries txt insertion-pos) ;; move back one position in the case that ;; we are at the end of the buffer or we are ;; at the end of a text region (define insertion-pos/one-earlier (cond [(= insertion-pos (send txt last-position)) (- insertion-pos 1)] [(and (equal? (send txt classify-position insertion-pos) 'parenthesis) (> insertion-pos 0) (is-text? txt (- insertion-pos 1))) (- insertion-pos 1)] [else insertion-pos])) ;; find a starting point that's in a 'text' region ;; and in the same paragraph as the insertion-pos/one-earlier (define pos (let loop ([pos insertion-pos/one-earlier]) (cond [(is-text? txt pos) pos] [else (define containing-start (send txt find-up-sexp pos)) (define pos-para (send txt position-paragraph pos)) (cond [(not containing-start) ;; we know there is no sexp outside us here (wait-for-colorer txt (min (+ pos 1) (send txt last-position))) (cond [(and (= pos (send txt paragraph-end-position pos-para)) (begin ;; when we are the end of a paragraph, it might be "morally" ;; text, but the colorerer can't tell us that without a ;; character actually being there to classify ;; so add one and check it (send txt insert " " pos pos) (wait-for-colorer txt pos) (begin0 (is-text? txt pos) (send txt delete pos (+ pos 1))))) pos] [else ;; at this point, we might be at the end of the word ;; `hello` in something like `◊hello[there]` ;; so scan backwards to see if the first paren we find ;; is an `◊` and, in that case, go one before it and try again (let loop ([pos (if (is-open? txt pos) (- pos 1) pos)]) (define cp (send txt classify-position pos)) (cond [(not (= (send txt position-paragraph pos) pos-para)) #f] [(member cp '(symbol keyword)) (if (= pos 0) #f (loop (- pos 1)))] [(equal? cp 'parenthesis) (if (and (> pos 0) (is-text? txt (- pos 1))) (- pos 1) #f)] [else #f]))])] [(= (send txt position-paragraph containing-start) pos-para) (loop containing-start)] [else (define containing-end (send txt forward-match containing-start (send txt last-position))) (cond [(not containing-end) #f] [(= (send txt position-paragraph containing-end) pos-para) (loop containing-end)] [else #f])])]))) (cond [pos ;; find limits on how far we will reflow the paragraph. ;; we definitely won't go beyond a blank line, but maybe ;; we have to stop before we find a blank line. This code ;; finds the spot we should stop at by looking at the sexp ;; structure of the program text. ;; ;; we are looking for an enclosing sexp that's in "racket" ;; mode, i.e. something like ◊f[(f x ◊emph{no, really!})] ;; if we start inside the `no really!` part, then we don't ;; want to reflow past that call to `f`. ;; ;; #f means no limit (define-values (start-sexp-boundary end-sexp-boundary) (let ([first-container (send txt find-up-sexp pos)]) (cond [first-container (define start-sexp-boundary (let loop ([pos pos]) (define container (send txt find-up-sexp pos)) (cond [container (define paren (send txt get-character container)) (cond [(and (equal? paren #\{) (not (= pos 0))) (loop container)] [else pos])] [else pos]))) (values start-sexp-boundary (send txt forward-match start-sexp-boundary (send txt last-position)))] [else (values #f #f)]))) ;; once we know the sexp-based limits, we look for any blank lines that ;; might cause us to stop earlier (define start-sexp-para (send txt position-paragraph (or start-sexp-boundary 0))) (define end-sexp-para (send txt position-paragraph (cond [end-sexp-boundary end-sexp-boundary] [else (define lp (send txt last-position)) (if (and (0 . < . lp) (equal? #\newline (send txt get-character (- lp 1)))) (- lp 1) lp)]))) (cond [(or (and start-sexp-boundary (empty-para? txt start-sexp-para)) (and end-sexp-boundary (empty-para? txt end-sexp-para))) ;; this shouldn't be possible (I think?) but be conservative in case it is (values #f #f)] [else (define start-position (let loop ([para (send txt position-paragraph pos)]) (cond [(= start-sexp-para para) (or start-sexp-boundary (send txt paragraph-start-position para))] [(empty-para? txt para) (send txt paragraph-start-position (+ para 1))] [else (loop (- para 1))]))) (define end-position (let loop ([para (send txt position-paragraph pos)]) (cond [(= para end-sexp-para) (or end-sexp-boundary (send txt paragraph-end-position para))] [(empty-para? txt para) (send txt paragraph-end-position (- para 1))] [else (loop (+ para 1))]))) (values start-position end-position)])] [else (values #f #f)])) (define (is-open? txt pos) (define cp (send txt classify-position pos)) (and (equal? cp 'parenthesis) (member (send txt get-character pos) '(#\( #\{ #\[)))) (define (empty-para? txt para) (for/and ([x (in-range (send txt paragraph-start-position para) (send txt paragraph-end-position para))]) (char-whitespace? (send txt get-character x)))) ;; note: this might change the number of characters in the text, if ;; it chooses to break right after a {; the result accounts for that. (define (break-paragraphs txt start-position end-position width) (define δ 0) (define (break-line pos is-whitespace?) (cond [is-whitespace? (send txt delete pos (+ pos 1))] [else (set! δ (+ δ 1))]) (send txt insert "\n" pos pos)) (let para-loop ([para (send txt position-paragraph start-position)] [first-legal-pos-in-para start-position]) (define para-start (send txt paragraph-start-position para)) (let char-loop ([pos (or first-legal-pos-in-para para-start)] [previous-candidate #f] [previous-candidate-is-whitespace? #f]) (cond [(and previous-candidate (> (- pos para-start) width)) (break-line previous-candidate previous-candidate-is-whitespace?) (para-loop (+ para 1) #f)] [(= pos end-position) (when (equal? previous-candidate (- pos 1)) (send txt delete (- pos 1) pos))] [else (define is-whitespace? (char-whitespace? (send txt get-character pos))) (define linebreak-candidate? (and (is-text? txt pos) (or is-whitespace? (and (pos . > . 0) (equal? 'parenthesis (send txt classify-position (- pos 1))) (equal? #\{ (send txt get-character (- pos 1))))))) (cond [(and linebreak-candidate? (> (- pos para-start) width)) (break-line pos is-whitespace?) (para-loop (+ para 1) #f)] [else (char-loop (+ pos 1) (if linebreak-candidate? pos previous-candidate) (if linebreak-candidate? is-whitespace? previous-candidate-is-whitespace?))])]))) (+ end-position δ)) ;; the colorer classifies nearly all text as 'text but ;; some whitespace that's in a text region is ;; classified as 'white-space instead, so search backwards ;; for either text or a { when we find 'white-space (define (is-text? txt pos) (define classified (send txt classify-position pos)) (or (equal? classified 'text) (and (equal? classified 'white-space) (let ([backward (send txt find-up-sexp pos)]) (and backward (equal? (send txt get-character backward) #\{) (equal? (send txt classify-position backward) 'parenthesis)))))) ;; invariant: does not change the the where the positions are in the editor ;; (except temporarily between the delete and insert) (define (join-paragraphs txt start-position end-position) (define start-para (send txt position-paragraph start-position)) (define end-para (send txt position-paragraph end-position)) (let loop ([para end-para]) (unless (= para start-para) (define start (send txt paragraph-start-position para)) (send txt delete (- start 1) start) (send txt insert " " (- start 1) (- start 1)) (loop (- para 1))))) (define (compress-whitespace txt start-position end-position) (let loop ([pos start-position] [end-position end-position] [last-whitespace? #f]) (cond [(< pos end-position) (define char (send txt get-character pos)) (define this-whitespace? (char-whitespace? char)) (when (and this-whitespace? (not last-whitespace?) (not (char=? #\space char))) (send txt delete pos (+ pos 1)) (send txt insert " " pos)) (cond [(and last-whitespace? this-whitespace? (is-text? txt pos)) (send txt delete pos (+ pos 1)) (loop pos (- end-position 1) #t)] [else (loop (+ pos 1) end-position this-whitespace?)])] [else end-position]))) ;;(rest-empty? a-racket:text line start) → boolean? ;; line : exact-integer? = (send text position-paragraph start) ;; start : exact-intefer? = the start position (define (rest-empty? txt line start) (let* ([line-start (add1 start)] [line-end (send txt paragraph-end-position line)] [line-classify (txt-position-classify txt line-start line-end)]) (not (para-not-empty? line-classify)))) ;;(determine-spaces : a-racket:text position) → exact-integer?/boolean? ;; position : exact-integer? = current position ;; Return exact integer represents number of #\space to put in front of current paragraph(line) or #f (define (determine-spaces txt posi) (define current-para (send txt position-paragraph posi)) (define para-start (send txt paragraph-start-position current-para)) (define para-start-skip-space (start-skip-spaces txt current-para 'forward)) (cond [para-start-skip-space (define char-classify (send txt classify-position para-start-skip-space)) (define prev-posi (send txt find-up-sexp para-start-skip-space)) (cond [prev-posi (define this-para (send txt position-paragraph prev-posi)) (cond [(equal? #\[ (send txt get-character prev-posi)) (define this-para-start (send txt paragraph-start-position this-para)) (if (= current-para this-para) 0 (if (rest-empty? txt this-para prev-posi) 1 (add1 (- prev-posi this-para-start))))] ;;if it is inside a racket function and not the first line of the racket function [(equal? #\( (send txt get-character prev-posi)) #f] [else (define curleys (number-of-curley-braces-if-there-are-only-curley-braces txt current-para)) (if curleys (max 0 (- (count-parens txt prev-posi) curleys)) (count-parens txt prev-posi))])] [(equal? 'text char-classify) 0] [else #f])] [else #f])) (define (number-of-curley-braces-if-there-are-only-curley-braces txt para) (define number-of-curley-braces 0) (define line-contains-only-curley-braces? (for/and ([p (in-range (send txt paragraph-start-position para) (send txt paragraph-end-position para))]) (define c (send txt get-character p)) (cond [(char-whitespace? c) #t] [(equal? c #\}) (set! number-of-curley-braces (+ number-of-curley-braces 1)) #t] [else #f]))) (and line-contains-only-curley-braces? number-of-curley-braces)) ;;(txt-position-classify a-racket:text start end) → void? ;; start : exact-integer? = position to start classify ;; end : exact-integer? = position to end classify ;; Basic position classify method that classify text within certain range (define (txt-position-classify txt start end) (for/list ([x (in-range start end 1)]) (send txt classify-position x))) ;;(is-at-sign? a-racket:text posi) → boolean? ;; posi : exact-integer? = a position in the text ;; Check if the given position is an ◊ ;; formerly called `is-at-sign?` (define (is-pollen-lozenge? txt posi) (and (equal? (send txt classify-position posi) 'parenthesis) (let-values ([(start end) (send txt get-token-range posi)]) (and (equal? start posi) (equal? end (+ posi 1)))) (equal? #\◊ (send txt get-character posi)))) ;;(para-not-empty? a-racket:text classify-lst) → boolean? ;; classify-lst : list? = (txt-position-classify text start end) ;; Check if current paragraph(line) is empty, we consider comment line as empty line (define (para-not-empty? classify-lst) ;;we consider 'other and 'comment as empty (and (or (member 'parenthesis classify-lst) (member 'string classify-lst) (member 'symbol classify-lst) (member 'text classify-lst)) #t)) ;;(start-skip-spaces a-racket:text para direction) → exact-integer? ;;para : exact-integer? = paragraph(line) number ;;direction : symbol? = 'forward/'backward ;;Return the first non-empty(#\space #\tab) character's position in given paragraph(line) (define (start-skip-spaces txt para direction) (let* ([para-start (send txt paragraph-start-position para)] [para-end (send txt paragraph-end-position para)]) (if (equal? direction 'forward) (for/first ([start-skip-space (in-range para-start para-end 1)] #:unless (member (send txt get-character start-skip-space) (list #\space #\tab))) start-skip-space) (for/first ([start-skip-space (in-range (sub1 para-end) para-start -1)];;ignore the newline #:unless (member (send txt get-character start-skip-space) (list #\space #\tab))) start-skip-space)))) ;;(delete-end-spaces a-racket:text para) → void? ;;para : exact-integer? = paragraph(line) number ;;Delete all #\space and #\tab at the end of given paragraph (define (delete-end-spaces txt para) (let* ([para-end (send txt paragraph-end-position para)] [last-non-white (start-skip-spaces txt para 'backward)]) (if last-non-white (send txt delete (+ last-non-white 1) para-end) #f))) ;;(delete-start-spaces a-racket:text para) → void? ;;para : exact-integer? = paragraph(line) number ;;Delete all #\space and #\tab at the beginning of given paragraph (define (delete-start-spaces txt para) (let* ([para-start (send txt paragraph-start-position para)] [first-non-white (start-skip-spaces txt para 'forward)]) (when (and first-non-white (> first-non-white para-start)) (send txt delete para-start first-non-white)))) ;;(count-parens a-racket:text posi) → exact-integer? ;;posi : exact-integer? = a position in given text ;;Return number of parenthesis till the outmost ◊ annotation, ;;if the there is "[", we check if it has "◊" after at the same ;;line, if so, we add the number of characters between "[" and ;;the beginning of the line it appears (define (count-parens txt posi) (define count 0) (do ([p posi (send txt find-up-sexp p)]);backward-containing-sexp p 0)]) ((not p) count) (cond [(equal? #\{ (send txt get-character p)) (set! count (add1 count))] [(equal? #\[ (send txt get-character p)) (let* ([this-para (send txt position-paragraph p)] [this-para-start (send txt paragraph-start-position this-para)]) (if (rest-empty? txt this-para p) (set! count (add1 count)) (set! count (+ (add1 (- p this-para-start)) count))))] [else #t]))) ;;(insert-break-text a-racket:text start width-end end) → exact-integer?/boolean? ;; start : exact-integer? = (send text paragraph-start-position given-paragraph-number) ;; width-end : exact-integer? = (+ start width) here width is the user defined line width limit ;; end : exact-integer? = (send text paragraph-end-position given-paragraph-number) ;;Return the proper position to insert #\newline into given text line, #f if not found (define (insert-break-text text start width-end end) (for/first ([break-ls (in-range width-end start -1)] #:when (equal? #\space (send text get-character break-ls))) break-ls)) ;;(insert-break-func a-racket:text start len width classify-lst) → exact-integer?/boolean? ;; start : exact-integer? = (send text paragraph-start-position given-paragraph-number) ;; len : exact-integer? = length of current paragraph(line) ;; width : exact-integer? = predefined value ;; classify-lst: list? = (txt-position-classify text start end) here end is the end position ;; of current paragraph(line) ;;Return the proper position to insert #\newline into given line, #f if not found (define (insert-break-func text start len width classify-lst) (let ([at-sign-posi (for/first ([sign-posi (in-range (+ start width) start -1)] #:when (is-pollen-lozenge? text sign-posi)) sign-posi)]) (if (and at-sign-posi (not (equal? 'white-space (list-ref classify-lst (sub1 (- at-sign-posi start)))))) at-sign-posi (for/first ([posi (in-range width (- len 1))] #:when (equal? 'text (list-ref classify-lst posi))) (+ start posi))))) ;;adjust-spaces for text ;;(adjust-spaces : a-racket:text para amount posi) → boolean? ;; para : exact-integer? = given paragraph(line) number ;; amount : exact-integer? = (determine-spaces text posi) ;; posi : exact-integer? = a position in the text ;; Delete #\spaces and #\tab in front of given paragraph(line) if not ;; equal to the amount given by determine-spaces. Then insert new amount of #\space ;; in front of the paragraph(line) (define (adjust-spaces text para amount posi) (define posi-skip-space (start-skip-spaces text para 'forward)) (when posi-skip-space (define origin-amount (- posi-skip-space posi)) (when (and amount (not (= origin-amount amount))) (send text delete posi posi-skip-space) (when (> amount 0) (send text insert (make-string amount #\space) posi)))) #t) (define/contract (insert-them t . strs) (->* ((is-a?/c text%)) #:rest (*list/c (and/c string? #rx"\n$") string?) void?) (for ([str (in-list strs)]) (define lp (send t last-position)) (send t insert str lp lp)) (send t freeze-colorer) (send t thaw-colorer)) (module+ test (require rackunit framework) ;test start-skip-spaces (check-equal? (let ([t (new racket:text%)]) (send t insert "test1 test2\n ◊test3\n") (start-skip-spaces t 1 'forward)) 13) (check-equal? (let ([t (new racket:text%)]) (send t insert "{abcd\n◊efgh\n}") (start-skip-spaces t 1 'forward)) 6) (check-equal? (let ([t (new racket:text%)]) (send t insert "{abcd\n efgh\n}") (start-skip-spaces t 1 'forward)) 8) (check-equal? (let ([t (new racket:text%)]) (send t insert "{abc\n \n}") (start-skip-spaces t 1 'forward)) #f) (check-equal? (let ([t (new racket:text%)]) (send t insert "{abc\nefgh \n}") (start-skip-spaces t 1 'backward)) 8) (check-equal? (let ([t (new racket:text%)]) (send t insert "{abcd\n\t\tefgh\n}");tab (start-skip-spaces t 1 'forward)) 8) (define txt_1 (new racket:text%)) (send txt_1 insert "#lang pollen/markup\n◊f{x}\n◊;ghj\ntyty\n\n") ;test is-at-sign (check-equal? (let ([t (new racket:text%)]) (send t insert "(x)") (is-pollen-lozenge? t 0)) #f) (check-equal? (is-pollen-lozenge? txt_1 20) #t) (check-equal? (is-pollen-lozenge? txt_1 22) #f) ;test determine-spaces (check-equal? (determine-spaces txt_1 15) #f) (check-equal? (determine-spaces txt_1 21) #f) (define txt_2 (new racket:text%)) (send txt_2 insert "#lang pollen/markup\n◊f{\n ◊a\n◊b\n}") (check-equal? (determine-spaces txt_2 25) 1) (check-equal? (determine-spaces txt_2 28) 1) (define txt_3 (new racket:text%)) (send txt_3 insert "#lang pollen/markup\n◊f[◊x\n◊y\n]") (check-equal? (determine-spaces txt_3 24) #f) (check-equal? (determine-spaces txt_3 27) 3) (define txt_4 (new racket:text%)) (send txt_4 insert "#lang pollen/markup\n◊itemlist[◊item{item1}\n◊item{item2}\n]") (check-equal? (determine-spaces txt_4 22) #f) (check-equal? (determine-spaces txt_4 44) 10) (define txt_5 (new racket:text%)) (send txt_5 insert "#lang pollen/markup\n◊boldlist{◊me{item1}\n◊me{item2}\n}") (check-equal? (determine-spaces txt_5 31) #f) (check-equal? (determine-spaces txt_5 46) 1) (define txt_6 (new racket:text%)) (send txt_6 insert "◊list{◊me{item1}\n\n◊me{item2}\n}") (check-equal? (determine-spaces txt_6 16) #f) (check-equal? (determine-spaces txt_6 17) #f);empty line! (check-equal? (determine-spaces txt_6 18) 1) (check-equal? (let ([txt_7 (new racket:text%)]) (send txt_7 insert "◊(define (foo . a)\n(bar b))") (determine-spaces txt_7 19)) #f) (define txt_8 (new racket:text%)) (send txt_8 insert "◊a{me}\n◊b[\n◊c{◊d{e} f\ng\nh}\n") (check-equal? (count-parens txt_8 22) 2) (check-equal? (count-parens txt_8 13) 2);;include current parenthesis (check-equal? (determine-spaces txt_8 22) 2) (check-equal? (determine-spaces txt_8 12) 1) (define txt_9 (new racket:text%)) (send txt_9 insert "◊a[\n(b c)\n(d\n[(e) f]\n[g h])\n]\n") (check-equal? (determine-spaces txt_9 13) #f) (check-equal? (determine-spaces txt_9 4) 1) ;;two test cases for count-parens (check-equal? (let ([t (new racket:text%)]) (send t insert "◊a[◊b{c d\ne f g}\n◊h{i j}]") (count-parens t 5)) 4) (check-equal? (let ([t (new racket:text%)]) (send t insert "◊a[◊b{\n◊c{d e f}\ng}]") (count-parens t 9)) 5) (check-equal? (let ([t (new racket:text%)]) (send t insert "◊a[\n ]\n") (determine-spaces t 4)) 1) (check-equal? (let ([t (new racket:text%)]) (send t insert "#lang pollen/markup\n\ntest1\n test2\n") (determine-spaces t 28)) 0) (check-equal? (let ([t (new racket:text%)]) (send t insert "#lang pollen/markup\n\ntestcase ◊a{b\n\n\n\n\n c}\n\n") (determine-spaces t 39)) 1) ;;test cases for:delete-end-spaces delete-start-spaces (check-equal? (let ([t (new racket:text%)]) (send t insert "{abcde \nfgh\n}") (delete-end-spaces t 0) (send t get-text)) "{abcde\nfgh\n}") (check-equal? (let ([t (new racket:text%)]) (send t insert "{abcde\t\t\t\t\nfgh\n}") (delete-end-spaces t 0) (send t get-text)) "{abcde\nfgh\n}") (check-equal? (let ([t (new racket:text%)]) (send t insert "{abcde \n\n3\n}") (delete-end-spaces t 0) (send t get-text)) "{abcde\n\n3\n}") (check-equal? (let ([t (new racket:text%)]) (send t insert " {abcde\nfgh\n}") (delete-start-spaces t 0) (send t get-text)) "{abcde\nfgh\n}") (check-equal? (let ([t (new racket:text%)]) (send t insert "◊a[\n ]\n") (delete-start-spaces t 1) (send t get-text)) "◊a[\n]\n") ;;adjust-spaces (check-equal? (let ([t (new racket:text%)]) (send t insert "◊a[\n ]\n") (adjust-spaces t 1 1 4) (adjust-spaces t 1 1 4) (send t get-text)) "◊a[\n ]\n") ; ; ; ; ; ;;; ; ;;; ; ;;; ;; ;;;;; ;;; ;;;;;;; ;; ;;; ;;; ;;;;;;; ;;; ;; ;;; ;; ; ;;;;;;; ;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;; ;;;;;;; ; ;;; ;;; ;; ;;; ;;; ;; ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; ;; ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; ; ;;; ;;; ;;;;; ;;; ;;;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;;; ; ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;;; ; ;;;;;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;;;;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;;;;;; ;;; ;;; ; ;;; ;; ;;;;;; ;;; ;;;;;; ;; ;;; ;;; ;;;;;; ;;; ;; ;;; ;;; ; ;;; ;;; ;;; ; ;;; ;;;;;; ;;; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;;; ;;; ; ; ;;; ; ;;; ;;; ;;; ; ;;; ;;; ;; ;; ;;; ;;;; ;;; ;; ;;;; ;;;;; ;;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; ;; ; ;;; ;;;;;;; ;;;;;;; ;; ;;; ;;;;;;; ;;;; ;;;;;;; ;;;; ;;; ;;;;; ;;;;;;; ; ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; ;; ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; ; ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;;;;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; ; ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; ; ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;;;;;; ;;;;;; ;;; ;;; ;;;; ;;; ;;; ;;;; ;;; ;;;;; ;;; ;;; ; ;;; ;;; ;;; ;; ;;; ;;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;;;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; ; ; ; ; (let ([t (new racket:text%)]) (insert-them t "#lang pollen/markup\n" "\n" "◊f{x}") (check-equal? (is-text? t 21) #f) (check-equal? (is-text? t 22) #f) (check-equal? (is-text? t 23) #f) (check-equal? (is-text? t 24) #t) (check-equal? (is-text? t 25) #f)) (let ([t (new racket:text%)]) (insert-them t "#lang pollen/markup\n" "\n" "◊f{ x }") (check-equal? (is-text? t 21) #f) (check-equal? (is-text? t 22) #f) (check-equal? (is-text? t 23) #f) (check-equal? (is-text? t 24) #t) (check-equal? (is-text? t 25) #t) (check-equal? (is-text? t 26) #t) (check-equal? (is-text? t 27) #f)) (let ([t (new racket:text%)]) (insert-them t "#lang pollen/markup\n" "\n" "◊f{\n\n\n}") (check-equal? (is-text? t 21) #f) (check-equal? (is-text? t 22) #f) (check-equal? (is-text? t 23) #f) (check-equal? (is-text? t 24) #t) (check-equal? (is-text? t 25) #t) (check-equal? (is-text? t 26) #t) (check-equal? (is-text? t 27) #f)) (let ([t (new racket:text%)]) (insert-them t "#lang pollen/markup\n" "\n" "◊f{\nx\n}") (check-equal? (is-text? t 21) #f) (check-equal? (is-text? t 22) #f) (check-equal? (is-text? t 23) #f) (check-equal? (is-text? t 24) #t) (check-equal? (is-text? t 25) #t) (check-equal? (is-text? t 26) #t) (check-equal? (is-text? t 27) #f)) (let ([t (new racket:text%)]) (insert-them t "#lang pollen/markup\n" "\n" "◊f{\n \n}") (check-equal? (is-text? t 21) #f) (check-equal? (is-text? t 22) #f) (check-equal? (is-text? t 23) #f) (check-equal? (is-text? t 24) #t) (check-equal? (is-text? t 25) #t) (check-equal? (is-text? t 26) #t) (check-equal? (is-text? t 27) #f)) (let ([t (new racket:text%)]) (insert-them t "#lang pollen/markup\n" "\n" "aaa bbb ccc\n" " ◊ddd[eee] fff\n" " ggg hhh iii jjj\n") (check-equal? (call-with-values (λ () (find-paragraph-boundaries t 23)) list) (list 21 65))) (let ([t (new racket:text%)]) (insert-them t "#lang pollen/markup\n" "\n" "aaa bbb ccc\n" " ◊ddd[eee] fff\n" " ggg hhh iii jjj") (check-equal? (call-with-values (λ () (find-paragraph-boundaries t 23)) list) (list 21 65))) (let ([t (new racket:text%)]) (insert-them t "#lang pollen/markup\n" "\n" "◊itemlist[◊item{aaa bbb ccc\n" " eee fff}\n" " ◊item{ggg hhh iii\n" " jjj kkk lll mmm nnn ooo\n" " ppp qqq\n" "rrr\n" "sss ttt uuu vvv}]\n") (check-equal? (call-with-values (λ () (find-paragraph-boundaries t 38)) list) (list 36 73))) (let ([t (new racket:text%)]) (send t insert "#lang pollen/markup\n") (for ([x (in-range 6)]) (send t insert "a " (send t last-position) (send t last-position))) (break-paragraphs t (send t paragraph-start-position 1) (send t last-position) 4) (check-equal? (send t get-text) (string-append "#lang pollen/markup\n" "a a\n" "a a\n" "a a"))) (let ([t (new racket:text%)]) (send t insert "#lang pollen/markup\n") (for ([x (in-range 6)]) (send t insert "a " (send t last-position) (send t last-position))) (break-paragraphs t (send t paragraph-start-position 1) (send t last-position) 8) (check-equal? (send t get-text) (string-append "#lang pollen/markup\n" "a a a a\n" "a a"))) (let ([t (new racket:text%)]) (send t insert "#lang pollen/markup\n") (for ([x (in-range 30)]) (send t insert "a " (send t last-position) (send t last-position))) (break-paragraphs t (send t paragraph-start-position 1) (send t last-position) 10) (check-equal? (send t get-text) (string-append "#lang pollen/markup\n" "a a a a a\n" "a a a a a\n" "a a a a a\n" "a a a a a\n" "a a a a a\n" "a a a a a"))) (let ([t (new racket:text%)]) (insert-them t "#lang pollen/markup\n" "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\n") (break-paragraphs t (send t paragraph-start-position 1) (send t last-position) 10) (check-equal? (send t get-text) (string-append "#lang pollen/markup\n" "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\n" "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\n"))) (let ([t (new racket:text%)]) (insert-them t "#lang pollen/markup\n" "aa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\n") (break-paragraphs t (send t paragraph-start-position 1) (send t last-position) 10) (check-equal? (send t get-text) (string-append "#lang pollen/markup\n" "aa\n" "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\n" "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\n"))) (check-equal? (let ([t (new racket:text%)]) (list (compress-whitespace t 0 (send t last-position)) (send t get-text))) '(0 "")) (let ([t (new racket:text%)]) (insert-them t "#lang pollen/markup\n" "abcdef") (check-equal? (list (compress-whitespace t (send t paragraph-start-position 1) (send t last-position)) (send t get-text)) (list (send t paragraph-end-position 1) "#lang pollen/markup\nabcdef"))) (let ([t (new racket:text%)]) (insert-them t "#lang pollen/markup\n" "a cd f") (check-equal? (list (compress-whitespace t (send t paragraph-start-position 1) (send t last-position)) (send t get-text)) (list (send t paragraph-end-position 1) "#lang pollen/markup\na cd f"))) (let ([t (new racket:text%)]) (insert-them t "#lang pollen/markup\n" "a f") (check-equal? (list (compress-whitespace t (send t paragraph-start-position 1) (send t last-position)) (send t get-text)) (list (+ (send t paragraph-start-position 1) 3) "#lang pollen/markup\na f"))) (let ([t (new racket:text%)]) (insert-them t "#lang pollen/markup\n" "a f") (check-equal? (list (compress-whitespace t (send t paragraph-start-position 1) (- (send t last-position) 1)) (send t get-text)) (list (+ (send t paragraph-start-position 1) 2) "#lang pollen/markup\na f"))) (let ([t (new racket:text%)]) (insert-them t "#lang pollen/markup\n" "a f") (check-equal? (list (compress-whitespace t (send t paragraph-start-position 1) (- (send t last-position) 2)) (send t get-text)) (list (+ (send t paragraph-start-position 1) 2) "#lang pollen/markup\na f"))) (check-equal? (let ([t (new racket:text%)]) (insert-them t "#lang pollen/markup\n" "\n" "aaa bbb ccc\n" " ◊ddd[eee] fff\n" " ggg hhh iii jjj\n") (paragraph-indentation t 23 23) (send t get-text)) (string-append "#lang pollen/markup\n" "\n" "aaa bbb ccc ◊ddd[eee]\n" "fff ggg hhh iii jjj\n")) (check-equal? (let ([t (new racket:text%)]) (insert-them t "#lang pollen/markup\n" "\n" "aaa bbb ccc\n" " ◊ddd[eee] fff\n" " ggg hhh iii jjj\n\n\n") (paragraph-indentation t 23 23) (send t get-text)) (string-append "#lang pollen/markup\n" "\n" "aaa bbb ccc ◊ddd[eee]\n" "fff ggg hhh iii jjj\n\n\n")) (check-equal? (let ([t (new racket:text%)]) (insert-them t "#lang pollen/markup\n" "\n" "◊itemlist[◊item{aaa bbb ccc\n" " eee fff}\n" " ◊item{ggg hhh iii\n" " jjj kkk lll mmm nnn ooo\n" " ppp qqq\n" "rrr\n" "sss ttt uuu vvv}]\n") (paragraph-indentation t 38 29) (send t get-text)) (string-append "#lang pollen/markup\n" "\n" "◊itemlist[◊item{aaa bbb ccc\n" " eee fff}\n" " ◊item{ggg hhh iii\n" " jjj kkk lll mmm nnn ooo\n" " ppp qqq\n" "rrr\n" "sss ttt uuu vvv}]\n")) (check-equal? (let ([t (new racket:text%)]) (insert-them t "#lang pollen/markup\n" "\n" "◊itemlist[◊item{aaa bbb ccc\n" " eee fff\n" " ◊item{ggg hhh iii\n" " jjj kkk lll mmm nnn ooo\n" " ppp qqq\n" "rrr\n" "sss ttt uuu vvv}}]\n") (paragraph-indentation t 38 29) (send t get-text)) (string-append "#lang pollen/markup\n" "\n" "◊itemlist[◊item{aaa bbb ccc\n" " eee fff ◊item{ggg hhh iii jjj\n" " kkk lll mmm nnn ooo ppp qqq\n" " rrr sss ttt uuu vvv}}]\n")) (check-equal? (let ([t (new racket:text%)]) (insert-them t "#lang pollen/markup\n" "\n" "jflkda fkfjdkla f fjdklsa ◊figure-ref{looping-constructs-sample}.\n") (paragraph-indentation t 60 60) (send t get-text)) (string-append "#lang pollen/markup\n" "\n" "jflkda fkfjdkla f fjdklsa ◊figure-ref{\n" " looping-constructs-sample}.\n")) (check-equal? (let ([t (new racket:text%)]) (send t insert "#lang pollen/markup\n\ntest1\n test2\n\t\ttest3\n") (paragraph-indentation t 22 6) (send t get-text)) "#lang pollen/markup\n\ntest1\ntest2\ntest3\n") (check-equal? (let ([t (new racket:text%)]) (send t insert "#lang pollen/markup\n\ntest1\n test2\n\t\ttest3\n") (paragraph-indentation t 22 20) (send t get-text)) "#lang pollen/markup\n\ntest1 test2 test3\n") (check-equal? (let ([t (new racket:text%)]) (send t insert "#lang pollen/markup\n\ntest1\n test2\n\t\ttest3 test4\n") (paragraph-indentation t 22 20) (send t get-text)) "#lang pollen/markup\n\ntest1 test2 test3\ntest4\n") (check-equal? (let ([t (new racket:text%)]) (send t insert "#lang pollen/markup\n\ntestcase ◊a{b\n\n\n\n\n c}\n\n") (paragraph-indentation t 39 14) (send t get-text)) "#lang pollen/markup\n\ntestcase ◊a{b\n\n\n\n\n c}\n\n") (check-equal? (let ([t (new racket:text%)]) (send t insert "#lang pollen/markup\n") (send t insert "\n") (send t insert "aa\n") (send t insert "bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb\n") (send t insert "Hello world lorem ipsum hello world lorem ipsum hi world\n") (send t insert "lorem ipsum hello world lorem ipsum hi world lorem ipsum\n") (send t insert "hello world lorem ipsum hello world lorem ipsum hello\n") (paragraph-indentation t 78 60) (send t get-text)) (string-append "#lang pollen/markup\n" "\n" "aa\n" "bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb\n" "Hello world lorem ipsum hello world lorem ipsum hi world\n" "lorem ipsum hello world lorem ipsum hi world lorem ipsum\n" "hello world lorem ipsum hello world lorem ipsum hello\n")) (check-equal? (let ([t (new racket:text%)]) (send t insert "#lang pollen/markup\n") (send t insert "\n") (send t insert " aa bb cc\n") (paragraph-indentation t 23 60) (send t get-text)) (string-append "#lang pollen/markup\n" "\n" "aa bb cc\n")) (let ([t (new racket:text%)]) (insert-them t "#lang pollen/markdown\n" "\n" (string-append "Abcd abcd abcd abcd abcd ◊racket[hello] abcd abcd abcd abcd. Abcd abcd abcd abcd abcd" " abcd abcd abcd abcd abcd abcd abcd.\n")) (paragraph-indentation t 57 60) (check-equal? (send t get-text) (string-append "#lang pollen/markdown\n" "\n" "Abcd abcd abcd abcd abcd ◊racket[hello] abcd abcd abcd abcd.\n" "Abcd abcd abcd abcd abcd abcd abcd abcd abcd abcd abcd abcd.\n"))) (let ([t (new racket:text%)]) (insert-them t "#lang pollen/markdown\n" "\n" "◊emph{\n" " ◊emph{\n" " ◊emph{\n" " ◊emph{\n" " ◊emph{\n" " blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah}}}}}") (paragraph-indentation t (send t last-position) 60) (check-equal? (send t get-text) (string-append "#lang pollen/markdown\n" "\n" "◊emph{ ◊emph{ ◊emph{ ◊emph{ ◊emph{ blah blah blah blah blah\n" " blah blah blah blah blah blah}}}}}"))) (let ([t (new racket:text%)]) (insert-them t "#lang pollen/markdown\n" "\n" "◊emph{\n" " ◊emph{\n" " ◊emph{\n" " ◊emph{\n" " ◊emph{\n" " blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah}}}}}") (paragraph-indentation t (- (send t last-position) 2) 60) (check-equal? (send t get-text) (string-append "#lang pollen/markdown\n" "\n" "◊emph{ ◊emph{ ◊emph{ ◊emph{ ◊emph{ blah blah blah blah blah\n" " blah blah blah blah blah blah}}}}}"))) (check-equal? (let ([t (new racket:text%)]) (send t insert "#lang pollen/markup\n◊a{b\n } \n") (determine-spaces t 26)) 0) (check-equal? (let ([t (new racket:text%)]) (send t insert "#lang pollen/markup\n◊a{b\n◊{\n}}\n") (determine-spaces t 30)) 0) ;;test insert-break (check-equal? (let ((t (new racket:text%))) (send t insert "aaa bbb ccc ddd") (let ([new-break (insert-break-text t 0 6 14)]) (send t delete (add1 new-break) 'back) (send t insert #\newline new-break) (send t get-text))) "aaa\nbbb ccc ddd");;prefer shorter than the "width limit" ;;for the situation there isn't any #\space on right side (check-equal? (let ((t (new racket:text%))) (send t insert "aaaa bbbb") (let ([new-break (insert-break-text t 0 5 8)]) (send t delete (add1 new-break) 'back) (send t insert #\newline new-break) (send t get-text))) "aaaa\nbbbb") (let ([t (new racket:text%)]) (define before-newline (string-append "#lang pollen/markup\n\n" "◊hyperlink" "[\"http://aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.com\"]{")) (define after-newline "link}\n") (send t insert (string-append before-newline after-newline)) (send t freeze-colorer) (send t set-position (string-length before-newline) (string-length before-newline)) (reindent-paragraph t 'whatever-not-an-evt) (check-equal? (send t get-text) (string-append before-newline "\n " after-newline))))