#lang racket/base (require sugar txexpr racket/list racket/string pollen/world xml html racket/file racket/match css-tools/html) (define (attrs->pollen attrs) (string-join (flatten (map (λ(pair) (list (format "'~a:" (car pair)) (format "\"~a\"" (cadr pair)))) attrs)) " ")) (define/contract+provide (xexpr->pollen x #:p-breaks [p-breaks #f]) ((xexpr?) (#:p-breaks boolean?) . ->* . string?) (let loop ([x x]) (cond [(and p-breaks (txexpr? x) (equal? (car x) 'p) (apply string-append `("\n" ,@(map ->string (map loop (get-elements x))) "\n")))] [(txexpr? x) (apply string-append (map ->string `(,world:expression-delimiter ,(get-tag x) ,@(if (not (null? (get-attrs x))) `("[" ,(attrs->pollen (get-attrs x)) "]") null) ,@(if (not (null? (get-elements x))) `("{" ,@(map loop (get-elements x)) "}" ) null))))] [(symbol? x) (loop (entity->integer x))] [(number? x) (format "~a" (integer->char x))] [else x]))) (define/contract+provide (html->pollen html-string #:p-breaks [p-breaks #f]) ((string?) (#:p-breaks boolean?) . ->* . string?) (use-html-spec #f) (define xexpr-results (let loop ([elem (read-html-as-xml (open-input-string html-string))]) (match elem [(struct pcdata (start stop string)) string] [(struct entity (start stop entity)) entity] [(struct attribute (start stop key value)) (list key value)] [(struct element (start stop name attributes content)) `(,name ,(map loop attributes) ,@(map loop content))] [(list elements ...) (map loop elements)] [else (format "unknown item: ~a" elem)]))) ; xexpr-results will be a list with whitespace elements, so strip those out (xexpr->pollen #:p-breaks p-breaks (car (filter-not (λ(x) (and (string? x) (regexp-match #px"\\s+" x))) xexpr-results)))) (module+ main ; (xexpr->pollen '(p "You are puppy")) ; (xexpr->pollen '(p ((class "foo")) "You are puppy")) ; (xexpr->pollen '(p ((class "foo")) "You are" "\n\n" "puppy")) ; (xexpr->pollen '(p ((class "foo")) "You are " (em "so") " puppy")) ; (display (html->pollen #:p-breaks #t (file->string "index.html")))) )