#lang racket/base (require (for-syntax racket/base racket/syntax)) (require racket/path) (require "../world.rkt" sugar/define sugar/file sugar/string sugar/coerce sugar/test) ;; because it comes up all the time (define+provide (dirname path) ;(coerce/path? . -> . path?) (define-values (dir name dir?) (split-path path)) dir) (define+provide (find-upward-from starting-path filename-to-find [exists-proc file-exists?]) ;; use exists-proc to permit less strict matching. ;; for instance, maybe it's ok to find the source for the path. ;((coerce/path? coerce/path?)((path? . -> . any/c)) . ->* . (or/c #f path?)) (parameterize ([current-directory (dirname (->complete-path starting-path))]) (let loop ([dir (current-directory)][path filename-to-find]) (and dir ; dir is #f when it hits the top of the filesystem (let ([completed-path (path->complete-path path)]) (if (exists-proc completed-path) (simplify-path completed-path) (loop (dirname dir) (build-path 'up path)))))))) ;; for files like svg that are not source in pollen terms, ;; but have a textual representation separate from their display. (define+provide (sourceish? x) ;(any/c . -> . coerce/boolean?) (define sourceish-extensions (list "svg")) (with-handlers ([exn:fail? (λ(e) #f)]) (and (member (get-ext x) sourceish-extensions) #t))) (module-test-external (check-true (sourceish? "foo.svg")) (check-false (sourceish? "foo.gif"))) ;; compare directories by their exploded path elements, ;; not by equal?, which will give wrong result if no slash on the end (define+provide (directories-equal? dirx diry) ;(coerce/path? coerce/path? . -> . coerce/boolean?) (equal? (explode-path dirx) (explode-path diry))) (module-test-external (check-true (directories-equal? "/Users/MB/foo" "/Users/MB/foo/")) (check-false (directories-equal? "/Users/MB/foo" "Users/MB/foo"))) (define (paths? x) (and (list? x) (andmap path? x))) (define (complete-paths? x) (and (list? x) (andmap complete-path? x))) (define+provide (path-visible? path) ;; make paths absolute to test whether files exist, ;; then convert back to relative (not (regexp-match #rx"^\\." (path->string path)))) (define+provide (visible-files dir) (let ([dir (->path dir)]) (filter path-visible? (map (λ(p) (find-relative-path dir p)) (filter file-exists? (directory-list dir #:build? #t)))))) (define+provide (escape-last-ext x [escape-char (world:current-extension-escape-char)]) ;((pathish?) (char?) . ->* . coerce/path?) ;; if x has a file extension, reattach it with the escape char (define current-ext (get-ext x)) (->path (if current-ext (format "~a~a~a" (->string (remove-ext x)) escape-char current-ext) x))) (module-test-external (require sugar/coerce) (check-equal? (escape-last-ext "foo") (->path "foo")) (check-equal? (escape-last-ext "foo.html") (->path "foo_html")) (check-equal? (escape-last-ext "foo.html" #\$) (->path "foo$html"))) (define second cadr) (define third caddr) (define (last x) (car (reverse x))) (define+provide (unescape-ext x [escape-char (world:current-extension-escape-char)]) ;((coerce/string?) (char?) . ->* . coerce/path?) ;; if x has an escaped extension, unescape it. (define-values (base name dir?) (split-path x)) (->path (cond [dir? x] [else (define x-parts (explode-path x)) (define filename (last x-parts)) (define escaped-extension-pat (pregexp (format "(.*)[~a](\\S+)$" escape-char))) (define results (regexp-match escaped-extension-pat (->string filename))) (if results (let* ([filename-without-ext (second results)] [ext (third results)] [new-filename (add-ext filename-without-ext ext)]) (if (eq? base 'relative) new-filename (build-path base new-filename))) x)]))) (module-test-external (require sugar/coerce) (check-equal? (unescape-ext "foo") (->path "foo")) (check-equal? (unescape-ext "foo_") (->path "foo_")) (check-equal? (unescape-ext "foo_#$%") (->path "foo.#$%")) (check-equal? (unescape-ext "foo.html") (->path "foo.html")) (check-equal? (unescape-ext "foo_html") (->path "foo.html")) (check-equal? (unescape-ext "foo_dir/bar") (->path "foo_dir/bar")) (check-equal? (unescape-ext "foo_dir/bar.html") (->path "foo_dir/bar.html")) (check-equal? (unescape-ext "foo_dir/bar_html") (->path "foo_dir/bar.html")) (check-equal? (unescape-ext "foo$html" #\$) (->path "foo.html")) (check-equal? (unescape-ext "foo_bar__html") (->path "foo_bar_.html")) (check-equal? (unescape-ext "foo$bar$$html" #\$) (->path "foo$bar$.html"))) (define+provide (ext-in-poly-targets? ext [x #f]) (member (->symbol ext) (apply world:current-poly-targets (if x (list x) null)))) (module-test-external (check-equal? (ext-in-poly-targets? 'html) '(html)) (check-equal? (ext-in-poly-targets? 'missing) #f)) (define+provide (has-poly-ext? x) (equal? (get-ext x) (->string (world:current-poly-source-ext)))) (module-test-external (check-true (has-poly-ext? "foo.poly")) (check-false (has-poly-ext? "foo.wrong"))) (define+provide (has-inner-poly-ext? x) (and (get-ext x) (has-poly-ext? (unescape-ext (remove-ext x))))) (module-test-external (check-true (has-inner-poly-ext? "foo.poly.pm")) (check-true (has-inner-poly-ext? "foo_poly.pp")) (check-false (has-inner-poly-ext? "foo.poly")) (check-false (has-inner-poly-ext? "foo.wrong.pm"))) (define-syntax (make-source-utility-functions stx) (syntax-case stx () [(_ stem) (with-syntax ([world:current-stem-source-ext (format-id stx "world:current-~a-source-ext" #'stem)] [stem-source? (format-id stx "~a-source?" #'stem)] [get-stem-source (format-id stx "get-~a-source" #'stem)] [has/is-stem-source? (format-id stx "has/is-~a-source?" #'stem)] [->stem-source-path (format-id stx "->~a-source-path" #'stem)] [->stem-source-paths (format-id stx "->~a-source-paths" #'stem)] [->stem-source+output-paths (format-id stx "->~a-source+output-paths" #'stem)]) #`(begin ;; does file have particular extension (define+provide/contract (stem-source? x) (any/c . -> . boolean?) (and (pathish? x) (has-ext? (->path x) (world:current-stem-source-ext)) #t)) ;; non-theoretical: want the first possible source that exists in the filesystem (define+provide/contract (get-stem-source x) (coerce/path? . -> . (or/c #f path?)) (let ([source-paths (->stem-source-paths x)]) (and source-paths (for/first ([sp (in-list source-paths)] #:when (file-exists? sp)) sp)))) ;; it's a file-ext source file, or a file that's the result of a file-ext source (define+provide (has/is-stem-source? x) (->boolean (and (pathish? x) (ormap (λ(proc) (proc (->path x))) (list stem-source? get-stem-source))))) ;; get first possible source path (does not check filesystem) (define+provide/contract (->stem-source-path x) (pathish? . -> . (or/c #f path?)) (define paths (->stem-source-paths x)) (and paths (car paths))) ;; get all possible source paths (does not check filesystem) (define (->stem-source-paths x) (define results (if (stem-source? x) (list x) ; already has the source extension #,(if (eq? (syntax->datum #'stem) 'scribble) #'(if (x . has-ext? . 'html) ; different logic for scribble sources (list (add-ext (remove-ext* x) (world:current-stem-source-ext))) #f) #'(let ([x-ext (get-ext x)] [source-ext (world:current-stem-source-ext)]) (append (list (add-ext x source-ext)) ; standard (if x-ext ; has existing ext, therefore needs escaped version (append (list (add-ext (escape-last-ext x) source-ext)) (if (ext-in-poly-targets? x-ext x) ; needs multi + escaped multi (let ([x-multi (add-ext (remove-ext x) (world:current-poly-source-ext))]) (list (add-ext x-multi (world:current-stem-source-ext)) (add-ext (escape-last-ext x-multi) source-ext))) null)) null)))))) (and results (map ->path results))) ;; coerce either a source or output file to both (define+provide (->stem-source+output-paths path) ;(pathish? . -> . (values path? path?)) ;; get the real source path if available, otherwise a theoretical path (values (->complete-path (or (get-stem-source path) (->stem-source-path path))) (->complete-path (->output-path path))))))])) (make-source-utility-functions preproc) (define+provide (->source+output-paths source-or-output-path) ;(complete-path? . -> . (values complete-path? complete-path?)) ;; file-proc returns two values, but ormap only wants one (define file-proc (ormap (λ(test file-proc) (and (test source-or-output-path) file-proc)) (list has/is-null-source? has/is-preproc-source? has/is-markup-source? has/is-scribble-source? has/is-markdown-source? ) (list ->null-source+output-paths ->preproc-source+output-paths ->markup-source+output-paths ->scribble-source+output-paths ->markdown-source+output-paths ))) (file-proc source-or-output-path)) (module-test-internal (require sugar/coerce) (check-equal? (->preproc-source-paths (->path "foo.pp")) (list (->path "foo.pp"))) (check-equal? (->preproc-source-paths (->path "foo.html")) (list (->path "foo.html.pp") (->path "foo_html.pp") (->path "foo.poly.pp") (->path "foo_poly.pp"))) (check-equal? (->preproc-source-paths "foo") (list (->path "foo.pp"))) (check-equal? (->preproc-source-paths 'foo) (list (->path "foo.pp")))) (make-source-utility-functions null) (make-source-utility-functions pagetree) (make-source-utility-functions markup) (module-test-internal (require sugar/coerce) (check-equal? (->markup-source-paths (->path "foo.pm")) (list (->path "foo.pm"))) (check-equal? (->markup-source-paths (->path "foo.html")) (list (->path "foo.html.pm") (->path "foo_html.pm") (->path "foo.poly.pm") (->path "foo_poly.pm"))) (check-equal? (->markup-source-paths "foo") (list (->path "foo.pm"))) (check-equal? (->markup-source-paths 'foo) (list (->path "foo.pm")))) (make-source-utility-functions markdown) (module-test-internal (require sugar/coerce) (check-equal? (->markdown-source-paths (->path "foo.pmd")) (list (->path "foo.pmd"))) (check-equal? (->markdown-source-paths (->path "foo.html")) (list (->path "foo.html.pmd") (->path "foo_html.pmd") (->path "foo.poly.pmd") (->path "foo_poly.pmd"))) (check-equal? (->markdown-source-paths "foo") (list (->path "foo.pmd"))) (check-equal? (->markdown-source-paths 'foo) (list (->path "foo.pmd")))) (make-source-utility-functions scribble) (define+provide/contract (get-source path) (coerce/path? . -> . (or/c #f path?)) (ormap (λ(proc) (proc path)) (list get-markup-source get-markdown-source get-preproc-source get-null-source get-scribble-source))) ;; for backward compatibility (define+provide ->source-path get-source) (define+provide/contract (->output-path x) (coerce/path? . -> . coerce/path?) (cond [(or (markup-source? x) (preproc-source? x) (null-source? x) (markdown-source? x)) (define output-path (unescape-ext (remove-ext x))) (if (has-poly-ext? output-path) (add-ext (remove-ext output-path) (or (world:current-poly-target) (car (world:current-poly-targets)))) output-path)] [(scribble-source? x) (add-ext (remove-ext x) 'html)] [else x])) (define+provide (project-files-with-ext ext) ;(coerce/symbol? . -> . complete-paths?) (map ->complete-path (filter (λ(i) (has-ext? i (->symbol ext))) (directory-list (world:current-project-root))))) (define (racket-source? x) (->boolean (and (pathish? x) (has-ext? (->path x) 'rkt)))) ;; to identify unsaved sources in DrRacket (define (unsaved-source? path-string) ((substring (->string path-string) 0 7) . equal? . "unsaved")) (define+provide (magic-directory? path) (and (directory-exists? path) (or (ends-with? (path->string path) "compiled")))) (define+provide (cache-file? path) (ormap (λ(cache-name) (ends-with? (path->string path) cache-name)) world:cache-names)) (define+provide (pollen-related-file? file) (ormap (λ(proc) (proc file)) (list preproc-source? markup-source? markdown-source? pagetree-source? scribble-source? null-source? racket-source? magic-directory? cache-file? (world:current-unpublished-path?))))