/* For the Racket manual style */ AddOnLoad(function() { /* Look for header elements that have x-source-module and x-part tag. For those elements, add a hidden element that explains how to link to the section, and set the element's onclick() to display the explanation. */ var tag_names = ["h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5"]; for (var j = 0; j < tag_names.length; j++) { elems = document.getElementsByTagName(tag_names[j]); for (var i = 0; i < elems.length; i++) { var elem = elems.item(i); AddPartTitleOnClick(elem); } } }) function AddPartTitleOnClick(elem) { var mod_path = elem.getAttribute("x-source-module"); var tag = elem.getAttribute("x-part-tag"); if (mod_path && tag) { // Might not be present: var prefixes = elem.getAttribute("x-part-prefixes"); var info = document.createElement("div"); info.className = "RPartExplain"; /* The "top" tag refers to a whole document: */ var is_top = (tag == "\"top\""); info.appendChild(document.createTextNode("Link to this " + (is_top ? "document" : "section") + " with ")); /* Break `secref` into two lines if the module path and tag are long enough: */ var is_long = (is_top ? false : ((mod_path.length + tag.length + (prefixes ? (16 + prefixes.length) : 0)) > 60)); var line1 = document.createElement("div"); var line1x = ((is_long && prefixes) ? document.createElement("div") : line1); var line2 = (is_long ? document.createElement("div") : line1); function add(dest, str, cn) { var s = document.createElement("span"); s.className = cn; s.style.whiteSpace = "nowrap"; s.appendChild(document.createTextNode(str)); dest.appendChild(s); } /* Construct a `secref` call with suitable syntax coloring: */ add(line1, "\xA0@", "RktRdr"); add(line1, (is_top ? "other-doc" : "secref"), "RktSym"); add(line1, "[", "RktPn"); if (!is_top) add(line1, tag, "RktVal"); if (is_long) { /* indent additional lines: */ if (prefixes) add(line1x, "\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0", "RktPn"); add(line2, "\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0", "RktPn"); } if (prefixes) { add(line1x, " #:tag-prefixes ", "RktPn"); add(line1x, "'", "RktVal"); add(line1x, prefixes, "RktVal"); } if (!is_top) add(line2, " #:doc ", "RktPn"); add(line2, "'", "RktVal"); add(line2, mod_path, "RktVal"); add(line2, "]", "RktPn"); info.appendChild(line1); if (is_long) info.appendChild(line1x); if (is_long) info.appendChild(line2); info.style.display = "none"; /* Add the new element afterthe header: */ var n = elem.nextSibling; if (n) elem.parentNode.insertBefore(info, n); else elem.parentNode.appendChild(info); /* Clicking the header shows the explanation element: */ elem.onclick = function () { if (info.style.display == "none") info.style.display = "block"; else info.style.display = "none"; } } }