#lang racket/base (require racket/file racket/path racket/place racket/match "file-utils.rkt" "cache-utils.rkt" "log.rkt") (provide preheat-cache) (define (path-cached? path) ;; #true = already cached; #false = not cached ;; seems like it would be slow to load cache.rktd but it's not. (define-values (_ private-cache-dir) (make-cache-dirs path)) (define cache-db-file (build-path private-cache-dir "cache.rktd")) (and (file-exists? cache-db-file) (hash-has-key? (file->value cache-db-file) (paths->key 'source path)))) (define (preheat-cache starting-dir [wants-parallel-setup? #false] [wants-dry-run? #false]) (unless (and (path-string? starting-dir) (directory-exists? starting-dir)) (raise-argument-error 'preheat-cache "directory" starting-dir)) ;; if a file is already in the cache, no need to hit it again. ;; this allows partially completed preheat jobs to resume. (define uncached-paths (for/list ([path (in-directory starting-dir (λ (p) (not (special-path? p))))] #:when (for/or ([proc (in-list (list preproc-source? markup-source? markdown-source? pagetree-source?))]) (proc path)) #:unless (path-cached? path)) (path->complete-path path))) (cond [wants-dry-run? (for-each message uncached-paths)] [(null? uncached-paths) (message "all cached files are up to date")] [wants-parallel-setup? (define job-count (min (length uncached-paths) (match wants-parallel-setup? [#true (processor-count)] [(? exact-positive-integer? count) count] [_ (raise-argument-error 'preheat-cache "exact positive integer" wants-parallel-setup?)]))) (define worker-evts (for/list ([wpidx (in-range job-count)]) (define wp (place ch (let loop () (define path (place-channel-put/get ch (list 'want-job))) (place-channel-put ch (list 'job-finished path (with-handlers ([exn:fail? (λ (e) #f)]) (path->hash path)))) (loop)))) (handle-evt wp (λ (val) (list* wpidx wp val))))) (let loop ([paths uncached-paths][actives null]) (unless (and (null? paths) (null? actives)) (match (apply sync worker-evts) [(list wpidx wp 'want-job) (match paths [(? null?) (loop null actives)] [(cons path rest) (place-channel-put wp path) (message (format "caching @ job ~a: ~a" (add1 wpidx) (find-relative-path starting-dir path))) (loop rest (cons wpidx actives))])] [(list wpidx wp 'job-finished path result) (if result (cache-ref! (paths->key 'source path) (λ () result)) (message (format "caching failed on job ~a: ~a" (add1 wpidx) (find-relative-path starting-dir path)))) (loop paths (remq wpidx actives))])))] [else (for ([path (in-list uncached-paths)]) (message (format "caching: ~a" (find-relative-path starting-dir path))) (match (with-handlers ([exn:fail? (λ (e) #f)]) (path->hash path)) [#false (message (format "caching failed: ~a" (find-relative-path starting-dir path)))] [result (cache-ref! (paths->key 'source path) (λ () result))]))]))