
Matthew Butterick 10 years ago
parent 7dc3ba800b
commit e9b7b40c02

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
(define/contract+provide (get-project-require-files source-path) ; keep contract local to ensure coercion
(coerce/path? . -> . (or/c #f (listof path?)))
(define possible-requires (list (simplify-path (build-path source-path 'up world:pollen-require))))
(define possible-requires (list (simplify-path (build-path source-path 'up world:project-require))))
(and (andmap file-exists? possible-requires) possible-requires))

@ -19,12 +19,12 @@ All identifiers are exported with the prefix @racket[world:], and are so documen
The two exports from a compiled Pollen source file.
@(defthing world:pollen-require string? #:value "pollen-require.rkt")
@(defthing world:project-require string? #:value "project-require.rkt")
File implicitly required into every Pollen source file from its directory.
@defparam[world:check-project-requires-in-render? check? boolean?
#:value #t]{
A parameter that determines whether the @racket[world:pollen-require] file is checked for changes on every pass through @racket[render]. (Can be faster to turn this off if you don't need it.) Initialized to @racket[#t].}
A parameter that determines whether the @racket[world:project-require] file is checked for changes on every pass through @racket[render]. (Can be faster to turn this off if you don't need it.) Initialized to @racket[#t].}
@defthing[world:server-extras-dir dir string? #:value "server-extras"]
Name of directory where server support files live.

@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
(define main-pollen-export 'doc) ; don't forget to change fallback template too
(define meta-pollen-export 'metas)
(define pollen-require "pollen-require.rkt")
(define project-require "project-require.rkt")
(define newline "\n")
(define linebreak-separator newline)
