remove some dependencies

Matthew Butterick 10 years ago
parent 8ff7e818d5
commit be6946cf49

@ -7,43 +7,39 @@
(module inner pollen/lang/doclang_raw
;; first three lines are positional arguments for doclang_raw
;; doclang_raw is a version of scribble/doclang with the decoder disabled
main-raw ; id of export
(λ(x) x) ; post-process function
() ; prepended exprs
(require pollen/lang/lang-helper)
(provide (all-defined-out))
;; Change behavior of undefined identifiers
;; Change behavior of undefined identifiers with #%top
(require pollen/top)
(provide (all-from-out pollen/top))
;; Build 'inner-here-path and 'inner-here
(define inner-here-path (get-here-path))
(require (only-in pollen/world PROJECT_ROOT))
(require (only-in racket/path find-relative-path))
(require (only-in pollen/file-tools ->output-path))
(define inner-here (path->string (->output-path (find-relative-path PROJECT_ROOT inner-here-path))))
(define inner-here (path->string (path-replace-suffix (find-relative-path (current-directory) inner-here-path) "")))
(provide (all-defined-out))
body-exprs ...)
(require 'inner)
;; Split out the metas. We want to catch user-defined metas too.
;; First, append "here-path" and "here" as metas.
;; Because they might have been overridden by custom metas in the source.
;; Split out the metas.
(require txexpr)
(define one-with-everything `(placeholder-root
(meta "here-path" ,inner-here-path)
(meta "here" ,inner-here)
,@(cdr main-raw))) ;; cdr strips initial linebreak
(define is-meta-element? (λ(x) (and (txexpr? x) (equal? 'meta (get-tag x)))))
(define main-txexpr `(placeholder-root ,@(cdr main-raw))) ;; cdr strips initial linebreak
(define is-meta-element? (λ(x) (and (txexpr? x) (equal? 'meta (car x)))))
(define-values (main-without-metas meta-elements)
(splitf-txexpr one-with-everything is-meta-element?))
(splitf-txexpr main-txexpr is-meta-element?))
(define meta-element->assoc (λ(x) (cons (cadr x) (caddr x))))
(define metas (make-hash (map meta-element->assoc meta-elements)))
;; Prepend 'here-path and 'here as metas so they can be overridden by metas embedded in source.
(define metas (make-hash (map meta-element->assoc (cons `(meta "here-path" ,inner-here-path)
(cons `(meta "here" ,inner-here) meta-elements)))))
;; set up the 'main export
@ -53,7 +49,7 @@
;; 'root is the hook for the decoder function.
;; If it's not a defined identifier, it just hits #%top and becomes `(root ,@body ...)
;; for textual (preprocessor-style) output. Converts x-expressions to HTML.
;; for preprocessor output, just make a string. Converts x-expressions to HTML.
(λ xs (apply string-append (map (dynamic-require 'xml 'xexpr->string) xs))))
(cdr main-without-metas))) ;; cdr strips placeholder-root tag
