bump version to 1.4

pull/178/head v1.4
Matthew Butterick 6 years ago
parent e786692520
commit ac6f6f209a

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
#lang info
(define collection 'multi)
(define version "1.3")
(define version "1.4")
(define deps '("base"
["txexpr" #:version "0.2"]
["sugar" #:version "0.2"]

@ -1 +1 @@

@ -1,10 +1,13 @@
#lang racket/base
(require racket/file racket/format racket/runtime-path)
(require racket/match racket/string setup/getinfo racket/file racket/format racket/runtime-path)
(provide pollen:version pollen:version-strict)
(define-runtime-path ts-file "ts.rktd")
(define major-version 1)
(define minor-version 3)
(define-runtime-path pollen-dir "../../../pollen")
(define version-string ((get-info/full pollen-dir) 'version))
(match-define (list major-version minor-version)
(map string->number (string-split version-string ".")))
(define pollen:version-strict (format "~a.~a" major-version minor-version))
@ -17,4 +20,3 @@
(format "~a.~a.~a" pollen:version-strict build-days minutes-remainder))
(define pollen:version (generate-full-version))

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
#lang scribble/manual
@(require scribble/eval pollen/cache pollen/setup (for-label racket (except-in pollen #%module-begin) pollen/render txexpr xml pollen/pagetree sugar/coerce pollen/core pollen/setup))
@(require "mb-tools.rkt")
@(define my-eval (make-base-eval))
@(my-eval `(require pollen pollen/core xml))
@ -51,6 +52,7 @@ The inserted text can contain its own nested Pollen commands.
@defform[(for*/splice (for-clause ...) body-or-break ... body)])]
Like @racket[for/list] and @racket[for*/list], but the resulting list is spliced into the document.
@pollen-history[#:added "1.4"]
@section{Data helpers}
@ -162,5 +164,6 @@ Holds the @racket[metas] of the current Pollen source. In tag functions, rather
@racket[(current-metas)] will also work in templates, holding the @racket[metas] of the source currently being rendered into the template.
Note that the default value is @racket[#f]. This indicates that no metas value is available. It is up to you to code your tag functions to do something sensible if this circumstance arises.
The default value is @racket[#f]. This means that no metas value is available. It's your responsibility to handle this circumstance sensibly.
@pollen-history[#:added "1.4"]

@ -118,6 +118,7 @@ If the cache can't find a certain file on the watchlist, it will be ignored. The
(define cache-watchlist (map resolve-module-path '("my-module.rkt"))))
@pollen-history[#:added "1.4"]

@ -24,6 +24,11 @@ Beyond keeping the commit history available, I make no promise to maintain the p
@subsection{Version 1.4}
Added @racket[setup:cache-watchlist], @racket[for/splice], @racket[for*/splice], @racket[current-metas].
@subsection{Version 1.3}
Various optimizations and bugfixes.
