Matthew Butterick 10 years ago
parent 39b98a5a8a
commit 898d652e40

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
#lang scribble/manual
One curious aspect of free software is that you can appropriate the benefits of other people's work while making it look like your own. No such legerdemain here. Whatever effort I've put into Pollen is dwarfed by the epic accomplishments of the Racket development team. I thank all of them — especially @link["https://www.cs.utah.edu/~mflatt/"]{Matthew Flatt}, @link["http://faculty.cs.byu.edu/~jay/home/"]{Jay McCarthy}, and @link["http://www.ccs.neu.edu/home/matthias/"]{Matthias Felleisen} — for making this tremendous tool available, for adding several features I suggested, and for patiently answering my dumb questions over the months.
But the best tools do more than get the job done. They create an incentive to undertake jobs you wouldn't have attempted before. Racket encouraged me to become a better programmer so I could create Pollen. Likewise, I hope that Pollen encourages you to make things you couldn't before.

@ -46,6 +46,9 @@ Install Pollen from the command line:
After that, you can update the package from the command line:
@verbatim{raco pkg update pollen}

@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ Click the @onscreen{Run} button. In the interactions window, you'll see the resu
Not bad. I think Pollen just won the @link["http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Hello_world_program_examples"]{Hello World Competition}.
You can work with Pollen source files in any text editor. The key advantage of DrRacket is that you can run them too, and see if they work the way you expect.
You can work with Pollen source files in any text editor. The key advantage of DrRacket is that you can preview the results by running the file.
Try editing your source file:
@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ You've just learned three things:
@item{Pollen commands in the terminal begin with @tt{raco pollen}, followed by a specific command (in this case @tt{render}) and sometimes an argument (in this case @tt{hello.txt.pp}).}
@item{The @tt{render} command takes the result from your source file — meaning, the result you previewed in DrRacket in the previous step — and saves it to an output file.}
@item{The @tt{render} command takes the ouput from your source file — meaning, the result you previewed in DrRacket in the previous step — and saves it to another file.}
@item{The name of the output file is the same as the source file, minus the Pollen source extension. So @tt{hello.txt.pp} becomes @tt{hello.txt}.}
@ -89,12 +89,62 @@ Try editing the text in the @tt{hello.txt.pp} source file and running @tt{raco p
@section{Using the development server}
@section{The project server}
You've just learned two ways to see the output of a Pollen source file — first, you ran it in DrRacket. Then, you rendered it to an output file.
Now here's a third: the Pollen development server.
Now here's a third: the Pollen project server. Here's how you start it. Return to your terminal window and issue two commands:
> cd [directory containing your hello.txt.pp file]
> raco pollen start}
After a moment, you'll see the startup message:
Welcome to Pollen 0.001 (Racket
Project root is /path/to/your/directory
Project server is http://localhost:8080 (Ctrl-C to exit)
Project dashboard is http://localhost:8080/index.ptree
Ready to rock}
Open a web browser and point it at @tt{http://localhost:8080/index.ptree}. The top of the window will say @tt{Project root}. Below that will be a listing of the files in the directory.
Among them will be @tt{hello.txt}, with a greyed-out @tt{.pp} extension. Click on it, and you'll be taken to @tt{http://localhost:8080/hello.txt}, where you'll see:
Goodbye Stranger
Breakfast in America
Take the Long Way Home
That's the boring part. Here's the good part. Leave the project server running. Open your source file again in DrRacket and edit it as follows:
Mean Street
Hear About It Later]
Go back to your web browser and reload @tt{http://localhost:8080/hello.txt}. Now you'll see this:
Mean Street
Hear About It Later}
The Pollen project server dyamically regenerates output files as you need them, including any time the underlying source file changes. If you like, try making some more changes to your @tt{hello.txt.pp} source file, and reloading the browser to see the updates.
That's it for input & output. Now let's circle back and see what Pollen source files can do, other than printing plain text.
For the rest of this tutorial, I recommend keeping two windows on screen: a browser window with your project server, and the DrRacket editing window.
@section{Preprocessor files}
@section{Markup files}
