fix names in docs

pull/226/head v3.0
Matthew Butterick 4 years ago
parent 32e14bee7b
commit 68e81a114e

@ -1 +1 @@

@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
The slowest part of a Pollen @racket[render] is compiling a source file. Because Pollen allows source files to be edited and previewed dynamically, these files get recompiled a lot. Therefore, Pollen stores copies of the exports of source files — namely, whatever is stored in @code[(format "~a" default-main-export)] and @code[(format "~a" default-meta-export)] — in a cache so they can be reused.
The slowest part of a Pollen @racket[render] is compiling a source file. Because Pollen allows source files to be edited and previewed dynamically, these files get recompiled a lot. Therefore, Pollen stores copies of the exports of source files — namely, whatever is stored in @code[(format "~a" pollen-main-export)] and @code[(format "~a" pollen-meta-export)] — in a cache so they can be reused.
In each directory of your project, Pollen writes cache files into a subdirectory called @filepath{compiled}. The files are stored on disk so they can be reused between sessions. If you delete files within a cache directory (or the whole thing), don't worry — everything will get regenerated. (However, I don't recommend trying to read or write directly to any @filepath{compiled} directory, as the implementation details of the cache are subject to change.)
@ -70,8 +70,6 @@ Attempt to retrieve the requested value out of the cache. If it's not there, or
These functions are the lower-level cousins of @racket[get-doc] and @racket[get-metas], which have a more convenient interface. Unless you have a special reason, you're better off using those.
Despite their names, these functions actually rely on @racket[setup:main-export] and @racket[setup:meta-export] (which default to @id[default-main-export] and @id[default-meta-export]). Thus, if you override those names, everything will still work as expected.
If you want the speed benefit of the cache, you should use @racket[cached-doc] and @racket[cached-metas] to get data from Pollen source files in preference to functions like @racket[require], @racket[local-require], and @racket[dynamic-require]. Those will also work. They'll just be slower.

@ -15,17 +15,17 @@ Pollen handles six kinds of source files:
@item{@bold{Preprocessor}, with file extension @ext[default-preproc-source-ext]}
@item{@bold{Preprocessor}, with file extension @ext[pollen-preproc-source-ext]}
@item{@bold{Markup}, with file extension @ext[default-markup-source-ext]}
@item{@bold{Markup}, with file extension @ext[pollen-markup-source-ext]}
@item{@bold{Markdown}, with file extension @ext[default-markdown-source-ext]}
@item{@bold{Markdown}, with file extension @ext[pollen-markdown-source-ext]}
@item{@bold{Null}, with file extension @ext[default-null-source-ext]}
@item{@bold{Null}, with file extension @ext[pollen-null-source-ext]}
@item{@bold{Scribble}, with file extension @ext[default-scribble-source-ext]}
@item{@bold{Scribble}, with file extension @ext[pollen-scribble-source-ext]}
@item{@bold{Pagetree}, with file extension @ext[default-pagetree-source-ext]. This is the only source type that does not produce an output file.}
@item{@bold{Pagetree}, with file extension @ext[pollen-pagetree-source-ext]. This is the only source type that does not produce an output file.}
@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ In all cases, if there is no corresponding source, return @racket[#f].
Convert a source path @racket[_p] into its corresponding output path. This function simply generates a path for a file — it does not ask whether the file exists.
If @racket[_p] has a @seclink["The_poly_output_type"]{@id[default-poly-source-ext] output type}, then @racket[->output-path] uses @racket[current-poly-target] as the output-path extension.
If @racket[_p] has a @seclink["The_poly_output_type"]{@id[pollen-poly-source-ext] output type}, then @racket[->output-path] uses @racket[current-poly-target] as the output-path extension.
Otherwise, there are no type-specific variants for this function because the output path of a Pollen source file is @seclink["Saving___naming_your_source_file"]{determined by its name}.

@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ For ease of use, the behavior of the Pollen language departs from the standard R
Commands must start with the special lozenge character @litchar{◊}. Other material is interpreted as plain text. See @secref["pollen-command-syntax"] for more.
You can change the command character for a project by overriding @racket[default-command-char].
You can change the command character for a project by overriding @racket[pollen-command-char].
@bold{How is this different from Racket?} In Racket, everything is a command, and plain text must be quoted.
@ -52,8 +52,6 @@ As usual, you can use @racket[require], @racket[local-require], or @racket[dynam
Pollen source files also make the @racket[metas] hashtable available through a submodule, unsurprisingly called @racket[metas]. So rather than importing a source file with @racket[(require "")], you can @racket[(require (submod "" metas))]. Accessing the metas this way avoids fully compiling the source file, and thus will usually be faster.
The names @racket[doc] and @racket[metas] can be changed for a project by overriding @racket[default-main-export] and @racket[default-meta-export].
@margin-note{The Pollen rendering system relies on these two exported identifiers, but otherwise doesn't care how they're generated. Thus, the code inside your Pollen source file could be written in @tt{#lang racket} or @tt{#lang whatever}. As long as you @racket[provide] those two identifiers and follow Pollen's file-naming conventions, your source file will be renderable.}
@bold{How is this different from Racket?} In Racket, you must explicitly @racket[define] and then @racket[provide] any values you want to export.
@ -71,9 +69,9 @@ If a file called @filepath{pollen.rkt} exists in the same directory with a sourc
@bold{How is this different from Racket?} In Racket, you must explicitly import files using @racket[require].
@subsection{Preprocessor (@(format ".~a" default-preproc-source-ext) extension)}
@subsection{Preprocessor (@(format ".~a" pollen-preproc-source-ext) extension)}
Invoke the preprocessor dialect by using @code{#lang pollen/pre} as the first line of your source file, or by using @code{#lang pollen} with a file extension of @code{@(format ".~a" default-preproc-source-ext)}. These forms are equivalent:
Invoke the preprocessor dialect by using @code{#lang pollen/pre} as the first line of your source file, or by using @code{#lang pollen} with a file extension of @code{@(format ".~a" pollen-preproc-source-ext)}. These forms are equivalent:
@racketmod[#:file "sample.css.pp" pollen
@ -96,9 +94,9 @@ The output of the preprocessor dialect, provided by @racket[doc], is plain text.
@subsection{Markdown (@(format ".~a" default-markdown-source-ext) extension)}
@subsection{Markdown (@(format ".~a" pollen-markdown-source-ext) extension)}
Invoke the Markdown dialect by using @code{#lang pollen/markdown} as the first line of your source file, or by using @code{#lang pollen} with a file extension of @code{@(format ".~a" default-markdown-source-ext)}. These forms are equivalent:
Invoke the Markdown dialect by using @code{#lang pollen/markdown} as the first line of your source file, or by using @code{#lang pollen} with a file extension of @code{@(format ".~a" pollen-markdown-source-ext)}. These forms are equivalent:
@racketmod[#:file "sample.txt.pmd" pollen
@ -112,9 +110,9 @@ _...source...
The output of the Markdown dialect, provided by @racket[doc], is a tagged X-expression.
@subsection{Markup (@(format ".~a" default-markup-source-ext) extension)}
@subsection{Markup (@(format ".~a" pollen-markup-source-ext) extension)}
Invoke the Pollen markup dialect by using @code{#lang pollen/markup} as the first line of your source file, or by using @code{#lang pollen} with a file extension of @code{@(format ".~a" default-markup-source-ext)}. These forms are equivalent:
Invoke the Pollen markup dialect by using @code{#lang pollen/markup} as the first line of your source file, or by using @code{#lang pollen} with a file extension of @code{@(format ".~a" pollen-markup-source-ext)}. These forms are equivalent:
@racketmod[#:file "" pollen
@ -127,10 +125,10 @@ _...source...
The output of the Pollen markup dialect, provided by @racket[doc], is a tagged X-expression.
@subsection{Pagetree (@(format ".~a" default-pagetree-source-ext) extension)}
@subsection{Pagetree (@(format ".~a" pollen-pagetree-source-ext) extension)}
Invoke the pagetree dialect by using @code{#lang pollen/ptree} as the first line of your source file, or by using @code{#lang pollen} with a file extension of @code{@(format ".~a" default-pagetree-source-ext)}. These forms are equivalent:
Invoke the pagetree dialect by using @code{#lang pollen/ptree} as the first line of your source file, or by using @code{#lang pollen} with a file extension of @code{@(format ".~a" pollen-pagetree-source-ext)}. These forms are equivalent:
@racketmod[#:file "main.ptree" pollen
@ -154,12 +152,12 @@ These aren't source formats because they don't contain a @tt{#lang pollen} line.
@subsection{Scribble (@(format ".~a" default-scribble-source-ext) extension)}
@subsection{Scribble (@(format ".~a" pollen-scribble-source-ext) extension)}
Scribble files are recognized by the project server and can be compiled and previewed in single-page mode.
@subsection{Null (@(format ".~a" default-null-source-ext) extension)}
@subsection{Null (@(format ".~a" pollen-null-source-ext) extension)}
Files with the null extension are simply rendered as a copy of the file without the extension, so @filepath{index.html.p} becomes @filepath{index.html}.

@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ Pagetrees surface throughout the Pollen system. They're primarily used for navig
@section{Making pagetrees with a source file}
A pagetree source file either starts with @code{#lang pollen} and uses the @racketfont{@(format ".~a" default-pagetree-source-ext)} extension, or starts with @code{#lang pollen/ptree} and then can have any file extension.
A pagetree source file either starts with @code{#lang pollen} and uses the @racketfont{@(format ".~a" pollen-pagetree-source-ext)} extension, or starts with @code{#lang pollen/ptree} and then can have any file extension.
Unlike other Pollen source files, since the pagetree source is not rendered into an output format, the rest of the filename is up to you.
@ -436,7 +436,7 @@ Return the pagenode immediately after @racket[_p]. For @racket[next*], return al
[pagetree-source (or/c pagetree? pathish?)])
Get a pagetree from a @ext[default-pagetree-source-ext] source file, namely @racket[_pagetree-source]. If @racket[_pagetree-source] is already a pagetree, just pass it through.
Get a pagetree from a @ext[pollen-pagetree-source-ext] source file, namely @racket[_pagetree-source]. If @racket[_pagetree-source] is already a pagetree, just pass it through.

@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ Note that @racket[_pt-or-pt-source] is used strictly as a list of files to rende
Find a template file for @racket[_source-path], with the following priority:
@itemlist[#:style 'ordered
@item{If the @racket[metas] for @racket[_source-path] have a key for @code[(format "~a" default-template-meta-key)], then use the value of this key, e.g. —
@item{If the @racket[metas] for @racket[_source-path] have a key for @code[(format "~a" pollen-template-meta-key)], then use the value of this key, e.g. —
@code{◊(define-meta template "my-template.html")}
@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ If your project has @seclink["fourth-tutorial"]{multiple output targets}, you ca
@item{If this key doesn't exist, or refers to a nonexistent file, look for a default template with the name @code[(format "~a.[output extension]" default-template-prefix)]. Meaning, if @racket[_source-path] is @code[(format "intro.html.~a" default-markup-source-ext)], the output path would be @code["intro.html"], so the default template would be @code[(format "~a.html" default-template-prefix)]. Look for this default template in the same directory as the source file, and then search upwards within successive parent directories. (Corollary: a default template in the project root will apply to all files in the project unless overridden within a subdirectory.)}
@item{If this key doesn't exist, or refers to a nonexistent file, look for a default template with the name @code[(format "~a.[output extension]" pollen-template-prefix)]. Meaning, if @racket[_source-path] is @code[(format "intro.html.~a" pollen-markup-source-ext)], the output path would be @code["intro.html"], so the default template would be @code[(format "~a.html" pollen-template-prefix)]. Look for this default template in the same directory as the source file, and then search upwards within successive parent directories. (Corollary: a default template in the project root will apply to all files in the project unless overridden within a subdirectory.)}
@item{If this file doesn't exist, use the fallback template as a last resort. (See @secref["Templates"
#:tag-prefixes '("tutorial-2")
