permit more flexible `meta` markup (closes #57)

Matthew Butterick 9 years ago
parent 67e1cd98d6
commit 65fcc0ec15

@ -1,35 +1,72 @@
#lang racket/base
(require racket/list pollen/top txexpr) ; pollen/top needed for metaroot
(require racket/list pollen/top txexpr pollen/world) ; pollen/top needed for metaroot
(provide split-metas-to-hash)
(require sugar)
(module+ test
(require rackunit))
(define (possible-meta-element? x)
(and (txexpr? x) (equal? world:meta-tag-name (get-tag x))))
(define (trivial-meta-element? x)
(and (possible-meta-element? x) (not (nontrivial-meta-element? x))))
(define (has-meta-attrs x)
(let ([attrs (get-attrs x)])
(and (not (empty? attrs)) (andmap valid-meta-attr? attrs))))
(define (has-meta-elements x)
(not (empty? (filter txexpr? (get-elements x)))))
(define (nontrivial-meta-element? x)
(and (possible-meta-element? x)
(or (has-meta-attrs x) (has-meta-elements x))))
(define (meta-element? x)
(or (trivial-meta-element? x) (nontrivial-meta-element? x)))
(define (trivial-meta-element? x) ; trivial meta has no attributes.
(and (possible-meta-element? x) (empty? (get-attrs x))))
(define (nontrivial-meta-element? x) ; nontrivial meta has attributes that are valid.
(and (possible-meta-element? x)
(let ([attrs (get-attrs x)])
(and (not (empty? attrs)) (andmap valid-meta-attr? attrs)))))
(module+ test
(check-true (nontrivial-meta-element? '(meta ((foo "bar")))))
(check-true (nontrivial-meta-element? '(meta (foo "bar"))))
(check-true (trivial-meta-element? '(meta)))
(check-true (trivial-meta-element? '(meta "bar"))))
(define (possible-meta-element? x)
(and (txexpr? x) (equal? 'meta (get-tag x))))
(define (valid-meta-attr? x)
(or (and (list? x) (symbol? (first x)) (string? (second x)))
(error 'is-meta-element? "error: meta must be a symbol / string pair, instead got: ~v" x)))
(define (make-atomic-meta key . values)
`(meta (,key ,@values)))
(define (explode-meta-element me)
;; convert a meta with multiple key/value pairs into multiple metas with a single key/value pair
;; convert a meta with multiple key/value pairs into multiple metas with a single txexpr element
;; only gets nontrivial metas to start.
(let loop ([me me][acc empty])
[(not (trivial-meta-element? me)) ; meta might become trivial during loop (no attrs)
(define attrs (get-attrs me))
(loop `(meta ,(cdr attrs)) (cons `(meta ,(list (car attrs))) acc))]
[(not (trivial-meta-element? me)) ; meta might become trivial during loop
[(has-meta-attrs me) ; might have txexpr elements, so preserve them
(define attrs (get-attrs me))
(loop `(meta ,(cdr attrs) ,@(get-elements me)) (cons (apply make-atomic-meta (car attrs)) acc))]
[else ; has txexpr elements, but not meta-attrs
(define txexpr-elements (filter txexpr? (get-elements me)))
(loop `(meta () ,@(cdr txexpr-elements)) (cons (apply make-atomic-meta (car txexpr-elements)) acc))])]
[else (reverse acc)])))
(define (split-meta-elements x) ; pull metas out of doc and put them into meta-elements accumulator
(when (not (txexpr? x))
(error 'split-meta-elements "Not a txexpr: ~v" x))
@ -38,6 +75,7 @@
(define exploded-meta-elements (append-map explode-meta-element (filter nontrivial-meta-element? meta-elements)))
(values thing-without-meta-elements exploded-meta-elements))
(define (split-metas-to-hash x)
(define-values (doc-without-metas meta-elements) (split-meta-elements x))
;; 'metaroot is the hook for the meta decoder function.
@ -45,9 +83,12 @@
;; because of `explode-meta-element`, meta-elements will be a list of metas with a single key/value pair
;; metaroot can rely on this
(define metas-xexpr (apply metaroot meta-elements))
(define (first-attribute x) (car (get-attrs x)))
(define (meta-key x) (first (first-attribute x)))
(define (meta-value x) (second (first-attribute x)))
(define (first-attribute x) (car (get-elements x)))
(define (meta-key x) (car (first-attribute x)))
(define (meta-value x) (let ([rest (cdr (first-attribute x))])
(if (= (length rest) 1)
(car rest)
(define (meta-element->assoc me) (cons (meta-key me) (meta-value me)))
(define metas (make-hash (map meta-element->assoc (cdr metas-xexpr))))
(values doc-without-metas metas))
@ -55,7 +96,12 @@
(module+ test
(require rackunit)
(define x '(root (meta ((foo "bar"))) "hello" (p (meta ((foo "zam"))) (meta) "there")))
(define-values (doc-without-metas metahash) (split-metas-to-hash x))
(check-equal? doc-without-metas '(root "hello" (p "there")))
(check-equal? (hash-ref metahash 'foo) "zam"))
(let ([x '(root (meta ((foo "bar"))) "hello" (p (meta ((foo "zam"))) (meta) "there"))])
(define-values (doc-without-metas metahash) (split-metas-to-hash x))
(check-equal? doc-without-metas '(root "hello" (p "there")))
(check-equal? (hash-ref metahash 'foo) "zam"))
(let ([x '(root (meta (foo "bar")) "hello" (p (meta (foo (zim "zam"))) (meta) "there"))])
(define-values (doc-without-metas metahash) (split-metas-to-hash x))
(check-equal? doc-without-metas '(root "hello" (p "there")))
(check-equal? (hash-ref metahash 'foo) '(zim "zam"))))

@ -450,23 +450,22 @@ The value of edge is ◊|edge| pixels}
@subsubsection{Inserting metas}
@italic{Metas} are keyvalue pairs embedded in a source file that are not included in the main output when the source is run, and collected into a separate hash table.
@italic{Metas} are keyvalue pairs embedded in a source file that are not included in the main output when the source is compiled. Rather, they're gathered and exported as a separate hash table called, unsurprisingly, @racket[metas]. This hashtable is a good place to store information about the document that you might want to use later (for instance, a list of topic categories that the document belongs to).
Metas are not a foundational abstraction. They're just a convenience — a place to store arbitrary pieces of information that you might want to use later.
@margin-note{Pollen occasionally uses metas internally. For instance, the @racket[get-template-for] function will look in the metas of a source file to see if a template is explicitly specified. The @racket[pollen/template] module also contains functions for working with metas, such as @racket[select-from-metas].}
@margin-note{Pollen occasionally uses metas. For instance, the @racket[get-template-for] function will look in the metas of a source file to see if a template is explicitly specified. The @racket[pollen/template] module also contains functions for working with metas, such as @racket[select-from-metas].}
To insert a meta, use the standard command syntax for inserting a tag with an attribute pair, but use the special @code{meta} name:
To make a meta, you create a tag with the special @code{meta} name. Then you have two choices: you can either embed the key-value pair as an attribute, or as a tagged X-expression within the meta (using the key as the tag, and the value as the body):
#lang pollen
◊some-tag['key: "value"]{Normal tag}
◊meta['dog: "Roxy"]
◊some-tag['key: "value"]{Normal tag}
◊some-tag['key: "value"]{Another normal tag}
When you mark a meta like this, two things happen. First, when you run the file, the meta is removed from the result:
When you run a source file with metas in it, two things happen. First, the metas are removed from the output:
'(some-tag ((key "value")) "Normal tag")
@ -474,68 +473,110 @@ When you mark a meta like this, two things happen. First, when you run the file,
'(some-tag ((key "value")) "Another normal tag")
@margin-note{If your @code{meta} includes a text argument between curly braces, it will be ignored.}
Second, the meta is collected into a hash table that is exported with the name @code{metas}. To see this hash table, run the file above in DrRacket, then move to the interactions window and type @exec{metas} at the prompt:
Second, the metas are collected into a hash table that is exported with the name @code{metas}. To see this hash table, run the file above in DrRacket, then switch to the interactions window and type @exec{metas} at the prompt:
> metas
'#hash((here-path . "unsaved-editor167056") (dog . "Roxy"))
'#hash((dog . "Roxy") (cat . "Chopper") (here-path . "unsaved-editor"))
The only key that's automatically defined in every meta table is @code{here-path}, which is the absolute path to the source file. (Here, because the file hasn't been saved, you'll see the @code{unsaved-editor...} name instead.)
The only key that's automatically defined in every meta table is @code{here-path}, which is the absolute path to the source file. (In this case, because the file hasn't been saved, you'll see the @code{unsaved-editor} name instead.)
Still, you can override this too:
#lang pollen
◊some-tag['key: "value"]{Normal tag}
◊meta['dog: "Roxy"]
◊some-tag['key: "value"]{Normal tag}
◊some-tag['key: "value"]{Another normal tag}
◊meta['here-path: "nowhere"]
◊meta['here-path: "tesseract"]
When you run this code, the result will be the same as before, but this time the metas will be different:
> metas
'#hash((dog . "Roxy") (here-path . "nowhere"))
'#hash((dog . "Roxy") (cat . "Chopper") (here-path . "tesseract"))
It doesn't matter how many metas you put in a source file, or where you put them. They'll all be extracted into the @code{metas} hash table. The order of the metas is not preserved (because order is not preserved in a hash table). But if you have two metas with the same key, the later one will supersede the earlier one:
It doesn't matter how many metas you put in a source file, nor where you put them. They'll all be extracted into the @code{metas} hash table. The order of the metas is not preserved (because order is not preserved in a hash table). But if you have two metas with the same key, the later one will supersede the earlier one:
#lang pollen
◊some-tag['key: "value"]{Normal tag}
◊meta['dog: "Roxy"]
◊some-tag['key: "value"]{Another normal tag}
◊meta['dog: "Lex"]
Though there are two metas named @racket['dog], only the second one persists:
In this case, though there are two metas named @racket[dog] (and they use different forms) only the second one persists:
> metas
'#hash((dog . "Lex") (here-path . "unsaved-editor167056"))
'#hash((dog . "Lex") (here-path . "unsaved-editor"))
You're allowed to put multiple keys and values within a single @code{meta} tag. As above, later keys supersede earlier ones.
You can put multiple keys and values within a single @code{meta} tag, and you can mix them between attributes and elements. As above, later keys supersede earlier ones.
#lang pollen
◊meta['dog: "Roxy" 'lion: "P22"]{◊dog{Lex}}
◊some-tag['key: "value"]{Normal tag}
◊meta['dog: "Roxy" 'lion: "P22" 'dog: "Lex"]
◊some-tag['key: "value"]{Another normal tag}
> metas
'#hash((dog . "Lex") (here-path . "unsaved-editor") (lion . "P22"))
Should you store your metas as attributes or elements? That's up to you, but elements are more flexible. When your key-value pair is stored as an attribute, your value has to be a string (because that's the only datatype an attribute can hold). Whereas when your key-value pair is stored as an element, you have two extra possiblilites.
First, the value can be any X-expression. For instance, this code uses an @racket[img] tag as the meta value:
#lang pollen
◊meta['dog: "Roxy"]
◊meta{◊dog{◊img['src: "lex.gif"]}}
> metas
'#hash((dog . "Lex") (here-path . "unsaved-editor167056") (lion . "P22"))
'#hash((dog . (img ((src "roxy.gif")))) (here-path . "unsaved-editor"))
Second, if you use an element, the value can be either a single value or a list or values:
#lang pollen
◊meta['dog: "Roxy"]
◊meta{◊categories['brindles 'boxers 'working-dogs]}
> metas
'#hash((dog . "Roxy") (here-path . "unsaved-editor") (categories . (brindles boxers working-dogs)))
Be aware that if you put things inside a @racket[meta] tag that don't qualify as key-value pairs, Pollen will just discard them. So don't be surprised when this:
#lang pollen
◊meta['dog: "Roxy"]{This text will be ignored}
◊meta[◊cat{Chopper}]{As will this text}
Gets treated as if you wrote it this way:
#lang pollen
◊meta['dog: "Roxy"]
@subsubsection{Inserting a comment}

@ -36,6 +36,7 @@
(define main-pollen-export 'doc) ; don't forget to change fallback template too
(define meta-pollen-export 'metas)
(define meta-tag-name 'meta)
(define directory-require "directory-require.rkt")
