spacing clarity

Matthew Butterick 4 years ago
parent fb39c9e8a3
commit 5f60dd4664

@ -1 +1 @@

@ -226,15 +226,22 @@ I am **so** happy to be writing this.
Before you preview this file in the project server, click the @onscreen{Run} button in DrRacket just to see what the file produces. You'll see something like this:
@repl-output{'(root (h1 ((id "deep-thought")) "Deep Thought")
(p "I am " (strong "so") " happy to be writing this."))}
  (h1 ((id "deep-thought")) "Deep Thought")
  (p "I am " (strong "so") " happy to be writing this."))
You should now be able to recognize this as an X-expression. In authoring mode, Pollen compiles your Markdown into the corresponding HTML entities, but then provides the data as an X-expression rather than finished HTML.
From what you learned in the last section, it should be evident that this X-expression will convert to HTML that looks like this:
@terminal{<root><h1 id="deep-thought">Deep Thought</h1>
<p>I am <strong>so</strong> happy to be writing this.</p></root>}
  <h1 id="deep-thought">Deep Thought</h1>
  <p>I am <strong>so</strong> happy to be writing this.</p>
``But what's this @code{root} tag? That's not HTML.'' An X-expression that holds other X-expressions must have a root tag. So in the spirit of obviousness, every X-expression produced by Pollen in authoring mode will start with @code{root}. If you don't need it, you can discard it (we'll cover this below, in @secref[#:tag-prefixes '("tutorial-2")]{Templates}). Though as you'll learn in the @seclink["third-tutorial"]{third tutorial}, @code{root} also creates a useful hook for further processing — it's not a superfluous accessory.
