diff --git a/doc/Decode.html b/doc/Decode.html index fba6d84..583d5d4 100644 --- a/doc/Decode.html +++ b/doc/Decode.html @@ -1,2 +1,2 @@ -10.2 Decode
10 Module reference
10.1 Cache
10.2 Decode
10.3 File
10.4 Pagetree
10.5 Render
10.6 Template
10.7 Tag
10.8 Top
10.9 World
10.2 Decode
On this page:
10.2.1 Block
10.2.2 Typography
whitespace/  nbsp?

10.2 Decode

 (require pollen/decode) package: pollen

The doc export of a Pollen markup file is a simple X-expression. Decoding refers to any post-processing of this X-expression. The pollen/decode module provides tools for creating decoders.

The decode step can happen separately from the compilation of the file. But you can also attach a decoder to the markup file’s root node, so the decoding happens automatically when the markup is compiled, and thus automatically incorporated into doc. (Following this approach, you could also attach multiple decoders to different tags within doc.)

You can, of course, embed function calls within Pollen markup. But since markup is optimized for authors, decoding is useful for operations that can or should be moved out of the authoring layer.

One example is presentation and layout. For instance, detect-paragraphs is a decoder function that lets authors mark paragraphs in their source simply by using two carriage returns.

Another example is conversion of output into a particular data format. Most Pollen functions are optimized for HTML output, but one could write a decoder that targets another format.


(decode tagged-xexpr    
  [#:txexpr-tag-proc txexpr-tag-proc    
  #:txexpr-attrs-proc txexpr-attrs-proc    
  #:txexpr-elements-proc txexpr-elements-proc    
  #:block-txexpr-proc block-txexpr-proc    
  #:inline-txexpr-proc inline-txexpr-proc    
  #:string-proc string-proc    
  #:symbol-proc symbol-proc    
  #:valid-char-proc valid-char-proc    
  #:cdata-proc cdata-proc    
  #:exclude-tags tags-to-exclude])  txexpr?
  tagged-xexpr : txexpr?
  txexpr-tag-proc : (txexpr-tag? . -> . txexpr-tag?)
   = (λ(tag) tag)
  txexpr-attrs-proc : (txexpr-attrs? . -> . txexpr-attrs?)
   = (λ(attrs) attrs)
  txexpr-elements-proc : (txexpr-elements? . -> . txexpr-elements?)
   = (λ(elements) elements)
  block-txexpr-proc : (block-txexpr? . -> . xexpr?) = (λ(tx) tx)
  inline-txexpr-proc : (txexpr? . -> . xexpr?) = (λ(tx) tx)
  string-proc : (string? . -> . xexpr?) = (λ(str) str)
  symbol-proc : (symbol? . -> . xexpr?) = (λ(sym) sym)
  valid-char-proc : (valid-char? . -> . xexpr?) = (λ(vc) vc)
  cdata-proc : (cdata? . -> . xexpr?) = (λ(cdata) cdata)
  tags-to-exclude : (listof symbol?) = null
Recursively process a tagged-xexpr, usually the one exported from a Pollen source file as doc.

This function doesn’t do much on its own. Rather, it provides the hooks upon which harder-working functions can be hung.

Recall from [future link: Pollen mechanics] that any tag can have a function attached to it. By default, the tagged-xexpr from a source file is tagged with root. So the typical way to use decode is to attach your decoding functions to it, and then define root to invoke your decode function. Then it will be automatically applied to every doc during compile.

For instance, here’s how decode is attached to root in Butterick’s Practical Typography. There’s not much to it —

(define (root . items)
  (decode (make-txexpr 'root '() items)
          #:txexpr-elements-proc detect-paragraphs
          #:block-txexpr-proc (compose1 hyphenate wrap-hanging-quotes
          #:string-proc (compose1 smart-quotes smart-dashes)
          #:exclude-tags '(style script)))

This illustrates another important point: even though decode presents an imposing list of arguments, you’re unlikely to use all of them at once. These represent possibilities, not requirements. For instance, let’s see what happens when decode is invoked without any of its optional arguments.


> (define tx '(root "I wonder" (em "why") "this works."))
> (decode tx)

'(root "I wonder" (em "why") "this works.")

Right — nothing. That’s because the default value for the decoding arguments is the identity function, (λ (x) x). So all the input gets passed through intact unless another action is specified.

The *-proc arguments of decode take procedures that are applied to specific categories of elements within txexpr.

The txexpr-tag-proc argument is a procedure that handles X-expression tags.


> (define tx '(p "I'm from a strange" (strong "namespace")))
; Tags are symbols, so a tag-proc should return a symbol
> (decode tx #:txexpr-tag-proc (λ(t) (string->symbol (format "ns:~a" t))))

'(ns:p "I'm from a strange" (ns:strong "namespace"))

The txexpr-attrs-proc argument is a procedure that handles lists of X-expression attributes. (The txexpr module, included at no extra charge with Pollen, includes useful helper functions for dealing with these attribute lists.)


> (define tx '(p [[id "first"]] "If I only had a brain."))
; Attrs is a list, so cons is OK for simple cases
> (decode tx #:txexpr-attrs-proc (λ(attrs) (cons '[class "PhD"] attrs)))

'(p ((class "PhD") (id "first")) "If I only had a brain.")

Note that txexpr-attrs-proc will change the attributes of every tagged X-expression, even those that don’t have attributes. This is useful, because sometimes you want to add attributes where none existed before. But be careful, because the behavior may make your processing function overinclusive.


> (define tx '(div (p [[id "first"]] "If I only had a brain.")
  (p "Me too.")))
; This will insert the new attribute everywhere
> (decode tx #:txexpr-attrs-proc (λ(attrs) (cons '[class "PhD"] attrs)))


  ((class "PhD"))

  (p ((class "PhD") (id "first")) "If I only had a brain.")

  (p ((class "PhD")) "Me too."))

; This will add the new attribute only to non-null attribute lists
> (decode tx #:txexpr-attrs-proc
  (λ(attrs) (if (null? attrs) attrs (cons '[class "PhD"] attrs))))

'(div (p ((class "PhD") (id "first")) "If I only had a brain.") (p "Me too."))

The txexpr-elements-proc argument is a procedure that operates on the list of elements that represents the content of each tagged X-expression. Note that each element of an X-expression is subject to two passes through the decoder: once now, as a member of the list of elements, and also later, through its type-specific decoder (i.e., string-proc, symbol-proc, and so on).


> (define tx '(div "Double" "\n" "toil" amp "trouble"))
; Every element gets doubled ...
> (decode tx #:txexpr-elements-proc (λ(es) (append-map (λ(e) `(,e ,e)) es)))

'(div "Double" "Double" "\n" "\n" "toil" "toil" amp amp "trouble" "trouble")

; ... but only strings get capitalized
> (decode tx #:txexpr-elements-proc (λ(es) (append-map (λ(e) `(,e ,e)) es))
  #:string-proc (λ(s) (string-upcase s)))

'(div "DOUBLE" "DOUBLE" "\n" "\n" "TOIL" "TOIL" amp amp "TROUBLE" "TROUBLE")

So why do you need txexpr-elements-proc? Because some types of element decoding depend on context, thus it’s necessary to handle the elements as a group. For instance, the doubling function above, though useless, requires handling the element list as a whole, because elements are being added.

A more useful example: paragraph detection. The behavior is not merely a map across each element:


> (define (paras tx) (decode tx #:txexpr-elements-proc detect-paragraphs))
; Context matters. Trailing whitespace is ignored ...
> (paras '(body "The first paragraph." "\n\n"))

'(body "The first paragraph.")

; ... but whitespace between strings is converted to a break.
> (paras '(body "The first paragraph." "\n\n" "And another."))

'(body (p "The first paragraph.") (p "And another."))

; A combination of both types
> (paras '(body "The first paragraph." "\n\n" "And another." "\n\n"))

'(body (p "The first paragraph.") (p "And another."))

The block-txexpr-proc argument and the inline-txexpr-proc arguments are procedures that operate on tagged X-expressions. If the X-expression meets the block-txexpr? test, it is processed by block-txexpr-proc. Otherwise, it is processed by inline-txexpr-proc. Thus every tagged X-expression will be handled by one or the other. Of course, if you want block and inline elements to be handled the same way, you can set block-txexpr-proc and inline-txexpr-proc to be the same procedure.


> (define tx '(div "Please" (em "mind the gap") (h1 "Tuesdays only")))
> (define add-ns (λ(tx) (make-txexpr
      (string->symbol (format "ns:~a" (get-tag tx)))
      (get-attrs tx)
      (get-elements tx))))
; div and h1 are block elements, so this will only affect them
> (decode tx #:block-txexpr-proc add-ns)

'(ns:div "Please" (em "mind the gap") (ns:h1 "Tuesdays only"))

; em is an inline element, so this will only affect it
> (decode tx #:inline-txexpr-proc add-ns)

'(div "Please" (ns:em "mind the gap") (h1 "Tuesdays only"))

; this will affect all elements
> (decode tx #:block-txexpr-proc add-ns #:inline-txexpr-proc add-ns)

'(ns:div "Please" (ns:em "mind the gap") (ns:h1 "Tuesdays only"))

The string-proc, symbol-proc, valid-char-proc, and cdata-proc arguments are procedures that operate on X-expressions that are strings, symbols, valid-chars, and CDATA, respectively. Deliberately, the output contracts for these procedures accept any kind of X-expression (meaning, the procedure can change the X-expression type).


; A div with string, entity, character, and cdata elements
> (define tx `(div "Moe" amp 62 ,(cdata #f #f "3 > 2;")))
> (define rulify (λ(x) '(hr)))
; The rulify function is selectively applied to each
> (print (decode tx #:string-proc rulify))

'(div (hr) amp 62 #(struct:cdata #f #f "3 > 2;"))

> (print (decode tx #:symbol-proc rulify))

'(div "Moe" (hr) 62 #(struct:cdata #f #f "3 > 2;"))

> (print (decode tx #:valid-char-proc rulify))

'(div "Moe" amp (hr) #(struct:cdata #f #f "3 > 2;"))

> (print (decode tx #:cdata-proc rulify))

'(div "Moe" amp 62 (hr))

Finally, the tags-to-exclude argument is a list of tags that will be exempted from decoding. Though you could get the same result by testing the input within the individual decoding functions, that’s tedious and potentially slower.


> (define tx '(p "I really think" (em "italics") "should be lowercase."))
> (decode tx #:string-proc (λ(s) (string-upcase s)))


> (decode tx #:string-proc (λ(s) (string-upcase s)) #:exclude-tags '(em))

'(p "I REALLY THINK" (em "italics") "SHOULD BE LOWERCASE.")

The tags-to-exclude argument is useful if you’re decoding source that’s destined to become HTML. According to the HTML spec, material within a <style> or <script> block needs to be preserved literally. In this example, if the CSS and JavaScript blocks are capitalized, they won’t work. So exclude '(style script), and problem solved.


> (define tx '(body (h1 [[class "Red"]] "Let's visit Planet Telex.")
  (style [[type "text/css"]] ".Red {color: green;}")
  (script [[type "text/javascript"]] "var area = h * w;")))
> (decode tx #:string-proc (λ(s) (string-upcase s)))


  (h1 ((class "Red")) "LET'S VISIT PLANET TELEX.")

  (style ((type "text/css")) ".RED {COLOR: GREEN;}")

  (script ((type "text/javascript")) "VAR AREA = H * W;"))

> (decode tx #:string-proc (λ(s) (string-upcase s))
  #:exclude-tags '(style script))


  (h1 ((class "Red")) "LET'S VISIT PLANET TELEX.")

  (style ((type "text/css")) ".Red {color: green;}")

  (script ((type "text/javascript")) "var area = h * w;"))

10.2.1 Block

Because it’s convenient, Pollen categorizes tagged X-expressions into two categories: block and inline. Why is it convenient? When using decode, you often want to treat the two categories differently. Not that you have to. But this is how you can.


(project-block-tags)  (listof txexpr-tag?)

(project-block-tags block-tags)  void?
  block-tags : (listof txexpr-tag?)
A parameter that defines the set of tags that decode will treat as blocks. This parameter is initialized with the HTML block tags, namely:

(address article aside audio blockquote body canvas dd div dl fieldset figcaption figure footer form h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 header hgroup noscript ol output p pre section table tfoot ul video)


(register-block-tag tag)  void?

  tag : txexpr-tag?
Adds a tag to project-block-tags so that block-txexpr? will report it as a block, and decode will process it with block-txexpr-proc rather than inline-txexpr-proc.

Pollen tries to do the right thing without being told. But this is the rare case where you have to be explicit. If you introduce a tag into your markup that you want treated as a block, you must use this function to identify it, or you will get spooky behavior later on.

For instance, detect-paragraphs knows that block elements in the markup shouldn’t be wrapped in a p tag. So if you introduce a new block element called bloq without registering it as a block, misbehavior will follow:


> (define (paras tx) (decode tx #:txexpr-elements-proc detect-paragraphs))
> (paras '(body "I want to be a paragraph." "\n\n" (bloq "But not me.")))

'(body (p "I want to be a paragraph.") (p (bloq "But not me.")))

; Wrong: bloq should not be wrapped

But once you register bloq as a block, order is restored:


> (define (paras tx) (decode tx #:txexpr-elements-proc detect-paragraphs))
> (register-block-tag 'bloq)
> (paras '(body "I want to be a paragraph." "\n\n" (bloq "But not me.")))

'(body (p "I want to be a paragraph.") (bloq "But not me."))

; Right: bloq is treated as a block

If you find the idea of registering block tags unbearable, good news. The project-block-tags include the standard HTML block tags by default. So if you just want to use things like div and p and h1–h6, you’ll get the right behavior for free.


> (define (paras tx) (decode tx #:txexpr-elements-proc detect-paragraphs))
> (paras '(body "I want to be a paragraph." "\n\n" (div "But not me.")))

'(body (p "I want to be a paragraph.") (div "But not me."))


(block-txexpr? v)  boolean?

  v : any/c
Predicate that tests whether v is a tagged X-expression, and if so, whether the tag is among the project-block-tags. If not, it is treated as inline. To adjust how this test works, use register-block-tag.

10.2.2 Typography

An assortment of typography & layout functions, designed to be used with decode. These aren’t hard to write. So if you like these, use them. If not, make your own.


(whitespace? v)  boolean?

  v : any/c
A predicate that returns #t for any stringlike v that’s entirely whitespace, but also the empty string, as well as lists and vectors that are made only of whitespace? members. Following the regexp-match convention, whitespace? does not return #t for a nonbreaking space. If you prefer that behavior, use whitespace/nbsp?.


> (whitespace? "\n\n   ")


> (whitespace? (string->symbol "\n\n   "))


> (whitespace? "")


> (whitespace? '("" "  " "\n\n\n" " \n"))


> (define nonbreaking-space (format "~a" #\u00A0))
> (whitespace? nonbreaking-space)



(whitespace/nbsp? v)  boolean?

  v : any/c
Like whitespace?, but also returns #t for nonbreaking spaces.


> (whitespace/nbsp? "\n\n   ")


> (whitespace/nbsp? (string->symbol "\n\n   "))


> (whitespace/nbsp? "")


> (whitespace/nbsp? '("" "  " "\n\n\n" " \n"))


> (define nonbreaking-space (format "~a" #\u00A0))
> (whitespace/nbsp? nonbreaking-space)



(smart-quotes str)  string?

  str : string?
Convert straight quotes in str to curly according to American English conventions.


> (define tricky-string
  "\"Why,\" she could've asked, \"are we in O‘ahu watching 'Mame'?\"")
> (display tricky-string)

"Why," she could've asked, "are we in O‘ahu watching 'Mame'?"

> (display (smart-quotes tricky-string))

“Why,” she could’ve asked, “are we in O‘ahu watching ‘Mame’?”


(smart-dashes str)  string?

  str : string?
In str, convert three hyphens to an em dash, and two hyphens to an en dash, and remove surrounding spaces.


> (define tricky-string "I had a few --- OK, like 6--8 --- thin mints.")
> (display tricky-string)

I had a few --- OK, like 6--8 --- thin mints.

> (display (smart-dashes tricky-string))

I had a few—OK, like 6–8—thin mints.

; Monospaced font not great for showing dashes, but you get the idea


(detect-linebreaks tagged-xexpr-elements 
  [#:separator linebreak-sep 
  #:insert linebreak]) 
  tagged-xexpr-elements : txexpr-elements?
  linebreak-sep : string? = world:linebreak-separator
  linebreak : xexpr? = '(br)
Within tagged-xexpr-elements, convert occurrences of linebreak-sep ("\n" by default) to linebreak, but only if linebreak-sep does not occur between blocks (see block-txexpr?). Why? Because block-level elements automatically display on a new line, so adding linebreak would be superfluous. In that case, linebreak-sep just disappears.


> (detect-linebreaks '(div "Two items:" "\n" (em "Eggs") "\n" (em "Bacon")))

'(div "Two items:" (br) (em "Eggs") (br) (em "Bacon"))

> (detect-linebreaks '(div "Two items:" "\n" (div "Eggs") "\n" (div "Bacon")))

'(div "Two items:" (div "Eggs") (div "Bacon"))


(detect-paragraphs elements 
  [#:separator paragraph-sep 
  #:tag paragraph-tag 
  #:linebreak-proc linebreak-proc]) 
  elements : txexpr-elements?
  paragraph-sep : string? = world:paragraph-separator
  paragraph-tag : symbol? = 'p
  linebreak-proc : (txexpr-elements? . -> . txexpr-elements?)
   = detect-linebreaks
Find paragraphs within elements, as denoted by paragraph-sep, and wrap them with paragraph-tag, unless the element is already a block-txexpr? (because in that case, the wrapping is superfluous). Thus, as a consequence, if paragraph-sep occurs between two blocks, it’s ignored.

The paragraph-tag argument sets the tag used to wrap paragraphs.

The linebreak-proc argument allows you to use a different linebreaking procedure other than the usual detect-linebreaks.


> (detect-paragraphs '("First para" "\n\n" "Second para"))

'((p "First para") (p "Second para"))

> (detect-paragraphs '("First para" "\n\n" "Second para" "\n" "Second line"))

'((p "First para") (p "Second para" (br) "Second line"))

> (detect-paragraphs '("First para" "\n\n" (div "Second block")))

'((p "First para") (div "Second block"))

> (detect-paragraphs '((div "First block") "\n\n" (div "Second block")))

'((div "First block") (div "Second block"))

> (detect-paragraphs '("First para" "\n\n" "Second para") #:tag 'ns:p)

'((ns:p "First para") (ns:p "Second para"))

> (detect-paragraphs '("First para" "\n\n" "Second para" "\n" "Second line")
  #:linebreak-proc (λ(x) (detect-linebreaks x #:insert '(newline))))

'((p "First para") (p "Second para" (newline) "Second line"))


(wrap-hanging-quotes tx 
  [#:single-preprend single-preprender 
  #:double-preprend double-preprender]) 
  tx : txexpr?
  single-preprender : txexpr-tag? = 'squo
  double-preprender : txexpr-tag? = 'dquo
Find single or double quote marks at the beginning of tx and wrap them in an X-expression with the tag single-preprender or double-preprender, respectively. The default values are 'squo and 'dquo.


> (wrap-hanging-quotes '(p "No quote to hang."))

'(p "No quote to hang.")

> (wrap-hanging-quotes '(p "“What? We need to hang quotes?”"))

'(p (dquo "“" "What? We need to hang quotes?”"))

In pro typography, quotation marks at the beginning of a line or paragraph are often shifted into the margin slightly to make them appear more optically aligned with the left edge of the text. With a reflowable layout model like HTML, you don’t know where your line breaks will be.

This function will simply insert the 'squo and 'dquo tags, which provide hooks that let you do the actual hanging via CSS, like so (actual measurement can be refined to taste):

squo {margin-left: -0.25em;}

dquo {margin-left: -0.50em;}

Be warned: there are many edge cases this function does not handle well.


; Argh: this edge case is not handled properly
> (wrap-hanging-quotes '(p "“" (em "What?") "We need to hang quotes?”"))

'(p "“" (em "What?") "We need to hang quotes?”")

\ No newline at end of file +10.2 Decode
10 Module reference
10.1 Cache
10.2 Decode
10.3 File
10.4 Pagetree
10.5 Render
10.6 Template
10.7 Tag
10.8 Top
10.9 World
10.2 Decode
On this page:
10.2.1 Block
10.2.2 Typography
whitespace/  nbsp?

10.2 Decode

 (require pollen/decode) package: pollen

The doc export of a Pollen markup file is a simple X-expression. Decoding refers to any post-processing of this X-expression. The pollen/decode module provides tools for creating decoders.

The decode step can happen separately from the compilation of the file. But you can also attach a decoder to the markup file’s root node, so the decoding happens automatically when the markup is compiled, and thus automatically incorporated into doc. (Following this approach, you could also attach multiple decoders to different tags within doc.)

You can, of course, embed function calls within Pollen markup. But since markup is optimized for authors, decoding is useful for operations that can or should be moved out of the authoring layer.

One example is presentation and layout. For instance, detect-paragraphs is a decoder function that lets authors mark paragraphs in their source simply by using two carriage returns.

Another example is conversion of output into a particular data format. Most Pollen functions are optimized for HTML output, but one could write a decoder that targets another format.


(decode tagged-xexpr    
  [#:txexpr-tag-proc txexpr-tag-proc    
  #:txexpr-attrs-proc txexpr-attrs-proc    
  #:txexpr-elements-proc txexpr-elements-proc    
  #:block-txexpr-proc block-txexpr-proc    
  #:inline-txexpr-proc inline-txexpr-proc    
  #:string-proc string-proc    
  #:symbol-proc symbol-proc    
  #:valid-char-proc valid-char-proc    
  #:cdata-proc cdata-proc    
  #:exclude-tags tags-to-exclude])  txexpr?
  tagged-xexpr : txexpr?
  txexpr-tag-proc : (txexpr-tag? . -> . txexpr-tag?)
   = (λ(tag) tag)
  txexpr-attrs-proc : (txexpr-attrs? . -> . txexpr-attrs?)
   = (λ(attrs) attrs)
  txexpr-elements-proc : (txexpr-elements? . -> . txexpr-elements?)
   = (λ(elements) elements)
  block-txexpr-proc : (block-txexpr? . -> . xexpr?) = (λ(tx) tx)
  inline-txexpr-proc : (txexpr? . -> . xexpr?) = (λ(tx) tx)
  string-proc : (string? . -> . xexpr?) = (λ(str) str)
  symbol-proc : (symbol? . -> . xexpr?) = (λ(sym) sym)
  valid-char-proc : (valid-char? . -> . xexpr?) = (λ(vc) vc)
  cdata-proc : (cdata? . -> . xexpr?) = (λ(cdata) cdata)
  tags-to-exclude : (listof symbol?) = null
Recursively process a tagged-xexpr, usually the one exported from a Pollen source file as doc.

This function doesn’t do much on its own. Rather, it provides the hooks upon which harder-working functions can be hung.

Recall from [future link: Pollen mechanics] that any tag can have a function attached to it. By default, the tagged-xexpr from a source file is tagged with root. So the typical way to use decode is to attach your decoding functions to it, and then define root to invoke your decode function. Then it will be automatically applied to every doc during compile.

For instance, here’s how decode is attached to root in Butterick’s Practical Typography. There’s not much to it —

(define (root . items)
  (decode (make-txexpr 'root '() items)
          #:txexpr-elements-proc detect-paragraphs
          #:block-txexpr-proc (compose1 hyphenate wrap-hanging-quotes)
          #:string-proc (compose1 smart-quotes smart-dashes)
          #:exclude-tags '(style script)))

This illustrates another important point: even though decode presents an imposing list of arguments, you’re unlikely to use all of them at once. These represent possibilities, not requirements. For instance, let’s see what happens when decode is invoked without any of its optional arguments.


> (define tx '(root "I wonder" (em "why") "this works."))
> (decode tx)

'(root "I wonder" (em "why") "this works.")

Right — nothing. That’s because the default value for the decoding arguments is the identity function, (λ (x) x). So all the input gets passed through intact unless another action is specified.

The *-proc arguments of decode take procedures that are applied to specific categories of elements within txexpr.

The txexpr-tag-proc argument is a procedure that handles X-expression tags.


> (define tx '(p "I'm from a strange" (strong "namespace")))
; Tags are symbols, so a tag-proc should return a symbol
> (decode tx #:txexpr-tag-proc (λ(t) (string->symbol (format "ns:~a" t))))

'(ns:p "I'm from a strange" (ns:strong "namespace"))

The txexpr-attrs-proc argument is a procedure that handles lists of X-expression attributes. (The txexpr module, included at no extra charge with Pollen, includes useful helper functions for dealing with these attribute lists.)


> (define tx '(p [[id "first"]] "If I only had a brain."))
; Attrs is a list, so cons is OK for simple cases
> (decode tx #:txexpr-attrs-proc (λ(attrs) (cons '[class "PhD"] attrs)))

'(p ((class "PhD") (id "first")) "If I only had a brain.")

Note that txexpr-attrs-proc will change the attributes of every tagged X-expression, even those that don’t have attributes. This is useful, because sometimes you want to add attributes where none existed before. But be careful, because the behavior may make your processing function overinclusive.


> (define tx '(div (p [[id "first"]] "If I only had a brain.")
  (p "Me too.")))
; This will insert the new attribute everywhere
> (decode tx #:txexpr-attrs-proc (λ(attrs) (cons '[class "PhD"] attrs)))


  ((class "PhD"))

  (p ((class "PhD") (id "first")) "If I only had a brain.")

  (p ((class "PhD")) "Me too."))

; This will add the new attribute only to non-null attribute lists
> (decode tx #:txexpr-attrs-proc
  (λ(attrs) (if (null? attrs) attrs (cons '[class "PhD"] attrs))))

'(div (p ((class "PhD") (id "first")) "If I only had a brain.") (p "Me too."))

The txexpr-elements-proc argument is a procedure that operates on the list of elements that represents the content of each tagged X-expression. Note that each element of an X-expression is subject to two passes through the decoder: once now, as a member of the list of elements, and also later, through its type-specific decoder (i.e., string-proc, symbol-proc, and so on).


> (define tx '(div "Double" "\n" "toil" amp "trouble"))
; Every element gets doubled ...
> (decode tx #:txexpr-elements-proc (λ(es) (append-map (λ(e) `(,e ,e)) es)))

'(div "Double" "Double" "\n" "\n" "toil" "toil" amp amp "trouble" "trouble")

; ... but only strings get capitalized
> (decode tx #:txexpr-elements-proc (λ(es) (append-map (λ(e) `(,e ,e)) es))
  #:string-proc (λ(s) (string-upcase s)))

'(div "DOUBLE" "DOUBLE" "\n" "\n" "TOIL" "TOIL" amp amp "TROUBLE" "TROUBLE")

So why do you need txexpr-elements-proc? Because some types of element decoding depend on context, thus it’s necessary to handle the elements as a group. For instance, the doubling function above, though useless, requires handling the element list as a whole, because elements are being added.

A more useful example: paragraph detection. The behavior is not merely a map across each element:


> (define (paras tx) (decode tx #:txexpr-elements-proc detect-paragraphs))
; Context matters. Trailing whitespace is ignored ...
> (paras '(body "The first paragraph." "\n\n"))

'(body "The first paragraph.")

; ... but whitespace between strings is converted to a break.
> (paras '(body "The first paragraph." "\n\n" "And another."))

'(body (p "The first paragraph.") (p "And another."))

; A combination of both types
> (paras '(body "The first paragraph." "\n\n" "And another." "\n\n"))

'(body (p "The first paragraph.") (p "And another."))

The block-txexpr-proc argument and the inline-txexpr-proc arguments are procedures that operate on tagged X-expressions. If the X-expression meets the block-txexpr? test, it is processed by block-txexpr-proc. Otherwise, it is processed by inline-txexpr-proc. Thus every tagged X-expression will be handled by one or the other. Of course, if you want block and inline elements to be handled the same way, you can set block-txexpr-proc and inline-txexpr-proc to be the same procedure.


> (define tx '(div "Please" (em "mind the gap") (h1 "Tuesdays only")))
> (define add-ns (λ(tx) (make-txexpr
      (string->symbol (format "ns:~a" (get-tag tx)))
      (get-attrs tx)
      (get-elements tx))))
; div and h1 are block elements, so this will only affect them
> (decode tx #:block-txexpr-proc add-ns)

'(ns:div "Please" (em "mind the gap") (ns:h1 "Tuesdays only"))

; em is an inline element, so this will only affect it
> (decode tx #:inline-txexpr-proc add-ns)

'(div "Please" (ns:em "mind the gap") (h1 "Tuesdays only"))

; this will affect all elements
> (decode tx #:block-txexpr-proc add-ns #:inline-txexpr-proc add-ns)

'(ns:div "Please" (ns:em "mind the gap") (ns:h1 "Tuesdays only"))

The string-proc, symbol-proc, valid-char-proc, and cdata-proc arguments are procedures that operate on X-expressions that are strings, symbols, valid-chars, and CDATA, respectively. Deliberately, the output contracts for these procedures accept any kind of X-expression (meaning, the procedure can change the X-expression type).


; A div with string, entity, character, and cdata elements
> (define tx `(div "Moe" amp 62 ,(cdata #f #f "3 > 2;")))
> (define rulify (λ(x) '(hr)))
; The rulify function is selectively applied to each
> (print (decode tx #:string-proc rulify))

'(div (hr) amp 62 #(struct:cdata #f #f "3 > 2;"))

> (print (decode tx #:symbol-proc rulify))

'(div "Moe" (hr) 62 #(struct:cdata #f #f "3 > 2;"))

> (print (decode tx #:valid-char-proc rulify))

'(div "Moe" amp (hr) #(struct:cdata #f #f "3 > 2;"))

> (print (decode tx #:cdata-proc rulify))

'(div "Moe" amp 62 (hr))

Finally, the tags-to-exclude argument is a list of tags that will be exempted from decoding. Though you could get the same result by testing the input within the individual decoding functions, that’s tedious and potentially slower.


> (define tx '(p "I really think" (em "italics") "should be lowercase."))
> (decode tx #:string-proc (λ(s) (string-upcase s)))


> (decode tx #:string-proc (λ(s) (string-upcase s)) #:exclude-tags '(em))

'(p "I REALLY THINK" (em "italics") "SHOULD BE LOWERCASE.")

The tags-to-exclude argument is useful if you’re decoding source that’s destined to become HTML. According to the HTML spec, material within a <style> or <script> block needs to be preserved literally. In this example, if the CSS and JavaScript blocks are capitalized, they won’t work. So exclude '(style script), and problem solved.


> (define tx '(body (h1 [[class "Red"]] "Let's visit Planet Telex.")
  (style [[type "text/css"]] ".Red {color: green;}")
  (script [[type "text/javascript"]] "var area = h * w;")))
> (decode tx #:string-proc (λ(s) (string-upcase s)))


  (h1 ((class "Red")) "LET'S VISIT PLANET TELEX.")

  (style ((type "text/css")) ".RED {COLOR: GREEN;}")

  (script ((type "text/javascript")) "VAR AREA = H * W;"))

> (decode tx #:string-proc (λ(s) (string-upcase s))
  #:exclude-tags '(style script))


  (h1 ((class "Red")) "LET'S VISIT PLANET TELEX.")

  (style ((type "text/css")) ".Red {color: green;}")

  (script ((type "text/javascript")) "var area = h * w;"))

10.2.1 Block

Because it’s convenient, Pollen categorizes tagged X-expressions into two categories: block and inline. Why is it convenient? When using decode, you often want to treat the two categories differently. Not that you have to. But this is how you can.


(project-block-tags)  (listof txexpr-tag?)

(project-block-tags block-tags)  void?
  block-tags : (listof txexpr-tag?)
A parameter that defines the set of tags that decode will treat as blocks. This parameter is initialized with the HTML block tags, namely:

(address article aside audio blockquote body canvas dd div dl fieldset figcaption figure footer form h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 header hgroup noscript ol output p pre section table tfoot ul video)


(register-block-tag tag)  void?

  tag : txexpr-tag?
Adds a tag to project-block-tags so that block-txexpr? will report it as a block, and decode will process it with block-txexpr-proc rather than inline-txexpr-proc.

Pollen tries to do the right thing without being told. But this is the rare case where you have to be explicit. If you introduce a tag into your markup that you want treated as a block, you must use this function to identify it, or you will get spooky behavior later on.

For instance, detect-paragraphs knows that block elements in the markup shouldn’t be wrapped in a p tag. So if you introduce a new block element called bloq without registering it as a block, misbehavior will follow:


> (define (paras tx) (decode tx #:txexpr-elements-proc detect-paragraphs))
> (paras '(body "I want to be a paragraph." "\n\n" (bloq "But not me.")))

'(body (p "I want to be a paragraph.") (p (bloq "But not me.")))

; Wrong: bloq should not be wrapped

But once you register bloq as a block, order is restored:


> (define (paras tx) (decode tx #:txexpr-elements-proc detect-paragraphs))
> (register-block-tag 'bloq)
> (paras '(body "I want to be a paragraph." "\n\n" (bloq "But not me.")))

'(body (p "I want to be a paragraph.") (bloq "But not me."))

; Right: bloq is treated as a block

If you find the idea of registering block tags unbearable, good news. The project-block-tags include the standard HTML block tags by default. So if you just want to use things like div and p and h1–h6, you’ll get the right behavior for free.


> (define (paras tx) (decode tx #:txexpr-elements-proc detect-paragraphs))
> (paras '(body "I want to be a paragraph." "\n\n" (div "But not me.")))

'(body (p "I want to be a paragraph.") (div "But not me."))


(block-txexpr? v)  boolean?

  v : any/c
Predicate that tests whether v is a tagged X-expression, and if so, whether the tag is among the project-block-tags. If not, it is treated as inline. To adjust how this test works, use register-block-tag.

10.2.2 Typography

An assortment of typography & layout functions, designed to be used with decode. These aren’t hard to write. So if you like these, use them. If not, make your own.


(whitespace? v)  boolean?

  v : any/c
A predicate that returns #t for any stringlike v that’s entirely whitespace, but also the empty string, as well as lists and vectors that are made only of whitespace? members. Following the regexp-match convention, whitespace? does not return #t for a nonbreaking space. If you prefer that behavior, use whitespace/nbsp?.


> (whitespace? "\n\n   ")


> (whitespace? (string->symbol "\n\n   "))


> (whitespace? "")


> (whitespace? '("" "  " "\n\n\n" " \n"))


> (define nonbreaking-space (format "~a" #\u00A0))
> (whitespace? nonbreaking-space)



(whitespace/nbsp? v)  boolean?

  v : any/c
Like whitespace?, but also returns #t for nonbreaking spaces.


> (whitespace/nbsp? "\n\n   ")


> (whitespace/nbsp? (string->symbol "\n\n   "))


> (whitespace/nbsp? "")


> (whitespace/nbsp? '("" "  " "\n\n\n" " \n"))


> (define nonbreaking-space (format "~a" #\u00A0))
> (whitespace/nbsp? nonbreaking-space)



(smart-quotes str)  string?

  str : string?
Convert straight quotes in str to curly according to American English conventions.


> (define tricky-string
  "\"Why,\" she could've asked, \"are we in O‘ahu watching 'Mame'?\"")
> (display tricky-string)

"Why," she could've asked, "are we in O‘ahu watching 'Mame'?"

> (display (smart-quotes tricky-string))

“Why,” she could’ve asked, “are we in O‘ahu watching ‘Mame’?”


(smart-dashes str)  string?

  str : string?
In str, convert three hyphens to an em dash, and two hyphens to an en dash, and remove surrounding spaces.


> (define tricky-string "I had a few --- OK, like 6--8 --- thin mints.")
> (display tricky-string)

I had a few --- OK, like 6--8 --- thin mints.

> (display (smart-dashes tricky-string))

I had a few—OK, like 6–8—thin mints.

; Monospaced font not great for showing dashes, but you get the idea


(detect-linebreaks tagged-xexpr-elements 
  [#:separator linebreak-sep 
  #:insert linebreak]) 
  tagged-xexpr-elements : txexpr-elements?
  linebreak-sep : string? = world:linebreak-separator
  linebreak : xexpr? = '(br)
Within tagged-xexpr-elements, convert occurrences of linebreak-sep ("\n" by default) to linebreak, but only if linebreak-sep does not occur between blocks (see block-txexpr?). Why? Because block-level elements automatically display on a new line, so adding linebreak would be superfluous. In that case, linebreak-sep just disappears.


> (detect-linebreaks '(div "Two items:" "\n" (em "Eggs") "\n" (em "Bacon")))

'(div "Two items:" (br) (em "Eggs") (br) (em "Bacon"))

> (detect-linebreaks '(div "Two items:" "\n" (div "Eggs") "\n" (div "Bacon")))

'(div "Two items:" (div "Eggs") (div "Bacon"))


(detect-paragraphs elements 
  [#:separator paragraph-sep 
  #:tag paragraph-tag 
  #:linebreak-proc linebreak-proc]) 
  elements : txexpr-elements?
  paragraph-sep : string? = world:paragraph-separator
  paragraph-tag : symbol? = 'p
  linebreak-proc : (txexpr-elements? . -> . txexpr-elements?)
   = detect-linebreaks
Find paragraphs within elements, as denoted by paragraph-sep, and wrap them with paragraph-tag, unless the element is already a block-txexpr? (because in that case, the wrapping is superfluous). Thus, as a consequence, if paragraph-sep occurs between two blocks, it’s ignored.

The paragraph-tag argument sets the tag used to wrap paragraphs.

The linebreak-proc argument allows you to use a different linebreaking procedure other than the usual detect-linebreaks.


> (detect-paragraphs '("First para" "\n\n" "Second para"))

'((p "First para") (p "Second para"))

> (detect-paragraphs '("First para" "\n\n" "Second para" "\n" "Second line"))

'((p "First para") (p "Second para" (br) "Second line"))

> (detect-paragraphs '("First para" "\n\n" (div "Second block")))

'((p "First para") (div "Second block"))

> (detect-paragraphs '((div "First block") "\n\n" (div "Second block")))

'((div "First block") (div "Second block"))

> (detect-paragraphs '("First para" "\n\n" "Second para") #:tag 'ns:p)

'((ns:p "First para") (ns:p "Second para"))

> (detect-paragraphs '("First para" "\n\n" "Second para" "\n" "Second line")
  #:linebreak-proc (λ(x) (detect-linebreaks x #:insert '(newline))))

'((p "First para") (p "Second para" (newline) "Second line"))


(wrap-hanging-quotes tx 
  [#:single-preprend single-preprender 
  #:double-preprend double-preprender]) 
  tx : txexpr?
  single-preprender : txexpr-tag? = 'squo
  double-preprender : txexpr-tag? = 'dquo
Find single or double quote marks at the beginning of tx and wrap them in an X-expression with the tag single-preprender or double-preprender, respectively. The default values are 'squo and 'dquo.


> (wrap-hanging-quotes '(p "No quote to hang."))

'(p "No quote to hang.")

> (wrap-hanging-quotes '(p "“What? We need to hang quotes?”"))

'(p (dquo "“" "What? We need to hang quotes?”"))

In pro typography, quotation marks at the beginning of a line or paragraph are often shifted into the margin slightly to make them appear more optically aligned with the left edge of the text. With a reflowable layout model like HTML, you don’t know where your line breaks will be.

This function will simply insert the 'squo and 'dquo tags, which provide hooks that let you do the actual hanging via CSS, like so (actual measurement can be refined to taste):

squo {margin-left: -0.25em;}

dquo {margin-left: -0.50em;}

Be warned: there are many edge cases this function does not handle well.


; Argh: this edge case is not handled properly
> (wrap-hanging-quotes '(p "“" (em "What?") "We need to hang quotes?”"))

'(p "“" (em "What?") "We need to hang quotes?”")

\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/doc/Pagetree.html b/doc/Pagetree.html index 777ef63..88892bb 100644 --- a/doc/Pagetree.html +++ b/doc/Pagetree.html @@ -1,2 +1,2 @@ -10.4 Pagetree
10 Module reference
10.1 Cache
10.2 Decode
10.3 File
10.4 Pagetree
10.5 Render
10.6 Template
10.7 Tag
10.8 Top
10.9 World
10.4 Pagetree
On this page:
10.4.1 Navigation
10.4.2 Utilities

10.4 Pagetree

 (require pollen/pagetree) package: pollen

A pagetree is a hierarchical list of Pollen output files. A pagetree source file has the extension .ptree. A pagetree provides a convenient way of separating the structure of the pages from the page sources, and navigating around this structure.

Pagetrees are made of pagenodes. Usually these pagenodes will be names of output files in your project. (If you think it would’ve been more logical to just call them “pages,” perhaps. When I think of a web page, I think of a file on a disk. Whereas pagenodes may — and often do — refer to files that don’t yet exist.)

Books and other long documents are usually organized in a structured way — at minimum they have a sequence of pages, but more often they have sections with subsequences within. Individual Pollen source files don’t know anything about how they’re connected to other files. In theory, you could maintain this information within each source file. This would be a poor use of human energy. Let the pagetree figure it out.


(pagetree? possible-pagetree)  boolean?

  possible-pagetree : any/c
Test whether possible-pagetree is a valid pagetree. It must be a txexpr? where all elements are pagenode?, and each is unique within possible-pagetree (not counting the root node).


> (pagetree? '(root index.html))


> (pagetree? '(root duplicate.html duplicate.html))


> (pagetree? '(root index.html "string.html"))


> (define nested-ptree '(root 1.html 2.html (3.html 3a.html 3b.html)))
> (pagetree? nested-ptree)


> (pagetree? `(root index.html ,nested-ptree (subsection.html more.html)))


; Nesting a subtree twice creates duplication
> (pagetree? `(root index.html ,nested-ptree (subsection.html ,nested-ptree)))



(validate-pagetree possible-pagetree)  pagetree?

  possible-pagetree : any/c
Like pagetree?, but raises a descriptive error if possible-pagetree is invalid, and otherwise returns possible-pagetree itself.


> (validate-pagetree '(root (mama.html son.html daughter.html) uncle.html))

'(root (mama.html son.html daughter.html) uncle.html)

> (validate-pagetree `(root (,+ son.html daughter.html) uncle.html))


> (validate-pagetree '(root (mama.html son.html son.html) mama.html))

validate-pagetree: items aren’t unique: (mama.html son.html)


(pagenode? possible-pagenode)  boolean?

  possible-pagenode : any/c
Test whether possible-pagenode is a valid pagenode. A pagenode can be any symbol? that is not whitespace/nbsp? Every leaf of a pagetree is a pagenode. In practice, your pagenodes will likely be names of output files.

Pagenodes are symbols (rather than strings) so that pagetrees will be valid tagged X-expressions, which is a more convenient format for validation & processing.


; Three symbols, the third one annoying but valid
> (map pagenode? '(symbol index.html |   silly   |))

'(#t #t #t)

; A number, a string, a txexpr, and a whitespace symbol
> (map pagenode? '(9.999 "index.html" (p "Hello") |    |))

'(#f #f #f #f)


(pagenodeish? v)  boolean?

  v : any/c
Return #t if v can be converted with ->pagenode.


> (map pagenodeish? '(9.999 "index.html" |    |))

'(#t #t #f)


(->pagenode v)  pagenode?

  v : pagenodeish?
Convert v to a pagenode.


> (map pagenodeish? '(symbol 9.999 "index.html" |  silly  |))

'(#t #t #t #t)

> (map ->pagenode '(symbol 9.999 "index.html" |  silly  |))

'(symbol |9.999| index.html |  silly  |)

10.4.1 Navigation


(current-pagetree)  pagetree?

(current-pagetree pagetree)  void?
  pagetree : pagetree?
A parameter that defines the default pagetree used by pagetree navigation functions (e.g., parent-pagenode, chidren, et al.) if another is not explicitly specified. Initialized to #f.


(parent p [pagetree])  (or/c #f pagenode?)

  p : (or/c #f pagenodeish?)
  pagetree : pagetree? = (current-pagetree)
Find the parent pagenode of p within pagetree. Return #f if there isn’t one.


> (current-pagetree '(root (mama.html son.html daughter.html) uncle.html))
> (parent 'son.html)


> (parent "mama.html")


> (parent (parent 'son.html))


> (parent (parent (parent 'son.html)))



(children p [pagetree])  (or/c #f pagenode?)

  p : (or/c #f pagenodeish?)
  pagetree : pagetree? = (current-pagetree)
Find the child pagenodes of p within pagetree. Return #f if there aren’t any.


> (current-pagetree '(root (mama.html son.html daughter.html) uncle.html))
> (children 'mama.html)

'(son.html daughter.html)

> (children 'uncle.html)


> (children 'root)

'(mama.html uncle.html)

> (map children (children 'root))

'((son.html daughter.html) #f)


(siblings p [pagetree])  (or/c #f pagenode?)

  p : (or/c #f pagenodeish?)
  pagetree : pagetree? = (current-pagetree)
Find the sibling pagenodes of p within pagetree. The list will include p itself. But the function will still return #f if pagetree is #f.


> (current-pagetree '(root (mama.html son.html daughter.html) uncle.html))
> (siblings 'son.html)

'(son.html daughter.html)

> (siblings 'daughter.html)

'(son.html daughter.html)

> (siblings 'mama.html)

'(mama.html uncle.html)


(previous p [pagetree])  (or/c #f pagenode?)

  p : (or/c #f pagenodeish?)
  pagetree : pagetree? = (current-pagetree)


(previous* p [pagetree])  (or/c #f (listof pagenode?))

  p : (or/c #f pagenodeish?)
  pagetree : pagetree? = (current-pagetree)
Return the pagenode immediately before p. For previous*, return all the pagenodes before p, in sequence. In both cases, return #f if there aren’t any pagenodes. The root pagenode is ignored.


> (current-pagetree '(root (mama.html son.html daughter.html) uncle.html))
> (previous 'daughter.html)


> (previous 'son.html)


> (previous (previous 'daughter.html))


> (previous 'mama.html)


> (previous* 'daughter.html)

'(mama.html son.html)

> (previous* 'uncle.html)

'(mama.html son.html daughter.html)


(next p [pagetree])  (or/c #f pagenode?)

  p : (or/c #f pagenodeish?)
  pagetree : pagetree? = (current-pagetree)


(next* p [pagetree])  (or/c #f (listof pagenode?))

  p : (or/c #f pagenodeish?)
  pagetree : pagetree? = (current-pagetree)
Return the pagenode immediately after p. For next*, return all the pagenodes after p, in sequence. In both cases, return #f if there aren’t any pagenodes. The root pagenode is ignored.


> (current-pagetree '(root (mama.html son.html daughter.html) uncle.html))
> (next 'son.html)


> (next 'daughter.html)


> (next (next 'son.html))


> (next 'uncle.html)


> (next* 'mama.html)

'(son.html daughter.html uncle.html)

> (next* 'daughter.html)


10.4.2 Utilities


(pagetree->list pagetree)  list?

  pagetree : pagetree?
Convert pagetree to a simple list. Equivalent to a pre-order depth-first traversal of pagetree.


(in-pagetree? pagenode [pagetree])  boolean?

  pagenode : pagenode?
  pagetree : pagetree? = (current-pagetree)
Report whether pagenode is in pagetree.


(path->pagenode p)  pagenode?

  p : pathish?
Convert path p to a pagenode — meaning, make it relative to current-project-root, run it through ->output-path, and convert it to a symbol. Does not tell you whether the resultant pagenode actually exists in the current pagetree (for that, use in-pagetree?).

\ No newline at end of file +10.4 Pagetree
10 Module reference
10.1 Cache
10.2 Decode
10.3 File
10.4 Pagetree
10.5 Render
10.6 Template
10.7 Tag
10.8 Top
10.9 World
10.4 Pagetree
On this page:
10.4.1 Navigation
10.4.2 Utilities

10.4 Pagetree

 (require pollen/pagetree) package: pollen

A pagetree is a hierarchical list of Pollen output files. A pagetree source file has the extension .ptree. A pagetree provides a convenient way of separating the structure of the pages from the page sources, and navigating around this structure.

Pagetrees are made of pagenodes. Usually these pagenodes will be names of output files in your project. (If you think it would’ve been more logical to just call them “pages,” perhaps. When I think of a web page, I think of a file on a disk. Whereas pagenodes may — and often do — refer to files that don’t yet exist.)

Books and other long documents are usually organized in a structured way — at minimum they have a sequence of pages, but more often they have sections with subsequences within. Individual Pollen source files don’t know anything about how they’re connected to other files. In theory, you could maintain this information within each source file. This would be a poor use of human energy. Let the pagetree figure it out.


(pagetree? possible-pagetree)  boolean?

  possible-pagetree : any/c
Test whether possible-pagetree is a valid pagetree. It must be a txexpr? where all elements are pagenode?, and each is unique within possible-pagetree (not counting the root node).


> (pagetree? '(root index.html))


> (pagetree? '(root duplicate.html duplicate.html))


> (pagetree? '(root index.html "string.html"))


> (define nested-ptree '(root 1.html 2.html (3.html 3a.html 3b.html)))
> (pagetree? nested-ptree)


> (pagetree? `(root index.html ,nested-ptree (subsection.html more.html)))


; Nesting a subtree twice creates duplication
> (pagetree? `(root index.html ,nested-ptree (subsection.html ,nested-ptree)))



(validate-pagetree possible-pagetree)  pagetree?

  possible-pagetree : any/c
Like pagetree?, but raises a descriptive error if possible-pagetree is invalid, and otherwise returns possible-pagetree itself.


> (validate-pagetree '(root (mama.html son.html daughter.html) uncle.html))

'(root (mama.html son.html daughter.html) uncle.html)

> (validate-pagetree `(root (,+ son.html daughter.html) uncle.html))


> (validate-pagetree '(root (mama.html son.html son.html) mama.html))

validate-pagetree: items aren’t unique: (son.html mama.html)


(pagenode? possible-pagenode)  boolean?

  possible-pagenode : any/c
Test whether possible-pagenode is a valid pagenode. A pagenode can be any symbol? that is not whitespace/nbsp? Every leaf of a pagetree is a pagenode. In practice, your pagenodes will likely be names of output files.

Pagenodes are symbols (rather than strings) so that pagetrees will be valid tagged X-expressions, which is a more convenient format for validation & processing.


; Three symbols, the third one annoying but valid
> (map pagenode? '(symbol index.html |   silly   |))

'(#t #t #t)

; A number, a string, a txexpr, and a whitespace symbol
> (map pagenode? '(9.999 "index.html" (p "Hello") |    |))

'(#f #f #f #f)


(pagenodeish? v)  boolean?

  v : any/c
Return #t if v can be converted with ->pagenode.


> (map pagenodeish? '(9.999 "index.html" |    |))

'(#t #t #f)


(->pagenode v)  pagenode?

  v : pagenodeish?
Convert v to a pagenode.


> (map pagenodeish? '(symbol 9.999 "index.html" |  silly  |))

'(#t #t #t #t)

> (map ->pagenode '(symbol 9.999 "index.html" |  silly  |))

'(symbol |9.999| index.html |  silly  |)

10.4.1 Navigation


(current-pagetree)  pagetree?

(current-pagetree pagetree)  void?
  pagetree : pagetree?
A parameter that defines the default pagetree used by pagetree navigation functions (e.g., parent-pagenode, chidren, et al.) if another is not explicitly specified. Initialized to #f.


(parent p [pagetree])  (or/c #f pagenode?)

  p : (or/c #f pagenodeish?)
  pagetree : pagetree? = (current-pagetree)
Find the parent pagenode of p within pagetree. Return #f if there isn’t one.


> (current-pagetree '(root (mama.html son.html daughter.html) uncle.html))
> (parent 'son.html)


> (parent "mama.html")


> (parent (parent 'son.html))


> (parent (parent (parent 'son.html)))



(children p [pagetree])  (or/c #f pagenode?)

  p : (or/c #f pagenodeish?)
  pagetree : pagetree? = (current-pagetree)
Find the child pagenodes of p within pagetree. Return #f if there aren’t any.


> (current-pagetree '(root (mama.html son.html daughter.html) uncle.html))
> (children 'mama.html)

'(son.html daughter.html)

> (children 'uncle.html)


> (children 'root)

'(mama.html uncle.html)

> (map children (children 'root))

'((son.html daughter.html) #f)


(siblings p [pagetree])  (or/c #f pagenode?)

  p : (or/c #f pagenodeish?)
  pagetree : pagetree? = (current-pagetree)
Find the sibling pagenodes of p within pagetree. The list will include p itself. But the function will still return #f if pagetree is #f.


> (current-pagetree '(root (mama.html son.html daughter.html) uncle.html))
> (siblings 'son.html)

'(son.html daughter.html)

> (siblings 'daughter.html)

'(son.html daughter.html)

> (siblings 'mama.html)

'(mama.html uncle.html)


(previous p [pagetree])  (or/c #f pagenode?)

  p : (or/c #f pagenodeish?)
  pagetree : pagetree? = (current-pagetree)


(previous* p [pagetree])  (or/c #f (listof pagenode?))

  p : (or/c #f pagenodeish?)
  pagetree : pagetree? = (current-pagetree)
Return the pagenode immediately before p. For previous*, return all the pagenodes before p, in sequence. In both cases, return #f if there aren’t any pagenodes. The root pagenode is ignored.


> (current-pagetree '(root (mama.html son.html daughter.html) uncle.html))
> (previous 'daughter.html)


> (previous 'son.html)


> (previous (previous 'daughter.html))


> (previous 'mama.html)


> (previous* 'daughter.html)

'(mama.html son.html)

> (previous* 'uncle.html)

'(mama.html son.html daughter.html)


(next p [pagetree])  (or/c #f pagenode?)

  p : (or/c #f pagenodeish?)
  pagetree : pagetree? = (current-pagetree)


(next* p [pagetree])  (or/c #f (listof pagenode?))

  p : (or/c #f pagenodeish?)
  pagetree : pagetree? = (current-pagetree)
Return the pagenode immediately after p. For next*, return all the pagenodes after p, in sequence. In both cases, return #f if there aren’t any pagenodes. The root pagenode is ignored.


> (current-pagetree '(root (mama.html son.html daughter.html) uncle.html))
> (next 'son.html)


> (next 'daughter.html)


> (next (next 'son.html))


> (next 'uncle.html)


> (next* 'mama.html)

'(son.html daughter.html uncle.html)

> (next* 'daughter.html)


10.4.2 Utilities


(pagetree->list pagetree)  list?

  pagetree : pagetree?
Convert pagetree to a simple list. Equivalent to a pre-order depth-first traversal of pagetree.


(in-pagetree? pagenode [pagetree])  boolean?

  pagenode : pagenode?
  pagetree : pagetree? = (current-pagetree)
Report whether pagenode is in pagetree.


(path->pagenode p)  pagenode?

  p : pathish?
Convert path p to a pagenode — meaning, make it relative to current-project-root, run it through ->output-path, and convert it to a symbol. Does not tell you whether the resultant pagenode actually exists in the current pagetree (for that, use in-pagetree?).

\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/doc/second-tutorial.html b/doc/second-tutorial.html index 6456639..ace172d 100644 --- a/doc/second-tutorial.html +++ b/doc/second-tutorial.html @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
<root><h1 id="my-article">Deep Thought</h1><p>I am
<strong>so</strong> happy to be writing this.</p></root>

But wait — where did the template come from? When you view an authoring-mode source file in the project server without specifying a template, Pollen helps you out and uses its fallback template. The fallback template is just a minimal template that’s used as a last resort. Under ordinary circumstances, seeing the fallback template usually signals a problem (e.g., Pollen couldn’t find the template you asked for).

But we can learn a few things from the fallback template about how to make an HTML template.

6.4.1 The ->html function and the doc variable

This is the fallback template that Pollen uses.


◊(->html (html (head (meta 'charset: "UTF-8")) (body doc)))

It has three key ingredients.

First, there’s an X-expression that represents a basic HTML page:

(html (head (meta 'charset: "UTF-8")) (body))

This is equivalent to the HTML:

<html><head><meta charset="UTF-8"></head><body></body></html>

But within a template, we need to explicitly convert from X-expression to HTML. So we wrap this X-expression with our second key ingredient, the Pollen command ->html:

◊(->html (html (head (meta 'charset: "UTF-8")) (body)))

Third, we need to include the content from our source file. We do this by putting the variable doc inside the body tag.

◊(->html (html (head (meta 'charset: "UTF-8")) (body doc)))

By convention, every Pollen source file makes its output available through the variable doc. A source file in preprocessor mode puts its text result in doc. And a source file in authoring mode puts its X-expression result in doc.

You can change the name to something other than doc by changing world:main-pollen-export.

Under the hood, a template is just a partial program that relies on a set of variables defined by another source file (fancy name: lexical context). So if you ran this template on its own, nothing would happen, because doc isn’t defined. But when you run it in the context of another source file, it picks up the doc that’s defined by that file.

Caution — despite the name, a Pollen template is not necessarily a file of the type suggested by its extension. For instance, fallback.html is a file that ultimately produces HTML, but it’s not actually written in HTML.

It could be, however. Here’s an equivalent way of writing fallback.html that inserts doc into actual HTML, rather than making the whole thing an X-expression.

<html><head><meta charset="UTF-8"></head>

<body>◊(->html doc)</body></html>

Notice that we still need to use the ->html function, but this time, instead of surrounding a larger X-expression, it just goes around doc.

Truly, there is no difference between these two methods. Use whichever works best for you. I often prefer the second method because I like to build & test HTML layouts by hand using placeholder content to make sure all the fiddly bits work. Then it’s easy to replace the placeholder content with (->html doc), and it becomes a template.

6.4.2 Making a custom template

We’ll use these three ingredients to make our own template for article.html.pmd.

In general, template files can have any name you want. But by default, Pollen will first look for a file in your project directory called template.ext, where ext matches the output-file extension of the source file. So if your source file is database.xml.pmd, Pollen will look for template.xml. And for article.html.pmd, Pollen will look for template.html.

Therefore, to set up a custom template, all we need to do is create a file called template.html in our project directory, and make sure it has the three key ingredients we saw in the fallback template. Pollen will automatically apply it to article.html.pmd when we view it in the project server.

But don’t take my word for it. In your project directory, create a new file called template.html:



<head><meta charset="UTF-8">

<title>Custom template</title></head>

<body>◊(->html doc)</body>


Recall from the last section that this is the same as the fallback template, but written out in HTML, and with a title element added. In fact, you can now refresh article.html in the project server. Does it look different? No — it won’t, because the resulting template is the same. You should notice, however, that the title of the browser window is now “Custom template,” because Pollen is relying on your new template file, rather than the fallback template.

Let’s change our custom template by adding a style block:



<head><meta charset="UTF-8">

<title>Custom template</title>

<style type="text/css">

body {padding: 3em; font-size: 20px;}

h1 {background: gray; color: white;}

strong {color: red;}


<body>◊(->html doc)</body>


When you refresh article.html in the project server, you’ll see that the heading now has a gray background, and one word in the text is red.

Feel free to add other settings to template.html, or update the text in article.html, and see how the page changes. As you’d expect, the project server keeps an eye on both your source files and your template files, and if one changes, it will refresh the output file automatically.

6.4.3 Inserting specific source data into templates

In the last example, we used doc to insert the entire content of the source file — as an X-expression — into the template.

But what if you want to only insert part of your source file into the template? For instance, you’ll look like a dork if the title on each page is “Custom template.” So let’s fix that.

When you’re working in a template, Pollen provides a select function that lets you extract the content of a specific tag, like so: ◊(select tag-name doc), which means “get the content of tag-name out of doc and put it here.”

Let’s suppose that we’d rather use the name of the article — Deep Thought — as the page title. We’re going to put a ◊(select ...) command inside the <title> tag.

Beyond that, we just need to know the tag name that contains the title. If we have a little Markdown expertise, we might already know that this part of our Markdown source:

Deep Thought


is going to produce a tag named h1.

What if we don’t have all the Markdown conversions memorized? No problem. We can still figure out the tag name by running the article.html.pmd source file in DrRacket and looking at the X-expression that results:

’(root (h1 ((id "my-article")) "Deep Thought") (p () "I am " -
(strong () "so") " happy to be writing this."))

Either way, now we know that the text Deep Thought lives in the h1 tag. So we update our template accordingly (for brevity, I’m going to omit the style tag in these examples, but it’s fine to leave it in):



<head><meta charset="UTF-8">

<title>◊(select 'h1 doc)</title></head>

<body>◊(->html doc)</body>


When you refresh the page in the project server, the page title will now appear as “Deep Thought.” Of course, you can also combine static and dynamic elements in your template, like so:



<head><meta charset="UTF-8">

<title>◊(select 'h1 doc), by MB</title></head>

<body>◊(->html doc)</body>


The page title will now be “Deep Thought, by MB”.

A couple notes on command syntax. We inserted the select and ->html commands using Racket-mode syntax. We could also use text-mode syntax and write the commands this way:



<head><meta charset="UTF-8">

<title>◊select['h1 doc], by MB</title></head>



This is exactly equivalent to the previous example. Skeptics are welcome to confirm this by checking the result in the project server.

Finally, notice that in the select command, the tag name 'h1 is written with a quote mark, whereas doc is not. This is an easy place to get tripped up, but the rule is simple: you don’t use a quote mark when you’re referring to the name of an existing function or variable (like select or doc). But you do need a quote mark when you’re using the text as a literal value.

Racket (and hence Pollen) makes a distinction between Symbols (e.g. 'h1) and Strings (e.g. "h1"). Without getting into the weeds, just note for now that the tag of an X-expression is always a symbol, not a string. But if you write ◊(select "h1" doc), the command will still work, because Pollen will treat it as ◊(select 'h1 doc), consistent with a general policy of not being persnickety about input types when the intention is clear.

6.4.4 Linking to an external CSS file

If you’re a super web hotshot, you probably don’t put your CSS selectors in the <head> tag. Instead, you link to an external CSS file. So it will not surprise you that in Pollen, you can do this by adding the usual <link> tag to your HTML template, in this case a file called styles.css:



<head><meta charset="UTF-8">

<title>◊select['h1 doc], by MB</title></head>

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all" href="styles.css" />



Fans of hand-coded CSS, I trust you to take it from here: make your styles.css file, and enjoy the results.

But folks who paid attention during the First tutorial might be wondering “Can we link to a dynamically generated styles.css.pp file?”

Yes, of course. Here’s the rule of thumb: when you’re making links between files — whether CSS, or HTML, or anything else — Pollen doesn’t care whether the file is static or dynamic. You just refer to it by its ultimate name, in this case styles.css. If a static styles.css file exists, Pollen will use that. If it doesn’t, Pollen will look for a source file it can use to make styles.css, and generate it on the spot. (You can also start with a static file, and change it to be dynamic later, and Pollen will do the right thing.)

So to use a dynamic CSS file, we don’t need to make any changes to template.html. We just need to add styles.css.pp to the project directory:


#lang pollen


◊(define h1-color "blue")

◊(define strong-color "green")


body {padding: 3em; font-size: 20px;}

h1 {background: ◊|h1-color|; color: white;}

strong {color: ◊|strong-color|;}

Now, when you refresh article.html in the project server, Pollen will generate the styles.css file it needs, and you’ll see the new colors in the page. As before, if you update styles.css.pp, Pollen will notice and regenerate the CSS file when you refresh the page.

Can you add multiple dynamic style sheets? Yes. +
(strong () "so") " happy to be writing this."))

Either way, now we know that the text Deep Thought lives in the h1 tag. So we update our template accordingly (for brevity, I’m going to omit the style tag in these examples, but it’s fine to leave it in):



<head><meta charset="UTF-8">

<title>◊(select 'h1 doc)</title></head>

<body>◊(->html doc)</body>


When you refresh the page in the project server, the page title will now appear as “Deep Thought.” Of course, you can also combine static and dynamic elements in your template, like so:



<head><meta charset="UTF-8">

<title>◊(select 'h1 doc), by MB</title></head>

<body>◊(->html doc)</body>


The page title will now be “Deep Thought, by MB”.

A couple notes on command syntax. We inserted the select and ->html commands using Racket-mode syntax. We could also use text-mode syntax and write the commands this way:



<head><meta charset="UTF-8">

<title>◊select['h1 doc], by MB</title></head>



This is exactly equivalent to the previous example. Skeptics are welcome to confirm this by checking the result in the project server.

Finally, notice that in the select command, the tag name 'h1 is written with a quote mark, whereas doc is not. This is an easy place to get tripped up, but the rule is simple: you don’t use a quote mark when you’re referring to the name of an existing function or variable (like select or doc). But you do need a quote mark when you’re using the text as a literal value.

Racket (and hence Pollen) makes a distinction between Symbols (e.g. 'h1) and Strings (e.g. "h1"). Without getting into the weeds, just note for now that the tag of an X-expression is always a symbol, not a string. But if you write ◊(select "h1" doc), the command will still work, because Pollen will treat it as ◊(select 'h1 doc), consistent with a general policy of not being persnickety about input types when the intention is clear.

6.4.4 Linking to an external CSS file

If you’re a super web hotshot, you probably don’t put your CSS selectors in the <head> tag. Instead, you link to an external CSS file. So it will not surprise you that in Pollen, you can do this by adding the usual <link> tag to your HTML template, in this case a file called styles.css:



<head><meta charset="UTF-8">

<title>◊select['h1 doc], by MB</title></head>

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all" href="styles.css" />



Fans of hand-coded CSS, I trust you to take it from here: make your styles.css file, and enjoy the results.

But folks who paid attention during the First tutorial might be wondering “Can we link to a dynamically generated styles.css.pp file?”

Yes, of course. Here’s the rule of thumb: when you’re making links between files — whether CSS, or HTML, or anything else — Pollen doesn’t care whether the file is static or dynamic. You just refer to it by its ultimate name, in this case styles.css. If a static styles.css file exists, Pollen will use that. If it doesn’t, Pollen will look for a source file it can use to make styles.css, and generate it on the spot. (You can also start with a static file, and change it to be dynamic later, and Pollen will do the right thing.)

So to use a dynamic CSS file, we don’t need to make any changes to template.html. We just need to add styles.css.pp to the project directory:


#lang pollen


◊(define h1-color "blue")

◊(define strong-color "green")


body {padding: 3em; font-size: 20px;}

h1 {background: ◊|h1-color|; color: white;}

strong {color: ◊|strong-color|;}

Now, when you refresh article.html in the project server, Pollen will generate the styles.css file it needs, and you’ll see the new colors in the page. As before, if you update styles.css.pp, Pollen will notice and regenerate the CSS file when you refresh the page.

Can you add multiple dynamic style sheets? Yes.
Can you mix dynamic and static style sheets? Yes.
Can you add a dynamic JavaScript file? Yes.
You’re getting the general idea, right? So let’s move on.

6.5 Intermission

If you only need one page for your article, you can stop here. You now know everything necessary to publish a single-page article using authoring mode. You know how to create the mandatory ingredients — a source file and a template — and you also know how to link to an optional CSS file, which can be dynamically generated.

If you want to create a multi-page article, however, you need to get through one more big idea. This might be a good time to take a break.

6.6 Pagetrees

A pagetree is a hierarchical list of Pollen pages. When you have multiple pages in your project, the pagetree establishes relationships among those pages. At its most basic, a pagetree establishes a linear sequence for the pages. But pagetrees can also establish hierarchical relationships — for instance, a book-length project can be organized into chapters, the chapters into sections, and so on. The pagetree doesn’t impose any semantics on the organization of your project. It’s just a tree, and it’s up to you how many layers to establish, what those layers mean, and so on.

Pagemap might’ve been an equally good name, and perhaps more consistent with similar concepts in other web-publishing systems. But I avoided it out of deference to Racket’s map function, which means something completely different.

6.6.1 Pagetree navigation

Pagetrees are used in various ways throughout Pollen. But the most obvious use for a pagetree is to add navigational links to your pages. Obviously, in a multi-page article, readers need a way of getting from one page to the next. In this part of the tutorial, we’ll expand our sample article from one page to three, and see how to create “previous page” and “next page” links in our template that are dynamically generated relative to the current page.

6.6.2 Using the automatic pagetree

You’ve actually already been exposed to pagetrees (though I didn’t tell you about it at the time). Recall that the dashboard of the project server is located at http://localhost:8080/index.ptree. The list of files you see in the dashboard is a pagetree that Pollen creates by reading the files in the current directory and arranging them in alphabetical order.

If the multiple pages in your project are already ordered by filename, then you can rely on this automatic pagetree.

From earlier in the tutorial, you have a Markdown source file called article.html.pmd that looks like this:


#lang pollen


Deep Thought



I am **so** happy to be writing this.

Let’s supplement this source file by creating two others for the project:


#lang pollen


Barticle Title



The wonderful second part of the article.


#lang pollen


Carticle Title



The terrific third part.

As before, you can fill these source files with any sample Markdown content you like. Moreover, you don’t have to use the filenames barticle.html.pmd and carticle.html.pmd — the point is that the intended sequence needs to match the alphabetic sorting of the filenames.

We’ll reuse the template.html and styles.css files from earlier in the tutorial. Move or delete the other tutorial files so that your dashboard in the project server shows only these five files:

If you click on any of the three Markdown sources, you will see it converted into HTML using template.html, with styles appiled from styles.css.

The automatic pagetree for this project is exactly what you see in the dashboard: a list of the three article files, followed by styles.css and template.html.

6.6.3 Adding navigation links to the template with here

Recall from earlier in the tutorial that the content of your source file is made available in the template through the special variable doc. Likewise, the name of the current source file is made available through the special variable here.

To make any navigation link — up, down, sideways — the general idea is that we use here as input to a pagetree-navigation function, which then looks up the answer in the current pagetree.

First, let’s just see here on its own. Update your template as follows:



<head><meta charset="UTF-8">

<title>◊select['h1 doc], by MB</title></head>

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all" href="styles.css" />


The current page is called ◊|here|.



If you refresh article.html, you will now see the line “The current page is called article.html.” Switch to barticle.html, and you’ll see “The current page is called barticle.html.” Makes sense, right?

Now let’s use pagetree functions to show the names of the previous and next pages. Consistent with the usual policy of obviousness, these functions are called previous and next:



<head><meta charset="UTF-8">

<title>◊select['h1 doc], by MB</title></head>

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all" href="styles.css" />


The current page is called ◊|here|.

The previous is ◊|(previous here)|.

The next is ◊|(next here)|.



Refresh barticle.html. You’ll now see that “The current page is called barticle.html. The previous is article.html. The next is carticle.html.” So far, so good: we’re correctly deriving the previous and next pages from the automatic pagetree.

All that’s left is to add hyperlinks, which is easy:



<head><meta charset="UTF-8">

<title>◊select['h1 doc], by MB</title></head>

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all" href="styles.css" />


The current page is called ◊|here|.

The previous is <a href="◊|(previous here)|">◊|(previous here)|</a>.

The next is <a href="◊|(next here)|">◊|(next here)|</a>.



Refresh barticle.html, and you’ll see that the names of the previous and next pages are now hyperlinks to those pages. Click through and convince yourself that it works.

The documentation for pagetree Navigation will tell you about the other functions available for generating navigation links.

6.6.4 Handling navigation boundaries with conditionals

If you clicked through to article.html or carticle.html, you might’ve noticed a couple problems. Because article.html is the first page in the automatic pagetree, it doesn’t have any previous page it can link to. And the next-page link for carticle.html is styles.css, which is strictly correct — it is, in fact, the next file in the automatic pagetree — but it’s not part of our article, so we’d rather stop the navigation there.

One way to fix the problem would be to have three separate template files — the standard one with both previous- and next-page links, one with only a next-page link, and one with only a previous-page link.

But since we have a whole programming language available in Pollen, that’s a dull-witted way to solve the problem. The better way is to add conditionals to the template to selectively change the navigation. That keeps things simple, because we’ll still have only one template.html to deal with.

To handle article.html, we want to hide the previous-page navigation link when there’s no previous page. As it turns out, if the previous function can’t find a previous page, it will return false. So we just need to wrap our previous-page navigation in the when/block command like so:



<head><meta charset="UTF-8">

<title>◊select['h1 doc], by MB</title></head>

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all" href="styles.css" />


The current page is called ◊|here|.

◊when/block[(previous here)]{The previous is <a href="◊|(previous here)|">◊|(previous here)|</a>.}

The next is <a href="◊|(next here)|">◊|(next here)|</a>.



The basic structure of when/block is ◊when/block[condition]{insert-this-text}. Note the square braces around the condition, and the curly braces around the text. Using (previous here) as the condition is shorthand for “when (previous here) does not return false...”

Programmers in the audience might be getting anxious about the repeated use of (previous here) — you’re welcome to store that value in a variable, and everything will work the same way:



<head><meta charset="UTF-8">

<title>◊select['h1 doc], by MB</title></head>

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all" href="styles.css" />


The current page is called ◊|here|.

◊(define prev-page (previous here))

◊when/block[prev-page]{The previous is <a href="◊|prev-page|">◊|prev-page|</a>.}

The next is <a href="◊|(next here)|">◊|(next here)|</a>.



We need a different technique for handling the end of the next-page navigation, because we’re not reaching the actual end of the pagetree. We’re just reaching the end of the pages we care about navigating through.

What condition will help us detect this? Here, we can notice that the names of our article pages all contain the string article. While you’d probably want a more robust condition for a real project, in this tutorial, what we’ll do is hide the next-page navigation if the name of the next page doesn’t contain “article”. As we did before, we wrap our navigation line in the when/block function:



<head><meta charset="UTF-8">

<title>◊select['h1 doc], by MB</title></head>

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all" href="styles.css" />


The current page is called ◊|here|.

◊(define prev-page (previous here))

◊when/block[prev-page]{The previous is <a href="◊|prev-page|">◊|prev-page|</a>.}

◊when/block[(regexp-match "article" (->string (next here)))]{

The next is <a href="◊|(next here)|">◊|(next here)|</a>.}



This time, the condition is (regexp-match "article" (->string (next here))). How were you supposed to know this? You weren’t. That’s why this is a tutorial. Without going on a lengthy detour, the regexp-match function returns true if the first string (in this case, "article") is found inside the second string (in this case, we convert (next here) to a string by wrapping it in ->string).

In any case, even if some of the programmy bits went over your head just now, relax and paste the code into your template. What you’ll see when you refresh carticle.html is that the next-page link is gone. So now our template lets us navigate among the pages of our article, and the conditionals handle the end pages correctly.

6.6.5 Making a pagetree file

I didn’t want to dwell on programming complications in the last conditional. Why? The extra programming was necessary only because we made life somewhat difficult for ourselves by relying on the automatic pagetree. A better way to solve the problem is to avoid it altogether by making a pagetree file.

Pagetree source files have a different syntax and status than other Pollen source files, so they are parsed using their own Pollen dialect. To invoke this dialect, you just start the file with #lang pollen and name the file with the ptree extension, for instance my-project.ptree. While you can have as many pagetrees in your project as you want, Pollen will accord primary status to the one named index.ptree.

So let’s make an index.ptree file. At its simplest, a pagetree file can just be a list of files in the intended order. In DrRacket, create a new file in your project directory as follows:


#lang pollen





Now run the file. The result will be:

’(pagetree-root carticle.html article.html barticle.html)

Pretty boring, I know. But behind the scenes, Pollen’s pagetree parser is making sure your tree is valid (e.g., no duplicate or malformed names). Today it’s boring, but on the day you have a long and complicated pagetree, you will be grateful.

Notice that the names in this pagetree are the names of output files, not source files. This is deliberate, so that neither you nor Pollen has to care which files are static vs. dynamic. This next pagetree wouldn’t be wrong in the sense of bad syntax — the pagetree parser won’t complain — but it would be wrong in the sense of not-what-you-want, because it refers to source names rather than output names:


#lang pollen





You also probably noticed that the files are in a different order than they were in the automatic pagetree: carticle.html is first, followed by article.html and then barticle.html. This too is deliberate, so we can see what happens with a differently ordered pagetree.

Pagetrees don’t change nearly as often as other source files, so as a performance optimization, the project server does not dynamically reflect changes to pagetrees. To see the effect of this new pagetree on our project, you’ll need to go to your terminal window and stop the project server with ctrl+C, and then restart it. Which will take all of three seconds.

Now refresh carticle.html. You’ll notice that the navigation links are different. You won’t see a previous-page link — because carticle.html is now the first page in the pagetree — and the next page will show up as article.html. Click through to article.html, and you’ll see the navigation likewise updated. Click through to barticle.html, and you’ll see ...

BAM! An error page with a yellow box that says Can’t convert #f to string. What happened? We switched to using our own pagetree file but we didn’t update our template conditionals. Once you reach barticle.html, the value of (next here) is false, which means the (->string (next here)) command in the template conditional is trying to convert false into a string. Hence the error.

So let’s go back and fix that. Because we don’t have extraneous files in our pagetree anymore, we can change the second conditional in the template to work the same way as the first:



<head><meta charset="UTF-8">

<title>◊select['h1 doc], by MB</title></head>

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all" href="styles.css" />


The current page is called ◊|here|.

◊(define prev-page (previous here))

◊when/block[prev-page]{The previous is <a href="◊|prev-page|">◊|prev-page|</a>.}

◊(define next-page (next here))


The next is <a href="◊|next-page|">◊|next-page|</a>.}



Refresh barticle.html — because you’re updating the template, you don’t need to restart the project server — and you’ll see the right result. The previous-page link goes to article.html, and the next-page link is hidden.

6.6.6 index.ptree & the project server

One more thing to show you before we wrap up this tutorial. Remember that the dashboard of the project server is at http://localhost:8080/index.ptree? By default, the project server will synthesize a pagetree from an alphbetical directory listing.

But if you put your own index.ptree file in the directory, the project server will use that for the dashboard instead. In fact, visit http://localhost:8080/index.ptree now and you’ll see what I mean. Consistent with the index.ptree you made, you’ll now see carticle.html, article.html, and barticle.html, but not template.html nor styles.css (even though they’re still in the project directory).

6.7 Second tutorial complete

That was a big tutorial. I commend you for your tenacity and patience. But in this tutorial, you made a giant leap forward. Despite the silly examples, you now know everything you need to make multi-page articles — books, even — using Markdown authoring mode in Pollen. If this is all you ever use Pollen for, it’ll be a big improvement over ordinary Markdown.

But there’s more. We haven’t even gotten into the more elaborate automation that’s possible with Pollen, nor Pollen’s own markup language. We’ll cover that in the third tutorial.

\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/scribblings/decode.scrbl b/scribblings/decode.scrbl index 9c838f0..94d0226 100644 --- a/scribblings/decode.scrbl +++ b/scribblings/decode.scrbl @@ -49,8 +49,7 @@ For instance, here's how @racket[decode] is attached to @racket[root] in @italic (define (root . items) (decode (make-txexpr 'root '() items) #:txexpr-elements-proc detect-paragraphs - #:block-txexpr-proc (compose1 hyphenate wrap-hanging-quotes - insert-nonbreaking-last-space) + #:block-txexpr-proc (compose1 hyphenate wrap-hanging-quotes) #:string-proc (compose1 smart-quotes smart-dashes) #:exclude-tags '(style script))) ] diff --git a/scribblings/tutorial-second.scrbl b/scribblings/tutorial-second.scrbl index 1b21699..91fb881 100644 --- a/scribblings/tutorial-second.scrbl +++ b/scribblings/tutorial-second.scrbl @@ -393,7 +393,11 @@ This is exactly equivalent to the previous example. Skeptics are welcome to conf Finally, notice that in the @racket[select] command, the tag name @racket['h1] is written with a quote mark, whereas @racketfont{doc} is not. This is an easy place to get tripped up, but the rule is simple: you don't use a quote mark when you're referring to the name of an existing function or variable (like @racket[select] or @racketfont{doc}). But you do need a quote mark when you're using the text as a literal value. -@margin-note{Racket (and hence Pollen) makes a distinction between @secref["symbols" #:doc '(lib "scribblings/guide/guide.scrbl")] (e.g. @racket['h1]) and @secref["strings" #:doc '(lib "scribblings/reference/reference.scrbl")] (e.g. @racket["h1"]). Without getting into the weeds, just note for now that the tag of an X-expression is always a symbol, not a string. But if you write @racketfont{◊(select "h1" doc)}, the command will still work, because Pollen will treat it as @racketfont{◊(select @literal{'}h1 doc)}, consistent with a general policy of not being persnickety about input types when the intention is clear.} +@(require scribble/core) +@(define (racketfont* . args) + (element 'tt args)) + +@margin-note{Racket (and hence Pollen) makes a distinction between @secref["symbols" #:doc '(lib "scribblings/guide/guide.scrbl")] (e.g. @racket['h1]) and @secref["strings" #:doc '(lib "scribblings/reference/reference.scrbl")] (e.g. @racket["h1"]). Without getting into the weeds, just note for now that the tag of an X-expression is always a symbol, not a string. But if you write @racketfont{◊(select "h1" doc)}, the command will still work, because Pollen will treat it as @racketfont*{◊(select 'h1 doc)}, consistent with a general policy of not being persnickety about input types when the intention is clear.} @subsection{Linking to an external CSS file}