performance improvements: cache modules in main render-module namespace and share them with eval namespace used for the rendering
@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
#lang racket/base
(require xml/path racket/contract)
(require "tools.rkt" "world.rkt" "ptree-decode.rkt" "debug.rkt")
(module+ test (require rackunit))
(provide (all-defined-out))
;; These functions are separated so that they can be cached outside by pollen page renderer
;; remove parents from tree (i.e., just remove attrs)
;; is not the inverse of add-parents, i.e., you do not get back your original input.
(define/contract (remove-parents mt)
(ptree? . -> . tagged-xexpr?)
(remove-attrs mt))
(module+ test
(check-equal? (remove-parents
`(ptree-main ((,POLLEN_TREE_PARENT_NAME "")) (foo ((,POLLEN_TREE_PARENT_NAME ""))) (bar ((,POLLEN_TREE_PARENT_NAME ""))) (one ((,POLLEN_TREE_PARENT_NAME "")) (two ((,POLLEN_TREE_PARENT_NAME "one")) (three ((,POLLEN_TREE_PARENT_NAME "two")))))))
'(ptree-main (foo) (bar) (one (two (three))))))
(module+ test
(let ([sample-main `(POLLEN_TREE_ROOT_NAME "foo" "bar" (one (two "three")))])
(check-equal? (ptree-root->ptree sample-main)
;; return the parent of a given name
(define/contract (parent pnode [ptree project-ptree])
((pnode?) (ptree?) . ->* . (or/c string? boolean?))
(and pnode (let ([result (se-path* `(,(->symbol pnode) #:parent) ptree)])
(and result (->string result))))) ; se-path* returns #f if nothing found
(module+ test
(define test-ptree-main `(ptree-main "foo" "bar" (one (two "three"))))
(define test-ptree (ptree-root->ptree test-ptree-main))
(check-equal? (parent 'three test-ptree) "two")
(check-equal? (parent "three" test-ptree) "two")
(check-false (parent 'nonexistent-name test-ptree)))
; get children of a particular pnode
(define/contract (children pnode [ptree project-ptree])
((pnode?) (ptree?) . ->* . (or/c list? boolean?))
;; se-path*/list returns '() if nothing found
(and pnode (let ([children (se-path*/list `(,(->symbol pnode)) ptree)])
; If there are sublists, just take first pnode
(and (not (empty? children)) (map (λ(i) (->string (if (list? i) (car i) i))) children)))))
(module+ test
(check-equal? (children 'one test-ptree) (list "two"))
(check-equal? (children 'two test-ptree) (list "three"))
(check-false (children 'three test-ptree))
(check-false (children 'fooburger test-ptree)))
;; find all siblings on current level: go up to parent and ask for children
(define/contract (siblings pnode [ptree project-ptree])
;; this never returns false: pnode is always a sibling of itself.
;; todo: how to use input value in contract? e.g., to check that pnode is part of output list
((pnode?) (ptree?) . ->* . (or/c list? boolean?))
(children (parent pnode ptree) ptree))
(module+ test
(check-equal? (siblings 'one test-ptree) '("foo" "bar" "one"))
(check-equal? (siblings 'foo test-ptree) '("foo" "bar" "one"))
(check-equal? (siblings 'two test-ptree) '("two"))
(check-false (siblings 'invalid-key test-ptree)))
(define/contract (siblings-split pnode [ptree project-ptree])
((pnode?) (ptree?) . ->* . (values (or/c (listof pnode?) boolean?)
(or/c (listof pnode?) boolean?)))
(let-values ([(left right) (splitf-at (siblings pnode ptree)
(λ(e) (not (equal? (->string e) (->string pnode)))))])
(values (if (empty? left) #f left) (if (empty? (cdr right)) #f (cdr right)))))
(module+ test
(check-equal? (values->list (siblings-split 'one test-ptree)) '(("foo" "bar") #f))
(check-equal? (values->list (siblings-split 'bar test-ptree)) (list '("foo") '("one"))))
;; siblings to the left of target pnode (i.e., precede in tree order)
(define (siblings-left pnode [ptree project-ptree])
(let-values ([(left right) (siblings-split pnode ptree)])
(module+ test
(check-equal? (siblings-left 'one test-ptree) '("foo" "bar"))
(check-false (siblings-left 'foo test-ptree)))
;; siblings to the right of target pnode (i.e., follow in tree order)
(define (siblings-right pnode [ptree project-ptree])
(let-values ([(left right) (siblings-split pnode ptree)])
(module+ test
(check-false (siblings-right 'one test-ptree))
(check-equal? (siblings-right 'foo test-ptree) '("bar" "one")))
;; get pnode immediately to the left in tree
(define/contract (sibling-previous pnode [ptree project-ptree])
((pnode?) (ptree?) . ->* . (or/c string? boolean?))
(let ([siblings (siblings-left pnode ptree)])
(and siblings (last siblings))))
(module+ test
(check-equal? (sibling-previous 'bar test-ptree) "foo")
(check-false (sibling-previous 'foo test-ptree)))
;; get pnode immediately to the right in tree
(define/contract (sibling-next pnode [ptree project-ptree])
((pnode?) (ptree?) . ->* . (or/c string? boolean?))
(let ([siblings (siblings-right pnode ptree)])
(and siblings (first siblings))))
(module+ test
(check-equal? (sibling-next 'foo test-ptree) "bar")
(check-false (sibling-next 'one test-ptree)))
;; flatten tree to sequence
(define/contract (all-pages [ptree project-ptree])
(ptree? . -> . (listof string?))
; use cdr to get rid of root tag at front
(map ->string (cdr (flatten (remove-parents ptree)))))
(module+ test
(check-equal? (all-pages test-ptree) '("foo" "bar" "one" "two" "three")))
;; helper function for get-previous-pages and get-next-pages
(define/contract (adjacent-pages side pnode [ptree project-ptree])
((symbol? pnode?) (ptree?) . ->* . (or/c list? boolean?))
(let ([result ((if (equal? side 'left)
takef-right) (all-pages ptree)
(λ(y) (not (equal? (->string pnode) (->string y)))))])
(and (not (empty? result)) result)))
(module+ test
(check-equal? (adjacent-pages 'left 'one test-ptree) '("foo" "bar"))
(check-equal? (adjacent-pages 'left 'three test-ptree) '("foo" "bar" "one" "two"))
(check-false (adjacent-pages 'left 'foo test-ptree)))
;; get sequence of earlier pages
(define/contract (previous-pages pnode [ptree project-ptree])
((pnode?) (ptree?) . ->* . (or/c list? boolean?))
(adjacent-pages 'left pnode ptree))
(module+ test
(check-equal? (previous-pages 'one test-ptree) '("foo" "bar"))
(check-equal? (previous-pages 'three test-ptree) '("foo" "bar" "one" "two"))
(check-false (previous-pages 'foo test-ptree)))
;; get sequence of next pages
(define (next-pages pnode [ptree project-ptree])
((pnode?) (ptree?) . ->* . (or/c list? boolean?))
(adjacent-pages 'right pnode ptree))
(module+ test
(check-equal? (next-pages 'foo test-ptree) '("bar" "one" "two" "three"))
(check-equal? (next-pages 'one test-ptree) '("two" "three"))
(check-false (next-pages 'three test-ptree)))
;; get page immediately previous
(define/contract (previous-page pnode [ptree project-ptree])
((pnode?) (ptree?) . ->* . (or/c string? boolean?))
(let ([result (previous-pages pnode ptree)])
(and result (last result))))
(module+ test
(check-equal? (previous-page 'one test-ptree) "bar")
(check-equal? (previous-page 'three test-ptree) "two")
(check-false (previous-page 'foo test-ptree)))
;; get page immediately next
(define (next-page pnode [ptree project-ptree])
((pnode?) (ptree?) . ->* . (or/c string? boolean?))
(let ([result (next-pages pnode ptree)])
(and result (first result))))
(module+ test
(check-equal? (next-page 'foo test-ptree) "bar")
(check-equal? (next-page 'one test-ptree) "two")
(check-false (next-page 'three test-ptree)))
;; convert path to pnode
;; used for converting "here" values to pnodes
(define/contract (path->pnode x)
(pathish? . -> . pnode?)
(->string (remove-all-ext (last (explode-path (->path x))))))
(module+ test
(check-equal? (path->pnode "bar") "bar")
(check-equal? (path->pnode "foo/bar") "bar")
(check-equal? (path->pnode "foo/bar.html") "bar")
(check-equal? (path->pnode "/Users/this/that/foo/bar.html.pp") "bar"))
(define here->pnode path->pnode)
(define/contract (pnode->url pnode)
(pnode? . -> . string?)
(define files (directory-list START_DIR))
(define (source-matches-pnode? x)
;; todo: consider this test further.
;; could pnode refer to files without pollen source?
;; if so, the test is too narrow.
(and (x . starts-with? . pnode) (pollen-source? x)))
(define file-matches (filter source-matches-pnode? files))
(if ((length file-matches) . > . 1)
(error "Duplicate source files for pnode" pnode)
(->string (->output-path (car file-matches)))))
;; todo: make tests
;; this project setup must follow definitions to prevent undefined errors
(define project-ptree empty)
(define/contract (set-project-ptree new-tree)
(ptree? . -> . void?)
(set! project-ptree new-tree))
Reference in New Issue