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#lang racket/base
10 years ago
(require "world.rkt" sugar/define sugar/coerce/contract)
10 years ago
(define/contract+provide (get-project-require-files source-path) ; keep contract local to ensure coercion
(coerce/path? . -> . (or/c #f (listof path?)))
(define possible-requires (list (simplify-path (build-path source-path 'up world:pollen-require))))
(and (andmap file-exists? possible-requires) possible-requires))
10 years ago
10 years ago
(define+provide/contract (require+provide-project-require-files here-path #:provide [provide #t])
(coerce/path? . -> . list?)
(define (put-file-in-require-form file)
`(file ,(path->string file)))
(define project-require-files (get-project-require-files here-path))
(if project-require-files
(let ([files-in-require-form (map put-file-in-require-form project-require-files)])
(require ,@files-in-require-form)
10 years ago
,@(if provide
(list `(provide (all-from-out ,@files-in-require-form)))
10 years ago
(define+provide (require-project-require-files here-path)
(require+provide-project-require-files here-path #:provide #f))