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#lang racket/base
(require pollen/world)
;; The use of dynamic-require throughout this file is intentional:
;; this way, low-dependency raco commands (like "version") are faster.
;; Whereas with `require` or `local-require`, everything would have to be front-loaded.
9 years ago
;; but ... maybe most of the latency is due to pollen/world environment checking.
;; todo: investigate this
(module+ raco
(define command-name (with-handlers ([exn:fail? (λ _ #f)])
(vector-ref (current-command-line-arguments) 0)))
(dispatch command-name))
(define (dispatch command-name)
(define (get-first-arg-or-current-dir)
((dynamic-require 'racket/path 'normalize-path)
(with-handlers ([exn:fail? (λ(exn) (current-directory))])
;; incoming path argument is handled as described in docs for current-directory
(very-nice-path (vector-ref (current-command-line-arguments) 1)))))
(case command-name
[("test" "xyzzy") (handle-test)]
[(#f "help") (handle-help)]
[("start") (define port-arg
(with-handlers ([exn:fail? (λ _ #f)])
(string->number (vector-ref (current-command-line-arguments) 2))))
(handle-start (path->directory-path (get-first-arg-or-current-dir)) port-arg)]
9 years ago
;; "second" arg is actually third in command line args, so use cddr not cdr
[("render") (handle-render (cons (get-first-arg-or-current-dir) (map very-nice-path (cddr (vector->list (current-command-line-arguments))))))]
[("version") (handle-version)]
[("clone" "publish") (define rest-args
(with-handlers ([exn:fail? (λ _ #f)])
(cddr (vector->list (current-command-line-arguments)))))
(handle-publish (get-first-arg-or-current-dir) rest-args command-name)]
[else (handle-unknown command-name)]))
(define (very-nice-path x)
(path->complete-path (simplify-path (cleanse-path ((dynamic-require 'sugar/coerce '->path) x)))))
11 years ago
(define (handle-test)
(displayln "raco pollen is installed correctly"))
11 years ago
(define (handle-help)
(displayln (format "Pollen commands:
help show this message
start [dir] [port] starts project server in dir (default is current dir)
11 years ago
(default port is ~a)
render [dir] [dest] render project in dir (default is current dir)
to dest (default is desktop)
render filename render filename only (can be source or output name)
publish copy project to desktop without source files
publish [dir] [dest] copy project in dir to dest without source files
(warning: overwrites existing dest dir)
version print the version (~a)" (world:current-server-port) (world:current-pollen-version))))
(define (handle-version)
(displayln (world:current-pollen-version)))
(define (handle-render path-args)
(parameterize ([current-directory (world:current-project-root)])
(define first-arg (car path-args))
(if (directory-exists? first-arg)
(let ([dir first-arg]) ; now we know it's a dir
(parameterize ([current-directory dir]
[world:current-project-root dir])
(define preprocs (filter (dynamic-require 'pollen/file 'preproc-source?) (directory-list dir)))
(define static-pagetrees (filter (dynamic-require 'pollen/file 'pagetree-source?) (directory-list dir)))
;; if there are no static pagetrees, use make-project-pagetree
;; (which will synthesize a pagetree if needed, which includes all sources)
(define preprocs-and-static-pagetrees (append preprocs static-pagetrees))
(define batch-to-render
(map very-nice-path
[(null? preprocs-and-static-pagetrees)
(displayln (format "Rendering generated pagetree for directory ~a" dir))
(cdr ((dynamic-require 'pollen/pagetree 'make-project-pagetree) dir))]
(displayln (format "Rendering preproc & pagetree files in directory ~a" dir))
(apply (dynamic-require 'pollen/render 'render-batch) batch-to-render)))
(begin ; first arg is a file
(displayln (format "Rendering ~a" ((dynamic-require 'racket/string 'string-join) (map (dynamic-require 'sugar/coerce '->string) path-args) " ")))
(apply (dynamic-require 'pollen/render 'render-batch) path-args)))))
(define (handle-start directory [port #f])
(when (not (directory-exists? directory))
(error (format "~a is not a directory" directory)))
(parameterize ([world:current-project-root directory]
[world:current-server-port (or port world:default-port)])
(displayln "Starting project server ...")
((dynamic-require 'pollen/server 'start-server))))
(define (handle-publish directory rest-args arg-command-name)
(define target-path
(and rest-args (not (null? rest-args)) (path->complete-path (string->path (car rest-args))))
(build-path (find-system-path 'desk-dir) (string->path (if (equal? arg-command-name "clone") "clone" (world:current-publish-directory-name))))))
(define (delete-it path)
[(directory-exists? path) ((dynamic-require 'racket/file 'delete-directory/files) path)]
[(file-exists? path) (delete-file path)]))
(define (contains-directory? possible-superdir possible-subdir)
(define (has-prefix? xs prefix)
(and (>= (length xs) (length prefix))
(andmap equal? prefix ((dynamic-require 'racket/list 'take) xs (length prefix)))))
((explode-path possible-subdir) . has-prefix? . (explode-path possible-superdir)))
(define source-dir (simplify-path directory))
(when (not (directory-exists? source-dir))
(error 'publish (format "source directory ~a does not exist" source-dir)))
(define target-dir (simplify-path target-path))
(when (source-dir . contains-directory? . target-dir)
(error 'publish "aborted because target directory for publishing (~a) can't be inside source directory (~a)" target-dir source-dir))
(when (target-dir . contains-directory? . source-dir)
(error 'publish "aborted because target directory for publishing (~a) can't contain source directory (~a)" target-dir source-dir))
(when (equal? target-dir (current-directory))
(error 'publish "aborted because target directory for publishing (~a) can't be the same as current directory (~a)" target-dir (current-directory)))
(displayln "publishing ...")
(when (directory-exists? target-dir)
((dynamic-require 'racket/file 'delete-directory/files) target-dir))
((dynamic-require 'racket/file 'copy-directory/files) source-dir target-dir)
(for-each delete-it ((dynamic-require 'racket/file 'find-files) (dynamic-require 'pollen/file 'pollen-related-file?) target-dir))
(displayln (format "completed to ~a" target-dir)))
(define (handle-unknown command)
(if (regexp-match #rx"(shit|fuck)" command)
(displayln (let ([responses '("Cursing at free software? Really?" "How uncouth." "Same to you, buddy.")])
(list-ref responses (random (length responses)))))
(displayln (format "unknown command ~a" command))))