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11 years ago
#lang scribble/manual
@(require "mb-tools.rkt" scribble/eval pollen/world (for-label racket pollen/world))
11 years ago
@(define my-eval (make-base-eval))
@(my-eval `(require pollen pollen/file))
11 years ago
@title[#:tag "raco-pollen"]{Using @exec{raco pollen}}
11 years ago
Racket provides centralized command-line options through @exec{raco} (short for @exec{racket command}, see @other-doc['(lib "scribblings/raco/raco.scrbl")]).
11 years ago
Once you install Pollen, you can access the following Pollen-specific commands through @racket[raco] using the subcommand @exec{raco pollen}.
@section{Making sure @racket[raco pollen] works}
Open a terminal window and type:
11 years ago
> raco pollen test}
If @racket[raco pollen] is installed correctly, you'll see:
@terminal{raco pollen is installed correctly}
11 years ago
But if you get:
@terminal{raco: Unrecognized command: pollen}
11 years ago
You'll need to fix the problem before proceeding, most likely by reinstalling Pollen (see @secref["Installation" #:doc '(lib "pollen/scribblings/pollen.scrbl")]).
11 years ago
If your error is like this:
@terminal{Unrecognized command: raco}
You have a deeper problem with your Racket installation (often a misconfiguration of @code{PATH}).
11 years ago
11 years ago
@section{@racket[raco pollen]}
Same as @racket[raco pollen help].
@section{@racket[raco pollen help]}
Displays a list of available commands.
@section{@racket[raco pollen start]}
Starts the project server from the current directory using the default port, which is the value of the parameter @racket[world:current-server-port] (by default, port @(format "~a" world:default-port)).
This command can be invoked with two optional arguments.
@racket[raco pollen start _path] will start the project server in @racket[_path] rather than the current directory.
11 years ago
> raco pollen start ~/path/to/project/}
@racket[raco pollen start _path _port] will start the project server in @racket[_path] using @racket[_port] rather than @racket[world:current-server-port]. This is useful if you want to have multiple project servers running simultaneously.
11 years ago
> raco pollen start ~/path/to/project/
> raco pollen start ~/path/to/project/scribblings 8088}
If you want to start in the current directory but with a different port, use @litchar{.} as the path:
11 years ago
> raco pollen start . 8088}
@section{@racket[raco pollen render]}
Renders all preprocessor source files and then all pagetree files found in the current directory. If no pagetree files are found, all source files will be rendered.
11 years ago
This command can be invoked with extra arguments.
@racket[raco pollen render _directory] will render the preprocessor source files and pagetree files in the specified directory.
Alternatively, the command can take a variable number of path arguments. @racket[raco pollen render _path...] will render only the paths specified in @racket[_path...]. Consistent with the usual command-line idiom, this can be a single path, a list of paths, or a pattern:
11 years ago
> raco pollen render
> raco pollen render zam.css.pp
> raco pollen render *}
@section{@racket[raco pollen clone]}
Makes a copy of the project directory on the desktop, and removes any source files or other Pollen-related files.
10 years ago
@racket[raco pollen clone _source-dir] will clone source from @racket[_source-dir] onto the desktop.
10 years ago
@racket[raco pollen clone _source-dir _dest-dir] will clone source from @racket[_source-dir] to @racket[_dest-dir] rather than the desktop.
10 years ago
If you're already in the project directory and want to clone somewhere other than the desktop, use @racket[raco pollen clone _. _dest-dir].
11 years ago