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#lang at-exp racket/base
(require (for-syntax racket/base racket/syntax) scribble/core scribble/base scribble/manual racket/list scribble/private/manual-sprop scribble/decode scribble/html-properties racket/runtime-path racket/string racket/format)
(provide (all-defined-out) (all-from-out racket/runtime-path))
(define-runtime-path mb-css "mb.css")
(define (link-tt url) (link url (tt url)))
(define (racketfont* . args)
(element 'tt args))
(define (fileblock filename . inside)
(style "fileblock" (list* (alt-tag "div") 'multicommand
(box-mode "RfileboxBoxT" "RfileboxBoxC" "RfileboxBoxB")
(paragraph (style "fileblock_filetitle" (list* (alt-tag "div") (box-mode* "RfiletitleBox") scheme-properties))
(list (make-element
(style "fileblock_filename" (list (css-style-addition mb-css)))
(if (string? filename)
(filepath filename)
(style "fileblock_filecontent" (list* (alt-tag "div") (box-mode* "RfilecontentBox") scheme-properties))
(decode-flow inside)))))
(define (convert-newlines args)
(map (λ(arg) (if (equal? arg "\n") (linebreak) arg)) args))
(define (repl-output . args)
(nested (racketvalfont (racketfont* (convert-newlines args)))))
(define (errorblock . args)
(nested (racketerror (racketfont* (convert-newlines args)))))
(define (foreign-code . args)
(compound-paragraph (style "foreign-code" (list (css-style-addition mb-css) (alt-tag "div"))) (list (apply verbatim args))))
(define (terminal . args)
(compound-paragraph (style "terminal" (list (css-style-addition mb-css) (alt-tag "div"))) (list (apply verbatim args))))
(define (browser . args)
(compound-paragraph (style "browser" (list (css-style-addition mb-css) (alt-tag "div"))) (list (paragraph (style #f null) (convert-newlines args)))))
(define (noskip-note)
(nested #:style (style "noskip" (list (css-style-addition mb-css) (alt-tag "div")))
(margin-note "Dont skip this section! It explains a concept that's essential to understanding how Pollen works.")))
(define-syntax (image/rp stx)
(syntax-case stx ()
[(_ name xs ...)
(with-syntax ([id (generate-temporary)])
(define-runtime-path id name)
(image id xs ...)))]))
(require (for-syntax racket/syntax))
(define-syntax (defoverridable stx)
(syntax-case stx ()
[(_ name predicate? desc ...)
(with-syntax ([world:name (format-id stx "world:~a" #'name)]
[world:current-name (format-id stx "world:current-~a" #'name)]
[local:name (format-id stx "local:~a" #'name)])
#'(deftogether ((defthing world:name predicate?)
(defproc (world:current-name) predicate?))
desc ...))]))
(define (val . args)
(racketvalfont (element 'tt (map ~v args))))
(define (id . args)
(element 'tt (map ~a args)))
(define (ext expr)
@code[(format ".~a" expr)])