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#lang racket/base
(require (for-syntax racket/base pollen/command))
;; Handle commands from raco
(define-for-syntax args (current-command-line-arguments))
(define-for-syntax arg-command-name (with-handlers ([exn:fail? (λ(exn) #f)]) (vector-ref args 0)))
11 years ago
(define-for-syntax first-arg-or-current-dir
(with-handlers ([exn:fail? (λ(exn) (current-directory))])
(path->complete-path (simplify-path (string->path (vector-ref args 1))))))
11 years ago
(define-for-syntax rest-args
(with-handlers ([exn:fail? (λ(exn) #f)])
(cddr (vector->list (current-command-line-arguments)))))
(define-for-syntax port-arg
(with-handlers ([exn:fail? (λ(exn) #f)])
(string->number (vector-ref args 2))))
(define-for-syntax (command-error error-string)
`(displayln (string-append "Error: ", error-string)))
;; we work in syntax layer because 'start' has to require pollen/server,
;; which is slow, and needs to happen at the top level.
(define-syntax (select-syntax-for-command stx)
(datum->syntax stx
(case arg-command-name
11 years ago
[("test" "xyzzy") (handle-test)]
[(#f "help") (handle-help)]
11 years ago
[("start") (handle-start first-arg-or-current-dir port-arg)]
[("render") (handle-render first-arg-or-current-dir rest-args)]
[("clone") (handle-clone first-arg-or-current-dir rest-args)]
[else (handle-else arg-command-name)])))