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11 years ago
#lang scribble/manual
@(require "mb-tools.rkt" scribble/eval pollen/setup (for-label (except-in racket ...) pollen/setup))
11 years ago
@(define my-eval (make-base-eval))
@(my-eval `(require pollen pollen/file))
11 years ago
@title[#:tag "raco-pollen"]{Using @exec{raco pollen}}
11 years ago
Racket provides centralized command-line options through @exec{raco} (short for @exec{racket command}, see @other-doc['(lib "scribblings/raco/raco.scrbl")]).
11 years ago
Once you install Pollen, you can access the following Pollen-specific commands through @racket[raco] using the subcommand @exec{raco pollen}.
@section{Making sure @exec{raco pollen} works}
11 years ago
Open a terminal window and type:
11 years ago
> raco pollen test}
If @exec{raco pollen} is installed correctly, you'll see:
11 years ago
@terminal{raco pollen is installed correctly}
11 years ago
But if you get:
@terminal{raco: Unrecognized command: pollen}
11 years ago
You'll need to fix the problem before proceeding, most likely by reinstalling Pollen (see @secref["Installation" #:doc '(lib "pollen/scribblings/pollen.scrbl")]).
11 years ago
If your error is like this:
@terminal{Unrecognized command: raco}
You have a deeper problem with your Racket installation (often a misconfiguration of @code{PATH}).
11 years ago
@section{@exec{raco pollen}}
11 years ago
Same as @exec{raco pollen help}.
11 years ago
@section{@exec{raco pollen help}}
11 years ago
Displays a list of available commands.
@section{@exec{raco pollen start}}
11 years ago
Start the project server from the current directory using the default port, which is the value of the parameter @racket[current-server-port] (by default, port @id[default-project-server-port]).
11 years ago
This command can be invoked with two optional arguments, and one optional switch.
11 years ago
@racket[raco pollen start _path] will start the project server from @racket[_path] rather than the current directory (making @racket[_path] its root directory).
11 years ago
11 years ago
> raco pollen start ~/path/to/project/}
@racket[raco pollen start _path _port] will start the project server in @racket[_path] using @racket[_port] rather than @racket[current-server-port]. This is useful if you want to have multiple project servers running simultaneously.
11 years ago
11 years ago
> raco pollen start ~/path/to/project/
> raco pollen start ~/path/to/project/scribblings 8088}
If you want to start in the current directory but with a different port, use @litchar{.} as the path:
11 years ago
> raco pollen start . 8088}
Adding the optional @exec{-l} or @exec{--launch} switch will open the main project dashboard in your web browser after the project server starts.
Adding the optional @exec{--local} switch will restrict the project server to responding to requests from localhost. (By default, the project server will respond to requests from any client.)
@section{@exec{raco pollen render}}
11 years ago
This command can be invoked two ways: in source mode or directory mode.
11 years ago
@bold{Source mode}: @racket[raco pollen render _source ...] will render only the source paths specified in @racket[_source ...]. Consistent with the usual command-line idiom, this can be a single path, a list of paths, or a pattern:
11 years ago
11 years ago
> raco pollen render
> raco pollen render zam.css.pp
> raco pollen render *}
Paths can also be specified as output rather than input paths, and the corresponding source paths will be discovered:
> raco pollen render foo.html
> raco pollen render foo.html bar.html zam.css}
The optional @exec{--target} or @exec{-t} switch specifies the render target for multi-output source files. If the target is omitted, the renderer will use whatever target appears first in @racket[(setup:poly-targets)].
> raco pollen render -t pdf}
See also @seclink["raco-pollen-render-poly"].
The optional @exec{--parallel} or @exec{-p} switch creates a set of parallel rendering jobs. On a multi-core machine, this will usually make your rendering job finish faster. The order of rendering is not guaranteed, of course, so if your project depends on a certain order of rendering, don't use this option.
> raco pollen render -p foo.html bar.html zam.css}
@italic{Warning}: In all cases, the newly rendered output file will overwrite any previous output file.
@bold{Directory mode}: @racket[raco pollen render _directory] renders all preprocessor source files and then all pagetree files found in the specified directory. If none of these files are found, a pagetree will be generated for the directory (which will include all source files) and then rendered. If the @racket[_directory] argument is omitted, the command defaults to the current directory.
In directory mode, this command can be invoked with two other optional arguments (in addition to the @exec{--target} and @exec{--parallel} switches mentioned above):
The @exec{--subdir} or @exec{-s} switch also renders subdirectories. @racket[current-project-root] remains fixed at the initial directory, just as it would be in the project server after invoking @racket[raco pollen start].
Certain subdirectories are automatically ignored, including Racket and Pollen private directories (like @tt{compiled}) and source-control directories (like @tt{.git} and @tt{.svn}). You can omit other paths by overriding @racket[default-omitted-path?]. You can override these omissions — that is, force a path to be included in a recursive render — by overriding @racket[default-extra-path?].
The @exec{--recursive} or @exec{-r} switch renders subdirectories recursively. Meaning, each subdirectory is treated like an independent subproject, and @racket[current-project-root] moves around accordingly. In many projects, there won't be any difference between the @exec{-s} and @exec{-r} switches. But if the difference matters in your project, you have them both.
11 years ago
@section{@exec{raco pollen publish}}
11 years ago
Make a copy of the project directory on the desktop, but without any source files or other Pollen-related files. (This function is pretty lame, and I invite suggestions for improvement.)
11 years ago
@racket[raco pollen publish _project-dir] will publish the project in @racket[_project-dir] onto the desktop in a folder called @racket[publish]. @bold{Warning}: if @racket[publish] already exists on the desktop, it will be overwritten.
@racket[raco pollen publish _project-dir _dest-dir] will publish the project in @racket[_project-dir] to @racket[_dest-dir] rather than the desktop. @bold{Warning}: if @racket[_dest-dir] already exists, it will be overwritten by the newly published directory.
If you're already in your project directory and want to publish somewhere other than the desktop, use @racket[raco pollen publish _. _dest-dir].
11 years ago
By default, this command will automatically overwrite the destination directory. Adding the optional @exec{-c} or @exec{--confirm} switch will ask for confirmation if the destination already exists.
You can determine the default publishing destination for a project by overriding @racket[default-publish-directory].
Certain files and directories are automatically omitted from the published directory, including Racket and Pollen sources, Pollen caches, and source-control directories (like @tt{.git} and @tt{.svn}). You can omit other files by overriding @racket[default-omitted-path?]. You can override these omissions — that is, force a path to be published — by overriding @racket[default-extra-path?].
@section{@exec{raco pollen setup}}
Finds Pollen source files in the current directory, compiles them, and loads the results into the @seclink["Cache" #:doc '(lib "pollen/scribblings/pollen.scrbl")]. This will give you the snappiest performance during an interactive session with the project server.
6 years ago
Can also be invoked as @racket[raco pollen setup _directory], which will set up the files in @racket[_directory].
@section{@exec{raco pollen reset}}
Resets Pollen's @seclink["Cache" #:doc '(lib "pollen/scribblings/pollen.scrbl")] by deleting the cache directories, including @tt{compiled} directories created by Racket. Use this when you need a fresh start in life.
Can also be invoked as @racket[raco pollen reset _directory], which will reset a different project @racket[_directory].
@section{@exec{raco pollen version}}
11 years ago
Would you believe this prints the Pollen version number.
11 years ago
@section{The @exec{POLLEN} environment variable}
Pollen recognizes a @exec{POLLEN} environment variable on the command line, which can be used to pass through any value you like. This value can be used within your project files with @racket[(getenv "POLLEN")], which if not set, returns @racket[#f]. Take this file, for instance:
@fileblock["test.txt.pp" @codeblock{
#lang pollen
Result is ◊or[(getenv "POLLEN")]{nothing}
The @exec{POLLEN} environment variable will change how it's rendered:
> raco pollen render test.txt ; cat test.txt
rendering test.txt.pp
rendering: /test.txt.pp as /test.txt
Result is nothing
> POLLEN=DEBUG raco pollen render test.txt ; cat test.txt
rendering test.txt.pp
rendering: /test.txt.pp as /test.txt
Result is DEBUG