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#lang web-server
11 years ago
(require web-server/servlet-env
(require "server-routes.rkt"
11 years ago
(define-values (pollen-servlet _)
[((string-arg) ... (? (λ(x) (x . has-ext? . world:ptree-source-ext)))) route-dashboard]
11 years ago
[((string-arg) ... "in" (string-arg)) route-in]
[((string-arg) ... "out" (string-arg)) route-out]
11 years ago
[((string-arg) ... "xexpr" (string-arg)) route-xexpr]
[else route-default]))
(message (format "Welcome to Pollen ~a" world:pollen-version) (format "(Racket ~a)" (version)))
(message (format "Project root is ~a" (world:current-project-root)))
11 years ago
(define server-name (format "http://localhost:~a" world:server-port))
11 years ago
(message (format "Project server is ~a" server-name) "(Ctrl-C to exit)")
(message (format "Project dashboard is ~a/~a" server-name world:dashboard-name))
11 years ago
(message "Ready to rock")
(world:current-module-root (apply build-path (drop-right (explode-path (current-contract-region)) 1)))
(world:current-server-extras-path (build-path (world:current-module-root) "pollen-server-extras"))
11 years ago
(parameterize ([world:current-module-root (world:current-module-root)]
[world:current-server-extras-path (world:current-server-extras-path)]
[current-cache (make-cache)])
(serve/servlet pollen-servlet
#:port world:server-port
#:listen-ip #f
#:servlet-regexp #rx"" ; respond to top level
#:command-line? #t
#:file-not-found-responder route-404
#:extra-files-paths (list (world:current-server-extras-path) (world:current-project-root))))