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11 years ago
#lang racket/base
(require racket/list racket/path racket/port racket/system
racket/file racket/rerequire racket/contract)
(require "world.rkt" "tools.rkt" "pmap.rkt" "readability.rkt")
(module+ test (require rackunit))
;; mod-dates is a hash that takes lists of paths as keys,
;; and lists of modification times as values.
;; Reason: a templated page is a combination of two source files.
;; Because templates have a one-to-many relationship with source files,
;; Need to track template mod-date for each source file.
;; Otherwise a changed template will get reloaded only once,
;; and after that get reported as being up to date.
;; Possible: store hash on disk so mod records are preserved
;; between development sessions (prob a worthless optimization)
(define mod-dates (make-hash))
11 years ago
;; convert a path to a modification date value
(define/contract (path->mod-date-value path)
(path? . -> . (or/c exact-integer? #f))
(and (file-exists? path) ; returns #f if a file doesn't exist
(file-or-directory-modify-seconds path)))
11 years ago
(module+ test
(check-false (path->mod-date-value (->path "foobarfoo.rkt")))
(check-true (exact-integer? (path->mod-date-value (build-path (current-directory) (->path "regenerate.rkt"))))))
;; put list of paths into mod-dates
;; want to take list as input (rather than individual path)
;; because hash key needs to be a list
(define/contract (store-refresh-in-mod-dates paths)
((listof path?) . -> . void?)
(hash-set! mod-dates paths (map path->mod-date-value paths)))
(module+ test
(store-refresh-in-mod-dates (list (build-path (current-directory) (->path "regenerate.rkt"))))
(check-true (= (len mod-dates) 1))
;; when you want to generate everything fresh,
;; but without having to #:force everything.
;; Regenerate functions will always go when no mod-date is found.
(define/contract (reset-mod-dates)
(-> void?)
(set! mod-dates (make-hash)))
(module+ test
(store-refresh-in-mod-dates (list (build-path (current-directory) (->path "regenerate.rkt"))))
(check-true (= (len mod-dates) 0)))
;; how to know whether a certain combination of paths needs a refresh
(define/contract (source-needs-refresh? paths)
((listof path?) . -> . boolean?)
(or (not (paths . in? . mod-dates)) ; no stored mod date
(not (equal? (map path->mod-date-value paths) (get mod-dates paths))))) ; data has changed
(module+ test
(let ([path (build-path (current-directory) (->path "regenerate.rkt"))])
(store-refresh-in-mod-dates (list path))
(check-false (source-needs-refresh? (list path)))
(check-true (source-needs-refresh? (list path)))))
; helper functions for regenerate functions
(define pollen-file-root (current-directory))
11 years ago
; complete pollen path =
;(build-path pollen-file-root f)
;; regenerate with message
(define/contract (regenerate-path/message path)
(complete-path? . -> . void?)
(message "Regenerating: " path)
(regenerate path))
;; todo: write test
11 years ago
;; todo next
11 years ago
(define/contract (regenerate-with-pmap/message pmap)
(pmap-source? . -> . void?)
(message "Regenerating pages from pollen map: " (filename-of pmap))
(for-each regenerate-path/message
(make-page-sequence (main->pmap (dynamic-require pmap 'main)))))
(define (get-pollen-files-with-ext ext)
(filter (λ(f) (has-ext? f ext)) (directory-list pollen-file-root)))
; burn all files
(define (regenerate-all-files)
(define all-preproc-files (get-pollen-files-with-ext POLLEN_PREPROC_EXT))
11 years ago
(for-each regenerate-path/message all-preproc-files)
(define all-pollen-maps (get-pollen-files-with-ext POLLEN_MAP_EXT))
11 years ago
(for-each regenerate-with-pmap/message all-pollen-maps)
(displayln "Completed"))
(define (regenerate path #:force [force #f])
; dispatches path-in to the right place
(let ([path (->complete-path path)])
[(needs-preproc? path) (do-preproc path #:force force)]
[(needs-template? path) (do-template path #:force force)]
11 years ago
[(pmap-source? path) (regenerate-with-pmap/message path)])))
(define (regenerate-message path)
(message "Regenerated:" (->string (file-name-from-path path))))
(define (do-preproc path #:force [force #f])
; set up preproc-in-path & preproc-out-path values
([(preproc-in-path preproc-out-path)
(if (preproc-source? path)
(values path (make-preproc-out-path path))
(values (make-preproc-in-path path) path))])
(when (and (file-exists? preproc-in-path)
(or force
(not (file-exists? preproc-out-path))
(source-needs-refresh? preproc-in-path)))
11 years ago
(store-refresh-in-mod-dates preproc-in-path)
; use single quotes to escape spaces in pathnames
(define command
(format "~a '~a' > '~a'" RACKET_PATH preproc-in-path preproc-out-path))
; discard output using open-output-nowhere
(parameterize ([current-output-port (open-output-nowhere)])
(system command))
(regenerate-message preproc-out-path))))
(define (do-template path [template-name empty] #:force [force #f])
; take full path or filename
; return full path of templated file
(define source-path (->complete-path
(if (pollen-source? path)
(make-pollen-source-path path))))
(define-values (source-dir source-name ignored) (split-path source-path))
; get body out of source file (to retrieve template name)
; use dynamic-rerequire to force refresh for dynamic-require,
; otherwise it will cache
; parameterize needed because source files have relative requires
(define file-was-reloaded-port (open-output-string))
(parameterize ([current-directory source-dir]
[current-error-port file-was-reloaded-port])
; by default, rerequire reports reloads to error port.
; so capture this message to find out if anything was reloaded.
(dynamic-rerequire source-path))
(define file-was-reloaded?
(> (string-length (get-output-string file-was-reloaded-port)) 0))
; set template, regenerate, get data
; first, if no template name provided, look it up
(when (or (empty? template-name) (not (file-exists? (build-path source-dir template-name))))
; get template name out of meta fields.
; todo: template file in body may not refer to a file that exists.
; todo: consider whether file-was-reloaded could change metas
; (because here, I'm retrieving them from existing source)
;; todo: next
(define metas (dynamic-require source-path 'metas))
(set! template-name (if (TEMPLATE_META_KEY . in? . metas)
(define template-path (build-path source-dir template-name))
; refresh template (it might have its own p file)
(regenerate template-path #:force force)
; calculate new path for generated file:
; base from source + ext from template
(define generated-path (build-path source-dir (add-ext (remove-ext source-name) (get-ext template-path))))
; do we need to refresh?
(when (or force
(not (file-exists? generated-path))
(source-needs-refresh? source-path template-path)
11 years ago
(store-refresh-in-mod-dates source-path template-path)
; Templates are part of the compile operation.
; Therefore no way to arbitrarily invoke template at run-time.
; This routine creates a new namespace and compiles the template within it.
; Todo: performance improvement would be to make a macro
; that pre-compiles all known templates into their own functions.
; then apply-template can either look for one of those functions,
; if the template exists,
; or if not found, use the eval technique.
(define page-result
; parameterize current-directory to make file requires work
(parameterize ([current-namespace (make-base-empty-namespace)]
[current-directory source-dir]
[current-output-port (open-output-nowhere)])
(namespace-require 'racket) ; use namespace-require for FIRST require, then eval after
(eval '(require (planet mb/pollen/template)) (current-namespace))
; import source into eval space,
; automatically sets up main & metas & here
(eval `(require ,(path->string source-name)) (current-namespace))
(eval `(include-template #:command-char ,TEMPLATE_FIELD_DELIMITER ,template-name) (current-namespace))))
(display-to-file #:exists 'replace page-result generated-path)
(regenerate-message generated-path)))
(provide regenerate regenerate-all-files)