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#lang scribble/manual
@title{Getting more help}
@section{Bugs and feature requests}
Can be submitted as @link[""]{GitHub issues}.
@section{Mailing list}
For general tips and how-to questions, use the @link["!forum/pollenpub"]{Pollen discussion group} at @link[""]{pollenpub@"@"}. I'll also use that list to post major changes and new features.
@section{Utilities & libraries}
@link[""]{pollen-count}: enumeration and cross-referencing library by Malcolm Still
@link[""]{Pollen mode}: Emacs mode for Pollen by Shrutarshi Basu
@section{Can I see the source for Practical Typography or Typography for Lawyers?}
Yes, the source for @link[""]{Typography for Lawyers} is available. In terms of content, TFL was originally the basis of Practical Typography. But in terms of code, this new TFL website is essentially a clone of Practical Typography, but rewritten to be clearer and more instructive, with extensive source comments. [@link[""]{source}]
@section{More projects & guides}
@link[""]{ blog} by Malcolm Still [@link[""]{source}]
@link[""]{Secretary of Foreign Relations} by Joel Dueck [@link[""]{source}]
@link[""]{A Poor Guide to Pollen} by Ahmed Fasih
@link[""]{RacketCon 2015 website} by MB [@link[""]{source}]
@link[""]{Making a dual typed / untyped Racket library} by MB [source linked at bottom of page]