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#lang racket/base
11 years ago
(require pollen/world)
(provide (all-defined-out))
11 years ago
(define (handle-test)
`(displayln "raco pollen is installed correctly"))
(define (handle-help)
11 years ago
`(displayln (format "Pollen commands:
help show this message
start [dir] [port] starts project server in dir (default is current dir)
(default port is ~a)
render [dir] render project in dir (default is current dir)
render path render file
clone copy project to desktop without source files" ,(world:current-server-port))))
11 years ago
(define (handle-render dir-or-path rest-args)
(require pollen/render pollen/world pollen/file sugar)
(parameterize ([current-directory (world:current-project-root)])
(define dir-or-path ,dir-or-path)
(apply render-batch (map ->complete-path (if (not (directory-exists? dir-or-path))
11 years ago
(displayln (format "Rendering ~a" dir-or-path))
(cons dir-or-path ',rest-args))
11 years ago
(displayln (format "Rendering preproc & pagetree files in directory ~a" dir-or-path))
(apply append (map (λ(proc) (filter proc (directory-list dir-or-path))) (list preproc-source? pagetree-source?))))))))))
(define (handle-start directory [port #f])
(if (not (directory-exists? directory))
(error (format "~a is not a directory" directory))
(require pollen/server pollen/world)
(parameterize ([world:current-project-root ,directory]
,@(if port (list `(world:current-server-port ,port)) null))
11 years ago
(define (handle-clone directory rest-args)
(define target-path (or
(and rest-args (not (null? rest-args)) (path->complete-path (string->path (car rest-args))))
(build-path (find-system-path 'desk-dir) (string->path world:clone-directory-name))))
10 years ago
(require racket/file pollen/file racket/list)
(define (delete-it path)
11 years ago
[(directory-exists? path) (delete-directory/files path)]
[(file-exists? path) (delete-file path)]))
10 years ago
(define (contains-directory? possible-superdir possible-subdir)
(define (has-prefix? xs prefix)
(and (>= (length xs) (length prefix))
(andmap equal? prefix (take xs (length prefix)))))
((explode-path possible-subdir) . has-prefix? . (explode-path possible-superdir)))
11 years ago
(define source-dir ,directory)
10 years ago
(when (not (directory-exists? source-dir)) (error 'clone (format "source directory ~a does not exist" source-dir)))
11 years ago
(define target-dir ,target-path)
10 years ago
(when (source-dir . contains-directory? . target-dir) (error 'clone "aborted because target directory for cloning (~a) can't be inside source directory (~a)" target-dir source-dir))
(displayln "Cloning ...")
11 years ago
(when (directory-exists? target-dir) (delete-directory/files target-dir))
(copy-directory/files source-dir target-dir)
(for-each delete-it (find-files pollen-related-file? target-dir))
(displayln (format "Completed to ~a" ,target-path))))
(define (handle-else command)
`(if (regexp-match #rx"(shit|fuck)" ,command)
(displayln (let ([responses '("Cursing at free software? Really?" "How uncouth." "Same to you, buddy.")])
(list-ref responses (random (length responses)))))
(displayln (format "unknown command ~a" ,command))))