“Pollen Time” streaming event: May 7, 2020
opened 5 years ago by otherjoel
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I’m planning to have the next “Pollen office hours” type event on May 7.
Read the email newsletter for details. Here are the highlights:
The mic check on Sunday “went well” by which I mean a few people were able to hear my words and watch my screen and said it worked fine.
We started a new repo for the Pollen Cookbook project mentioned above.
Hi Joel,
The YouTube video has been removed. Are there plans to re-upload at some stage in the future?
Kind Regards,
Yeah, I screwed that up; YouTube offered for me to “edit” the video as soon as the session ended. I removed a few minutes of dead air at the beginning, but the result was saved as an entirely new video with its own link. Seeing two, I deleted the unedited one, breaking the link.
Long story short, I have fixed the link in my original comment above. I'll send out another email today or tomorrow and mention the fixed link as well.
Hi Joel,
Your original comment looks to be linked to the version that is unavailable. Is the updated version now at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VGlzbH63WUE ?
Kind Regards,
You're right! I edited the wrong link. Should be fixed now. Yes the one you posted is correct.
Great! Glad that it is sorted! 😄