#lang pollen ◊(require pollen/template) ◊(define-meta tfl-font-template "true") ◊(define-meta title "Concourse") ◊margin-note{ ◊div[#:style "text-align:center"]{ ◊link["http://typo.la/cots" #:class 'pdf]{◊image{concourse-type-specimen.png}} ◊link["http://typo.la/cots" #:class 'buylink]{PDF specimen} ◊link["https://mbtype.com/fonts/concourse/" #:class 'buylink]{Web demo} }} ◊mb-font-specimen{◊div[#:style "font-family:'concourse-t3';font-size:108%;position:relative;top:-.5rem;"]{◊span[#:style "text-transform:lowercase;font-family:concourse-c4;font-size:110tripl%"]{THE CONGRESS SHALL HAVE POWER} to lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the ◊em{common Defense and general Welfare of the} ◊strong{United States; but all Duties, Imposts and} ◊em{◊strong{Excises shall be uniform throughout.}} If you like, you can edit this paragraph.}} ◊make-buy-table[#:people '(1 2 5) #:skus (list concourse-basic concourse-standard equity-concourse-basic equity-concourse-standard equity-concourse-triplicate equity-concourse-triplicate-advocate)] ◊font-details{Concourse Standard includes 162 font files: = 6 weights (light, book, medium, semibold, bold, black) × 3 series (roman, italic, and caps) + 9 cloned styles × 2 variants (regular and Tab, with tabular figures as the defaults) × 3 file formats (OpenType, TrueType-compatible OpenType TT, and WOFF) Concourse Basic includes 72 font files: = 3 weights (book, semibold, and bold) × 3 series (roman, italic, and caps) + 3 cloned styles × 2 variants (regular and Tab) × 3 file formats (OpenType, OpenType TT, and WOFF) Read the ◊link["http://mbtype.com/license"]{font license} (it’s short) or the ◊link["http://mbtype.com/faq"]{FAQ} For details on character set and OpenType features, visit ◊link["https://mbtype.com/fonts/concourse/"]{MB Type} For more than five people, visit ◊link["https://mbtype.com/fonts/concourse/buy.html"]{MB Type} } ◊numbered-list{ A sans serif companion for ◊xref{Equity} suitable for text and display uses. Six weights in the Standard package, with real italics and small caps for every weight. It includes oldstyle and tabular ◊xref{alternate figures}. The Basic package includes the three weights most useful for legal drafting. Separate caps fonts, which contain real ◊xref{small caps} and already include my recommended ◊xref{letterspacing}. Short, plain-English license. 30-day return option. }