◊(define parent-page (parent here))
◊(define previous-page (previous here))
◊(define next-page (next here))
◊(define here-title (or (select-from-metas 'title here) (symbol->string here)))
◊(define toolbar? (not (select-from-metas 'toolbar-blank metas)))
◊(define (make-side-nav id url text)
◊div[#:class "nav-outer" #:id id]{◊(link (or url "") ◊div[#:class "nav-inner"]{◊div[#:class "nav-flex" text]})})
◊(define center-cell-width 14)
◊(define side-cell-width (/ (- 100 (+ 10 (* center-cell-width 2))) 2))
◊(local-require pollen/tag)
◊; the name `link` is already defined as a function that makes hyperlinks,
◊; so we use `make-default-tag-function` to make a literal `link` tag
◊(define literal-link (make-default-tag-function 'link))
◊(define (make-subnav children)
(apply ul #:class "subnav"
(for/list ([child (in-list children)])
(li (xref (select-from-metas 'title child))))))
◊(local-require css-tools)
◊(capitalize-first-letter here-title) | Typography for Lawyers
◊if[(not (select-from-metas 'tfl-font-template metas)) ""]{
◊(define (empty-string) "")
◊(define (tfl-font-template-body)
◊style[#:type "text/css"]{
#tfl-fonts-nav {
top: 0;
width: 29rem;
margin-bottom: 2rem;
font-size: 90%;
#tfl-fonts-nav tr:first-child {
background: ◊|content-rule-color|;
◊make-css-background-gradient[(list ◊|content-rule-color| "#777") '("17%" "100%")]
color: white;
#tfl-fonts-nav tr:first-child td {
padding: 0;
padding-top: 0.3em;
padding-bottom: 0.5em;
#tfl-fonts-nav tr + tr td {
padding: 0;
#tfl-fonts-nav tr + tr td .xref {
display: inline-block;
height: 100%;
width: 100%;
padding-top: 0.3em;
padding-bottom: 0.3em;
box-sizing: content-box;
background: none;
#content {
padding-top: 0;
padding-bottom: 2rem;
border-top: 0;
◊div[#:id "content"]{
◊table[#:id "tfl-fonts-nav"]{
◊tr{◊td[#:colspan "4"]{◊xref["fonts.html"]{The TFL fonts — designed by Matthew Butterick}}}
◊if[(not toolbar?) ""]{
◊div[#:class "nav-outer" #:id "bottom"]{
◊div[#:class "nav-inner"]{
◊table[#:id "navtable"]{
◊td{◊xref["/index.html"]{TFL home}}
◊td{◊xref["/toc.html"]{Read excerpts}}
◊td{◊xref[buy-url]{get the book}}}}}}}})
◊(define (default-body)
◊body{ ◊; use this body for all other pages
◊div[#:id "content"]{
◊(gap 1)
◊(make-subnav (or (children here) null))}
◊(if previous-page ◊make-side-nav["prev" previous-page]{<} "")
◊(if next-page ◊make-side-nav["next" next-page]{>} "")
◊(if (not toolbar?)
◊div[#:class "nav-outer" #:id "bottom"]{
◊div[#:class "nav-inner"]{
◊table[#:id "navtable"]{
◊(if (eq? here 'toc.html)
◊td[#:id "left" #:style (format "width: ~a%" side-cell-width)]{◊xref{◊(select 'title previous-page)}})
◊td[#:style "width:10%"]{◊xref["/index.html"]{TFL home}}
◊td[#:style (format "width:~a%" center-cell-width)]{◊xref[buy-url]{get the book}}
◊td[#:style (format "width:~a%" center-cell-width)]{◊xref["/fonts.html"]{get the fonts}}
◊(if next-page ◊td[#:id "right" #:style (format "width: ~a%" side-cell-width)]{◊xref{◊(select 'title next-page)}} "")}}}})})
(if (select-from-metas 'tfl-font-template metas)