#lang pollen ◊(require pollen/template) ◊(define-meta tfl-font-template "true") ◊(define-meta title "Advocate") ◊margin-note{ ◊div[#:style "text-align:center"]{ ◊link["http://typo.la/ats" #:class 'pdf]{◊image{advocate-type-specimen.png}} ◊link["http://typo.la/ats" #:class 'buylink]{PDF specimen} }} ◊mb-font-specimen{◊div[#:style "line-height:1.1;margin-top:-0.5rem"]{◊span[#:style "font-family:'advocate-c43';font-size:115%"]{THE SENATORS AND REPRESENTATIVES shall receive a Compensation for their Services, to be ascertained by Law, and ◊strong{paid out of the Treasury of the United States. They shall in all Cases, except} ◊span[#:style "font-family:'advocate-slab-c43'"]{Felony, be privileged from Arrest.} ◊span[#:style "font-family:'advocate-c45'"]{You can edit this paragraph.}}}} ◊make-buy-table[#:people '(1 2 5) #:skus (list advocate equity-concourse-triplicate-advocate)] ◊font-details{Advocate includes 270 font files: = 3 weights (regular, medium, bold) × 3 widths (narrow, regular, wide) × 2 series (sans, slab) + 12 cloned styles × 3 stylistic variants (normal, tab, mid) × 3 file formats (OpenType, TrueType-compatible OpenType TT, and WOFF) Read the ◊link["http://mbtype.com/license"]{font license} (it’s short) or the ◊link["http://mbtype.com/faq"]{FAQ} For more than five people, email ◊link["mailto:mb@mbtype.com"]{mb@mbtype.com}} ◊numbered-list{ An assertive display face for ◊xref{letterhead}, logos, and titles. Three widths and three weights, with sans and slab serif versions. Short, plain-English license. 30-day return option. }