#lang pollen ◊(define-meta title "typewriter habits") ◊(section-from-metas metas) I’ve claimed throughout this book that many bad typography habits have been left over from the typewriter era. Here, I’ve collected them in one list. (Reminder — these are things you should ◊strong{not} do.) ◊numbered-list{ Straight quotes rather than curly quotes (see ◊xref{straight and curly quotes}). Two spaces rather than ◊xref{one space between sentences}. Multiple hyphens instead of dashes (see ◊xref{hyphens and dashes}). Alphabetic approximations of ◊xref{trademark and copyright symbols}. ◊xref{ellipses} made with three periods rather than an ellipsis character. Non-curly ◊xref{apostrophes}. Pretending that ◊xref{accented characters} don't exist. Using more than one ◊xref{word space} at a time. Using ◊xref{tabs and tab stops} instead of ◊xref{tables}. Using ◊xref{carriage returns} to insert vertical space. Using alphabetic characters as substitutes for real ◊xref{math symbols}. Making ◊xref{rules and borders} out of repeated alphabetic characters. Ignoring ◊xref{ligatures}. ◊xref{Underlining} anything. Using ◊xref{monospaced fonts} rather than proportional fonts. Abusing ◊xref{all caps}. Thinking that the best ◊xref{point size} for body text is 12. Ignoring ◊xref{kerning}. Ignoring ◊xref{letterspacing}. Too much ◊xref{centered text}. Only using single or double ◊xref{line spacing}. Only using the ◊xref{line length} permitted by one-inch ◊xref{page margins}. } ◊btw{ I'm far from the first person to observe that many bad typographic habits have been passed down from typewriters. A bestselling title of the early Mac era was Robin Williams's book ◊em{The Mac is Not a Typewriter}, which spawned a sequel, ◊em{The PC is Not a Typewriter}. Still true. }