We can write a @filepath{pollen.rkt} file in any @|lang|. Most commonly, you'll choose @|lang| @racketmodname[racket/base]. @|lang| @racketmodname[racket] is a tiny bit more convenient because it loads more libraries by default. But as a result, it can be slightly slower to load. So @racketmodname[racket/base] is the more virtuous habit.
This particular @filepath{pollen.rkt}, however, is written in @|lang| @racketmodname[scribble/lp2], which is the literate-programming variant of Racket's Scribble documentation language (which is also the basis of Pollen). @|lang| @racketmodname[scribble/lp2] is like a text-based version of @|lang| @racketmodname[racket/base]. The ``literate programming'' angle is that we can mix documentation and source code in one file. Probably not the option you'd choose for your own project. But in this teaching project, it's the right tool for the job.
In this documentation, chunks of source code look like this:
There's nothing special about the chunk name —it's just a label that @|lang| @racketmodname[scribble/lp2] will use to snap the code together @seclink["Finally"]{at the end}. The result is that if you @racket[require] this file normally, you'll get the usual functions and values; but if you run it with Scribble, it turns into the documentation you see here.
Aside from that wrinkle, all the code shown here is standard @racketmodname[racket/base], and can be copied & adapted for your own @filepath{pollen.rkt} files written in @|lang| @racketmodname[racket/base] (or @|lang| @racketmodname[racket]).
The @filepath{pollen.rkt} source file is the main source of functions and values for the source files in a Pollen project. Everything provided from a @filepath{pollen.rkt} is automatically available to @|lang| @racketmodname[pollen] source files in the
same directory or subdirectories (unless superseded by another @filepath{pollen.rkt} within a subdirectory).
Other libraries we'll be using. @racketmodname[sugar] and @racketmodname[txexpr] are utility libraries installed with Pollen. @racketmodname[hyphenate] is separate, but can be installed easily:
@terminal{> raco pkg install hyphenate}
@filepath{pricing-table.rkt} is another custom Racket file for this project. It's up to you whether you store all your functions and definitions in @filepath{pollen.rkt}, or spread them over different source files. Regardless of where you store them, @filepath{pollen.rkt} remains the central gathering point for everything you want to propagate to the @|lang| @racketmodname[pollen] source files in your project.
@margin-note{If you end up making reusable functions, you can share them between Pollen projects (and with other Racket users, if you want) by moving them into a @italic{package}. For more, see @secref["how-to-create" #:doc '(lib "pkg/scribblings/pkg.scrbl")].}
Definitions in a @filepath{pollen.rkt} can be functions or values. Because they get propagated to other Pollen source files, they're almost like global definitions. As usual with global definitions, you should use them when you need them, but it's still wise to localize things within specific directories or source files when you can. Otherwise the main @filepath{pollen.rkt} can get to be unwieldy.
@racket[buy-url] is the master URL for buying the TFL paperback. In general, it's wise to store hard-coded values like these in a variable so that you can change the value from one location later if you need to.
@racket[no-hyphens-attr] is an X-expression attribute we'll use to signal that a certain X-expression should not be hyphenated. The need for this will be explained later.
In a @filepath{pollen.rkt} you'll be making a lot of tagged X-expressions (txexprs for short). A txexpr is just a Racket list, so you can make txexprs with any of Racket's list-making functions —which are plentiful. Which one you use depends on what fits most naturally with the current task.
@margin-note{@secref["X-expressions" #:doc '(lib "pollen/scribblings/pollen.scrbl")] are introduced in the Pollen docs.}
Let's run through a few of them, so they start to become familiar. Suppose we want to generate the txexpr '(div ((class "big")) "text"). Here are some ways to do it.
A utility function from the @racket[txexpr] module. We used it in the @racket[link] function above. The major advantage of @racket[txexpr] is that it will raise an error if your arguments are invalid types for a tagged X-expression.
The second and third arguments to @racket[txexpr] are lists, so you can use any list notation. If your txexpr doesn't have attributes, you pass @racket[empty] or @racket[null] for the second argument.
@margin-note{Because @racket[txexpr] is designed to check its arguments for correctness, it insists on getting an explicit argument for the attributes, even if @racket[empty]. When you're using generic list-making functions (see below) to create txexprs, you can omit the attribute list if it's empty.}
This isn't necessarily a bad thing. When a txexpr needs to pass through multiple layers of processing, it can be useful to create intermediate results that are txexpr-ish, and simplify them at the end.
All lists are ultimately made of @racket[cons] cells. So you can make txexprs with @racket[cons] too, though it's more cumbersome than the other methods. In most cases, @racket[list*] is clearer & more flexible, because @racket[cons] can only take two arguments, whereas @racket[list*] can take any number.
As the name suggests, @racket[quasiquote] works like @racket[quote], but lets you @racket[unquote] variables within. Quasiquote notation is pleasingly compact for simple cases. But it can be unruly for complex ones.
The unquote operator (@litchar{,}) puts a variable's value into the list.
The unquote splicing operator (@litchar{,@"@"}) does the same thing, but if the variable holds a list of items, it merges those items into the list (i.e., does not leave them as a sublist).
Below, we unquote @racket[attrs] because we want them to remain a sublist. But we splice @racket[elements] because we want them to be merged with the main list.
@margin-note{Getting a feel for the duality of Pollen & Racket notation is a necessary part of the learning curve. If it seems like an annoying complication, consider that the two styles are optimized for different contexts: Pollen notation is for embedding commands in text, and Racket notation is for writing code. The fact that the two are interchangeable is what guarantees that everything that can be done in Racket can also be done in Pollen.}
@racket[_css-class] is a keyword argument (= must be introduced with @racket[#:class]) and also optional (if it's not provided, it will default to @racket[#f]).
@racket[_tx-elements] is an optional argument that represents the text (or other content) that gets linked. If we don't have anything to link, use @racket[_url] as the link text too.
@racket[_tx-elements] is a @seclink["contracts-rest-args" #:doc '(lib "scribblings/guide/guide.scrbl")]{@italic{rest argument}}, as in ``put the rest of the arguments here.'' Most definitions of
tag functions should end with a rest argument. Why? Because in Pollen notation, the @tt{{text ...}}
in @tt{◊func[arg]{text ...}} can return any number of arguments. Maybe one (e.g., if @tt{{text ...}} is a word)
or maybe more (e.g, if @tt{{text ...}} is a multiline block).
If you don't use a rest argument, and pass multiple text arguments to your tag function, you'll get an error (namely an ``arity error,'' which means the function got more arguments than it expected).
@margin-note{@racket[let*] is the idiomatic Racket way to do what looks like mutation. Though you're not really mutating the variable — you're creating copies, all of which have the same name. For true mutation, you could also use @racket[set!] — not wrong, but not idiomatic.}
Make a link with a particular URL. The link resulting from @racket[buylink] is styled with the @tt{buylink} class, and the one from @racket[home-link] is styled with the @tt{home-link} class.
The difference here is that we're not providing a specific URL. Rather, we want to pass through whatever URL we get from the Pollen source. So we add a @racket[_url] argument.
Make an image tag. We proceed as we did with @racket[link]. But in this case, we don't need a rest argument because this tag function doesn't accept text arguments.
``Right, but shouldn't we use a rest argument just in case?'' It depends on how you like errors to be handled. You could capture the text arguments with a rest argument and then just silently dispose of them. But this might be mysterious to the person editing the Pollen source (whether you or someone else). "Where did my text go?"
Whereas if we omit the rest argument, and try to pass text arguments anyhow, @racket[image] will immediately raise an error, letting us know that we're misusing it.
Wrap tag in a @racket['div] with a scaling factor. Keep in mind that with X-expressions, numbers like @racket[2048] are not interchangeable with strings like @racket["2048"]. Moreover, all values inside attributes have to be strings. So if an argument will be used as an attribute value, it's wise to explicitly convert it to a strings explicitly. This has the side benefit of allowing the function to accept either a string or number for @racket[_factor].
Here, we'll use @racket[make-default-tag-function], which is an easy way to make a simple tag function. Any keywords passed in will be propagated to every use of the tag function.
This function will be used within a @racket[decode] function (more on that below) in a position where it will be passed a list of X-expresssion elements, so it also needs to return a list of X-expression elements.
@margin-note{The idiomatic Racket way to enforce requirements on input & output values is with a @seclink["function-contracts"
#:doc '(lib "scribblings/reference/reference.scrbl")]{@italic{function contract}}. For simplicity, I'm not using them here, but they are another virtuous habit .}
Our list of elements could contain sequences like @racket['("\n" "\n" "\n")], which should mean the same thing as @racket["\n\n\n"]. So first, we'll combine adjacent newlines with @racket[merge-newlines].
@racket[filter-split] will divide a list into sublists based on a certain test. The result will be a list of lists, each representing the contents of an @racket['li] tag. We'll convert any paragraphs that are inside the list items. Finally we'll wrap each of these lists of paragraphs in an @racket['li] tag.
@margin-note{Pythonistas might object to the @racket[(string? elem)] test in the last function as a missed chance for ``duck typing.'' You can do duck typing in Racket (see @racket[with-handlers]) but it's not idiomatic. IMO this is wise. Duck typing is a bad habit: it substitutes an explicit, readable test (@racket[string?]) for an implicit, indirect test (``I know if this isn't a @racket[string?], then a certain error will arise.'')}
In Racket you'll often see functions that make other functions. (In Racket these are also known as @seclink["Additional_Higher-Order_Functions"
#:doc '(lib "scribblings/reference/reference.scrbl")]{@italic{higher-order functions}}.) This is a good way to avoid making a bunch of functions that have small variations.
That is, explicitly define a new function called @racket[listifier] and then return that function. That's the best way to do it in many programming languages.
Check whether Pollen is running in development mode, which means that it was started from the command line with the environment variable @tt{POLLEN} set to the value @tt{DEV}:
This functions will be useful later when we want to change the behavior of certain functions when Pollen runs in dev mode. For instance, we might want to run certain functions in a higher speed / lower quality mode. Or output debug information about others.
(define (dev-mode?)
(equal? (getenv "POLLEN") "DEV"))
Though the environment variable name is fixed as @tt{POLLEN}, there's no special magic to @tt{DEV}. We could pick any value we wanted to denote development mode:
For use in our HTML templates. We could also define this function inside a template. But since we have more than one template in this project, we'll put it here, so it can be available to all the templates.
(define (capitalize-first-letter str)
(regexp-replace #rx"^." str string-upcase))]
This last incantation is needed so @racketmodname[scribble/lp2] knows how to put together all the code chunks we've introduced in this file.