#lang racket/base (require "core.rkt") (require net/url-structs net/base64 racket/file racket/format racket/list sugar/unstable/string) (provide (all-defined-out)) (module+ test (require rackunit)) (require racket/contract sugar) (define/contract (base64-font-string? x) (any/c . -> . boolean?) ((->string x) . starts-with? . "data:")) (module+ test (check-true (base64-font-string? "data:foobar")) (check-false (base64-font-string? "foobar"))) (define/contract (font-format p) (pathish? . -> . (or/c string? #f)) (case (get-ext (->path p)) [("eot") "embedded-opentype"] [("woff") "woff"] [("woff2") "woff2"] [("ttf" "otf") "truetype"] ; yep, in this CSS declaration, otf is considered 'truetype' [("svg") "svg"] [else (raise-argument-error 'font-format "valid font type" p)])) (module+ test (check-equal? (font-format "foo.eot") "embedded-opentype") (check-equal? (font-format "foo.woff") "woff") (check-equal? (font-format "foo.woff2") "woff2") (check-equal? (font-format "foo.ttf") "truetype") (check-equal? (font-format "foo.otf") "truetype") (check-equal? (font-format "foo.svg") "svg") (check-exn exn:fail? (λ () (font-format "foo")))) (define/contract (font-mime-type p) (pathish? . -> . (or/c string? #f)) (case (get-ext (->path p)) [("eot") "application/vnd.ms-fontobject"] [("woff") "application/font-woff"] [("woff2") "application/font-woff2"] [("ttf") "application/x-font-truetype"] [("otf") "application/x-font-opentype"] [("svg") "image/svg+xml"] [else (raise-argument-error 'font-mime-type "valid font type" p)])) (module+ test (check-equal? (font-mime-type "foo.eot") "application/vnd.ms-fontobject") (check-equal? (font-mime-type (->url "foo.woff?bar=ino")) "application/font-woff") (check-equal? (font-mime-type (->url "foo.woff2?bar=ino")) "application/font-woff2") (check-equal? (font-mime-type "foo.ttf") "application/x-font-truetype") (check-equal? (font-mime-type "foo.otf") "application/x-font-opentype") (check-equal? (font-mime-type "foo.svg") "image/svg+xml") (check-exn exn:fail? (λ () (font-mime-type "foo")))) (define/contract (path->base64-font-string p) (pathish? . -> . base64-font-string?) (define path (->path p)) ;; for CSS, base64 encode needs to be done with no line separator (format "data:~a;charset=utf-8;base64,~a" (font-mime-type p) (base64-encode (file->bytes path) #""))) (define (valid-font-style? x) (and (string? x) (member x '("normal" "italic" "oblique")) #t)) (module+ test (check-true (valid-font-style? "normal")) (check-true (valid-font-style? "oblique")) (check-false (valid-font-style? "foobar"))) (define (valid-font-weight? x) (and (string? x) (member x `("normal" "bold" ,@(map ~a (range 100 1000 100)))) #t)) (module+ test (check-true (valid-font-weight? "normal")) (check-true (valid-font-weight? "100")) (check-true (valid-font-weight? "300")) (check-true (valid-font-weight? "900")) (check-false (valid-font-weight? "italic")) (check-false (valid-font-weight? "1000"))) (define (valid-font-stretch? x) (and (string? x) (member x '("normal" "ultra-condensed" "extra-condensed" "condensed" "semi-condensed" "semi-expanded" "expanded" "extra-expanded" "ultra-expanded")) #t)) (module+ test (check-true (valid-font-stretch? "normal")) (check-true (valid-font-stretch? "extra-condensed")) (check-false (valid-font-stretch? "italic")) (check-false (valid-font-stretch? "nonsense"))) (define/contract (font-face-declaration font-family src-url #:local [local-name #f] #:font-style [font-style "normal"] #:font-weight [font-weight "normal"] #:font-stretch [font-stretch "normal"] #:unicode-range [unicodes #f] #:base64 [base64? #f]) ((string? (or/c urlish? base64-font-string?)) (#:font-style valid-font-style? #:font-weight valid-font-weight? #:font-stretch valid-font-stretch? #:unicode-range (or/c #f string?) #:base64 boolean? #:local (or/c #f string?)) . ->* . string?) (let* ([url (->url src-url)] [url-value (if base64? (path->base64-font-string src-url) (->path url))] [src (format "url('~a') format('~a')" url-value (font-format src-url))] [src (string-append (if local-name (format "local(~v), " local-name) "") src)]) (string-append "@font-face {\n" (join-css-strings (append (map make-css-string '(font-family font-style font-weight font-stretch src) (list font-family font-style font-weight font-stretch src)) (if unicodes (list (make-css-string 'unicode-range unicodes)) null))) "}"))) (define ffd font-face-declaration)