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#lang racket/base
(require racket/base
(prefix-in is: data/integer-set)
(provide build-lexer)
(define-syntax time-label
(syntax-rules ()
((_ l e ...)
(printf "~a: " l)
(time (begin e ...))))))
;; A table is either
;; - (vector-of (union #f nat))
;; - (vector-of (vector-of (vector nat nat nat)))
(define loc:integer-set-contents is:integer-set-contents)
;; dfa->1d-table : dfa -> (same as build-lexer)
(define (dfa->1d-table dfa)
(define state-table (make-vector (dfa-num-states dfa) #f))
(define transition-cache (make-hasheq))
(for ([trans (in-list (dfa-transitions dfa))])
(match-define (cons from-state all-chars/to) trans)
(define flat-all-chars/to
(for*/list ([chars/to (in-list all-chars/to)]
[char-ranges (in-value (loc:integer-set-contents (car chars/to)))]
[to (in-value (cdr chars/to))]
[char-range (in-list char-ranges)])
(define entry (vector (car char-range) (cdr char-range) to))
(hash-ref transition-cache entry (λ ()
(hash-set! transition-cache
< #:key (λ (v) (vector-ref v 0))))
(vector-set! state-table from-state (list->vector flat-all-chars/to)))
(define loc:foldr is:foldr)
;; dfa->2d-table : dfa -> (same as build-lexer)
(define (dfa->2d-table dfa)
;; char-table : (vector-of (union #f nat))
;; The lexer table, one entry per state per char.
;; Each entry specifies a state to transition to.
;; #f indicates no transition
(define char-table (make-vector (* 256 (dfa-num-states dfa)) #f))
;; Fill the char-table vector
(for* ([trans (in-list (dfa-transitions dfa))]
[chars/to (in-list (cdr trans))])
(define from-state (car trans))
(define to-state (cdr chars/to))
(loc:foldr (λ (char _)
(vector-set! char-table
(arithmetic-shift from-state 8))
(car chars/to)))
;; dfa->actions : dfa -> (vector-of (union #f syntax-object))
;; The action for each final state, #f if the state isn't final
(define (dfa->actions dfa)
(define actions (make-vector (dfa-num-states dfa) #f))
(for ([state/action (in-list (dfa-final-states/actions dfa))])
(vector-set! actions (car state/action) (cdr state/action)))
;; dfa->no-look : dfa -> (vector-of bool)
;; For each state whether the lexer can ignore the next input.
;; It can do this only if there are no transitions out of the
;; current state.
(define (dfa->no-look dfa)
(define no-look (make-vector (dfa-num-states dfa) #t))
(for ([trans (in-list (dfa-transitions dfa))])
(vector-set! no-look (car trans) #f))
(test-block ((d1 (make-dfa 1 1 (list) (list)))
(d2 (make-dfa 4 1 (list (cons 2 2) (cons 3 3))
(list (cons 1 (list (cons (is:make-range 49 50) 1)
(cons (is:make-range 51) 2)))
(cons 2 (list (cons (is:make-range 49) 3))))))
(d3 (make-dfa 4 1 (list (cons 2 2) (cons 3 3))
(list (cons 1 (list (cons (is:make-range 100 200) 0)
(cons (is:make-range 49 50) 1)
(cons (is:make-range 51) 2)))
(cons 2 (list (cons (is:make-range 49) 3)))))))
((dfa->2d-table d1) (make-vector 256 #f))
((dfa->2d-table d2) (let ((v (make-vector 1024 #f)))
(vector-set! v 305 1)
(vector-set! v 306 1)
(vector-set! v 307 2)
(vector-set! v 561 3)
((dfa->1d-table d1) (make-vector 1 #f))
((dfa->1d-table d2) #(#f
#(#(49 50 1) #(51 51 2))
#(#(49 49 3))
((dfa->1d-table d3) #(#f
#(#(49 50 1) #(51 51 2) #(100 200 0))
#(#(49 49 3))
((dfa->actions d1) (vector #f))
((dfa->actions d2) (vector #f #f 2 3))
((dfa->no-look d1) (vector #t))
((dfa->no-look d2) (vector #t #f #f #t)))
;; build-lexer : syntax-object list ->
;; (values table nat (vector-of (union #f syntax-object)) (vector-of bool) (list-of syntax-object))
;; each syntax object has the form (re action)
(define (build-lexer sos)
(define s-re-acts (for/list ([so (in-list sos)])
(cons (parse (stx-car so))
(stx-car (stx-cdr so)))))
(define cache (make-cache))
(define re-acts (for/list ([s-re-act (in-list s-re-acts)])
(cons (->re (car s-re-act) cache)
(cdr s-re-act))))
(define dfa (build-dfa re-acts cache))
(define table (dfa->1d-table dfa))
;(print-dfa dfa)
#;(let ((num-states (vector-length table))
(num-vectors (length (filter values (vector->list table))))
(num-entries (apply + (map
(λ (x) (if x (vector-length x) 0))
(vector->list table))))
(let ((ht (make-hash)))
(λ (x)
(when x
(λ (y)
(hash-set! ht y #t))
(vector->list x))))
(vector->list table))
(length (hash-table-map ht cons)))))
(printf "~a states, ~aKB\n"
(/ (* 4.0 (+ 2 num-states (* 2 num-vectors) num-entries
(* 5 num-different-entries))) 1024)))
(values table (dfa-start-state dfa) (dfa->actions dfa) (dfa->no-look dfa)))