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#lang racket/base
(require (for-syntax racket/base
(module+ test
(require (submod "..")
;; Based on the "regular expression virtual machine" implementation strategy described in
(define (compiled-regex-with-labels program labels)
(for/vector ([instruction (in-vector program)])
(match instruction
[(labeled-jump-instruction label)
(jump-instruction (hash-ref labels label))]
[(labeled-split-instruction primary secondary)
(split-instruction (hash-ref labels primary) (hash-ref labels secondary))]
[other other]))))
(struct compiled-regex (program)
(λ (instructions _) (sequence->vector instructions)))
(struct regex-instruction () #:transparent)
(struct read-instruction regex-instruction (expected-char) #:transparent)
(struct peek-instruction regex-instruction (expected-char) #:transparent)
(struct reset-peek-instruction regex-instruction () #:transparent)
(struct jump-instruction regex-instruction (address) #:transparent)
(struct split-instruction regex-instruction (primary-address secondary-address) #:transparent)
(struct labeled-jump-instruction regex-instruction (label) #:transparent)
(struct labeled-split-instruction regex-instruction (primary-label secondary-label) #:transparent)
(struct match-instruction regex-instruction () #:transparent)
(struct start-group-instruction regex-instruction (key) #:transparent)
(struct finish-group-instruction regex-instruction (key) #:transparent)
(struct fail-instruction regex-instruction () #:transparent)
(struct regex-thread (program-counter captured-groups) #:transparent)
(struct thread-list ([size #:mutable] threads-by-priority-order threads-by-program-counter)
(define (make-thread-list #:program-size capacity)
(thread-list 0 (make-vector capacity #false) (make-vector capacity #false)))
(define (thread-list-get threads index)
(vector-ref (thread-list-threads-by-priority-order threads) index))
(define (thread-list-add! threads thread #:program program #:input input #:input-index i)
(let loop ([thread thread] [i i] [peek i] [max-peek i])
(define pc (regex-thread-program-counter thread))
(define groups (regex-thread-captured-groups thread))
(match (vector-ref program pc)
[(jump-instruction address) (loop (regex-thread address groups) i peek max-peek)]
[(split-instruction primary secondary)
(define secondary-groups (captured-groups-builder-copy groups))
(max (loop (regex-thread primary groups) i peek max-peek)
(loop (regex-thread secondary secondary-groups) i peek max-peek))]
[(start-group-instruction key)
(captured-groups-builder-start-group! groups key i)
(loop (regex-thread (add1 pc) groups) i peek max-peek)]
[(finish-group-instruction key)
(captured-groups-builder-finish-group! groups key i)
(loop (regex-thread (add1 pc) groups) i peek max-peek)]
[(peek-instruction expected)
[(equal? (string-ref input peek) expected)
(define next-peek (add1 peek))
(loop (regex-thread (add1 pc) groups) i next-peek (max max-peek next-peek))]
[else max-peek])]
[(reset-peek-instruction) (loop (regex-thread (add1 pc) groups) i i max-peek)]
(define by-pc (thread-list-threads-by-program-counter threads))
(unless (vector-ref by-pc pc)
(define size (thread-list-size threads))
(vector-set! by-pc pc thread)
(vector-set! (thread-list-threads-by-priority-order threads) size thread)
(set-thread-list-size! threads (add1 size)))
(define (thread-list-clear! threads)
(define by-priority (thread-list-threads-by-priority-order threads))
(define by-pc (thread-list-threads-by-program-counter threads))
(for ([thread (in-vector by-priority 0 (thread-list-size threads))]
[i (in-naturals)])
(vector-set! by-pc (regex-thread-program-counter thread) #false)
;; TODO: this isn't strictly necessary (setting size to zero makes the by-priority vector's
;; contents unreadable anyway) but I'm leaving it in for now as a defense against other bugs, this
;; should be removed once tests are passing.
(vector-set! by-priority i #false))
(set-thread-list-size! threads 0))
(define (compiled-regex-match-string r str [start 0] [end (string-length str)])
(define program (compiled-regex-program r))
(define (make-thread [pc 0] [groups (make-captured-groups-builder)])
(regex-thread pc groups))
(define running-threads (make-thread-list #:program-size (vector-length program)))
(define blocked-threads (make-thread-list #:program-size (vector-length program)))
(define max-peek
(thread-list-add! running-threads (make-thread) #:program program #:input str #:input-index start))
(for/fold ([running-threads running-threads]
[blocked-threads blocked-threads]
[last-match #false]
[max-peek max-peek]
#:result (or last-match (regular-match-failure start (- max-peek start))))
([input-index (in-range start (add1 end))])
(let loop ([i 0] [max-peek max-peek])
[(equal? i (thread-list-size running-threads))
(thread-list-clear! running-threads)
(values blocked-threads running-threads last-match max-peek)]
(define thread (thread-list-get running-threads i))
(define pc (regex-thread-program-counter thread))
(define groups (regex-thread-captured-groups thread))
(match (vector-ref program pc)
[(read-instruction c)
[(and (< input-index end) (equal? (string-ref str input-index) c))
(define next-thread (make-thread (add1 pc) groups))
(define next-max-peek
(thread-list-add! blocked-threads
#:program program
#:input str
#:input-index (add1 input-index)))
(loop (add1 i) (max max-peek next-max-peek))]
(loop (add1 i) (max (add1 input-index) max-peek))])]
(thread-list-clear! running-threads)
(define resulting-match
(regular-match start input-index
#:peek-distance (- max-peek input-index)
#:groups (build-captured-groups groups)))
(values blocked-threads running-threads resulting-match max-peek)])]))))
(module+ test
(test-case (name-string match-instruction)
(define r (compiled-regex (list (match-instruction))))
(define expected (regular-match 0 0))
(check-equal? (compiled-regex-match-string r "aaaaaaaa") expected)
(check-equal? (compiled-regex-match-string r "") expected))
(test-case (name-string read-instruction)
(test-case "reading one character"
(define r (compiled-regex (list (read-instruction #\a) (match-instruction))))
(define expected (regular-match 0 1))
(check-equal? (compiled-regex-match-string r "a") expected)
(check-equal? (compiled-regex-match-string r "aaa") expected)
(check-equal? (compiled-regex-match-string r "ab") expected)
(check-equal? (compiled-regex-match-string r "b") (regular-match-failure 0 1))
(check-equal? (compiled-regex-match-string r "") (regular-match-failure 0 1))
(check-equal? (compiled-regex-match-string r "ba") (regular-match-failure 0 1)))
(test-case "reading multiple characters"
(define r
(read-instruction #\a)
(read-instruction #\b)
(read-instruction #\c)
(define expected (regular-match 0 3))
(check-equal? (compiled-regex-match-string r "abc") expected)
(check-equal? (compiled-regex-match-string r "abcxxx") expected)
(check-equal? (compiled-regex-match-string r "cba") (regular-match-failure 0 1))
(check-equal? (compiled-regex-match-string r "a") (regular-match-failure 0 2))
(check-equal? (compiled-regex-match-string r "ab") (regular-match-failure 0 3))
(check-equal? (compiled-regex-match-string r "aaa") (regular-match-failure 0 2))
(check-equal? (compiled-regex-match-string r "bbb") (regular-match-failure 0 1))
(check-equal? (compiled-regex-match-string r "ccc") (regular-match-failure 0 1))
(check-equal? (compiled-regex-match-string r "aabc") (regular-match-failure 0 2))))
(test-case (name-string jump-instruction)
(define r
(jump-instruction 2) (read-instruction #\a) (read-instruction #\b) (match-instruction))))
(check-equal? (compiled-regex-match-string r "b") (regular-match 0 1))
(check-equal? (compiled-regex-match-string r "a") (regular-match-failure 0 1))
(check-equal? (compiled-regex-match-string r "c") (regular-match-failure 0 1)))
(test-case "group capturing instructions"
(define r
(start-group-instruction 'a)
(read-instruction #\a)
(read-instruction #\a)
(read-instruction #\a)
(finish-group-instruction 'a)
(start-group-instruction 'b)
(read-instruction #\b)
(read-instruction #\b)
(read-instruction #\b)
(finish-group-instruction 'b)
(define expected
(regular-match 0 6
#:groups (hash 'a (list (captured-group 0 3)) 'b (list (captured-group 3 6)))))
(check-equal? (compiled-regex-match-string r "aaabbb") expected))
(test-case (name-string split-instruction)
(define r
(split-instruction 1 5)
(start-group-instruction 'a)
(read-instruction #\a)
(finish-group-instruction 'a)
(start-group-instruction 'b)
(read-instruction #\b)
(finish-group-instruction 'b)
(define a-match (regular-match 0 1 #:groups (hash 'a (list (captured-group 0 1)))))
(define b-match (regular-match 0 1 #:groups (hash 'b (list (captured-group 0 1)))))
(check-equal? (compiled-regex-match-string r "a") a-match)
(check-equal? (compiled-regex-match-string r "b") b-match)
(check-equal? (compiled-regex-match-string r "ab") a-match)
(check-equal? (compiled-regex-match-string r "ba") b-match)
(check-equal? (compiled-regex-match-string r "c") (regular-match-failure 0 1))
(check-equal? (compiled-regex-match-string r "") (regular-match-failure 0 1)))
(test-case (name-string peek-instruction)
(define r
(start-group-instruction 'a)
(peek-instruction #\a)
(peek-instruction #\b)
(peek-instruction #\c)
(finish-group-instruction 'a)
(define expected
(regular-match 0 0 #:peek-distance 3 #:groups (hash 'a (list (captured-group 0 0)))))
(check-equal? (compiled-regex-match-string r "abc") expected))
(test-case (name-string reset-peek-instruction)
(define r
(start-group-instruction 'a)
(peek-instruction #\a)
(peek-instruction #\b)
(peek-instruction #\a)
(finish-group-instruction 'a)
(define expected
(regular-match 0 0 #:peek-distance 2 #:groups (hash 'a (list (captured-group 0 0)))))
(check-equal? (compiled-regex-match-string r "abc") expected)))