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#lang racket/base
(require racket/match
(module+ test
(require (submod "..")
(struct tagged-regular-pattern (pattern success-value) #:transparent)
(struct regular-pattern () #:transparent)
(struct char-pattern regular-pattern (expected-char) #:transparent)
(struct group-pattern regular-pattern (subpatterns capture?)
#:guard (λ (subpatterns capture? _) (values (sequence->vector subpatterns) capture?)))
(struct choice-pattern regular-pattern (choices)
#:guard (λ (choices _) (sequence->vector choices)))
(struct repetition-pattern regular-pattern (subpattern min-count max-count greedy?) #:transparent)
(struct lookahead-pattern regular-pattern (subpattern) #:transparent)
(define (regular-patterns-compile patterns)
(define pattern-vector (sequence->vector patterns))
(define instructions (make-vector-builder))
(define labels (make-hash))
(define instruction-counter 0)
(define savepoint-counter 0)
(define label-counter 0)
(define (next-label!)
(define next label-counter)
(set! label-counter (add1 next))
(define (next-savepoint!)
(define next savepoint-counter)
(set! savepoint-counter (add1 next))
(define (label! key)
(hash-set! labels key instruction-counter))
(define (add-instruction! instruction)
(vector-builder-add instructions instruction)
(set! instruction-counter (add1 instruction-counter)))
(define (compile-pattern! tagged-pattern)
(match-define (tagged-regular-pattern pattern success-value) tagged-pattern)
(let loop ([pattern pattern] [peeking? #false])
(match pattern
[(char-pattern expected)
(add-instruction! (if peeking? (peek-instruction expected) (read-instruction expected)))]
[(lookahead-pattern subpattern)
(loop subpattern #true)
(add-instruction! (reset-peek-instruction))]
[(group-pattern subpatterns capture?)
(when capture?
(add-instruction! (save-instruction (next-savepoint!))))
(for ([subpattern (in-vector subpatterns)])
(loop subpattern peeking?))
(when capture?
(add-instruction! (save-instruction (next-savepoint!))))]
[(choice-pattern choices)
(define post-choice-label (next-label!))
(for ([choice (in-vector choices 0 (- (vector-length choices) 1))])
(define choice-label (next-label!))
(define next-split-label (next-label!))
(add-instruction! (labeled-split-instruction choice-label next-split-label))
(label! choice-label)
(loop choice peeking?)
(add-instruction! (labeled-jump-instruction post-choice-label))
(label! next-split-label))
(loop (vector-ref choices (- (vector-length choices) 1)) peeking?)
(label! post-choice-label)]
[(repetition-pattern subpattern 0 +inf.0 greedy?)
(define loop-label (next-label!))
(define read-label (next-label!))
(define skip-label (next-label!))
(label! loop-label)
(if greedy?
(labeled-split-instruction read-label skip-label)
(labeled-split-instruction skip-label read-label)))
(label! read-label)
(loop subpattern peeking?)
(add-instruction! (labeled-jump-instruction loop-label))
(label! skip-label)]
[(repetition-pattern subpattern 0 m greedy?)
#:when (< m +inf.0)
(for ([_ (in-range m)])
(define read-label (next-label!))
(define skip-label (next-label!))
(if greedy?
(labeled-split-instruction read-label skip-label)
(labeled-split-instruction skip-label read-label)))
(label! read-label)
(loop subpattern peeking?)
(label! skip-label))]
[(repetition-pattern subpattern n m greedy?)
#:when (> n 0)
(for ([_ (in-range n)])
(loop subpattern peeking?))
(loop (repetition-pattern subpattern 0 (- m n) greedy?) peeking?)]))
(add-instruction! (match-instruction success-value)))
(for ([tagged-pattern (in-vector pattern-vector 0 (sub1 (vector-length pattern-vector)))])
(define pattern-label (next-label!))
(define skip-label (next-label!))
(add-instruction! (labeled-split-instruction pattern-label skip-label))
(label! pattern-label)
(compile-pattern! tagged-pattern)
(label! skip-label))
(compile-pattern! (vector-ref pattern-vector (sub1 (vector-length pattern-vector))))
(compiled-regex-with-labels (build-vector instructions) labels))
(module+ test
(test-case (name-string regular-patterns-compile)
(test-case (name-string char-pattern)
(define tagged-pattern (tagged-regular-pattern (char-pattern #\a) 42))
(define expected (compiled-regex (list (read-instruction #\a) (match-instruction 42))))
(check-equal? (regular-patterns-compile (list tagged-pattern)) expected))
(test-case (name-string group-pattern)
(test-case "non-capturing"
(define pattern
(group-pattern (list (char-pattern #\a) (char-pattern #\b) (char-pattern #\c)) #false))
(define tagged-pattern (tagged-regular-pattern pattern 42))
(define expected
(read-instruction #\a)
(read-instruction #\b)
(read-instruction #\c)
(match-instruction 42))))
(check-equal? (regular-patterns-compile (list tagged-pattern)) expected))
(test-case "capturing"
(define pattern
(group-pattern (list (char-pattern #\a) (char-pattern #\b) (char-pattern #\c)) #true))
(define tagged-pattern (tagged-regular-pattern pattern 42))
(define expected
(save-instruction 0)
(read-instruction #\a)
(read-instruction #\b)
(read-instruction #\c)
(save-instruction 1)
(match-instruction 42))))
(check-equal? (regular-patterns-compile (list tagged-pattern)) expected)))
(test-case (name-string choice-pattern)
(define pattern
(choice-pattern (list (char-pattern #\a) (char-pattern #\b) (char-pattern #\c))))
(define tagged-pattern (tagged-regular-pattern pattern 42))
(define expected
(split-instruction 1 3)
(read-instruction #\a)
(jump-instruction 7)
(split-instruction 4 6)
(read-instruction #\b)
(jump-instruction 7)
(read-instruction #\c)
(match-instruction 42))))
(check-equal? (regular-patterns-compile (list tagged-pattern)) expected))
(define abc-pattern
(group-pattern (list (char-pattern #\a) (char-pattern #\b) (char-pattern #\c)) #false))
(test-case (name-string repetition-pattern)
(test-case "greedy without quantifiers"
(define pattern (repetition-pattern abc-pattern 0 +inf.0 #true))
(define tagged-pattern (tagged-regular-pattern pattern 42))
(define expected
(split-instruction 1 5)
(read-instruction #\a)
(read-instruction #\b)
(read-instruction #\c)
(jump-instruction 0)
(match-instruction 42))))
(check-equal? (regular-patterns-compile (list tagged-pattern)) expected))
(test-case "non-greedy without quantifiers"
(define pattern (repetition-pattern abc-pattern 0 +inf.0 #false))
(define tagged-pattern (tagged-regular-pattern pattern 42))
(define expected
(split-instruction 5 1)
(read-instruction #\a)
(read-instruction #\b)
(read-instruction #\c)
(jump-instruction 0)
(match-instruction 42))))
(check-equal? (regular-patterns-compile (list tagged-pattern)) expected))
(test-case "greedy with minimum quantity"
(define pattern (repetition-pattern abc-pattern 3 +inf.0 #true))
(define tagged-pattern (tagged-regular-pattern pattern 42))
(define expected
(read-instruction #\a)
(read-instruction #\b)
(read-instruction #\c)
(read-instruction #\a)
(read-instruction #\b)
(read-instruction #\c)
(read-instruction #\a)
(read-instruction #\b)
(read-instruction #\c)
(split-instruction 10 14)
(read-instruction #\a)
(read-instruction #\b)
(read-instruction #\c)
(jump-instruction 9)
(match-instruction 42))))
(check-equal? (regular-patterns-compile (list tagged-pattern)) expected))
(test-case "non-greedy with minimum quantity"
(define pattern (repetition-pattern abc-pattern 3 +inf.0 #false))
(define tagged-pattern (tagged-regular-pattern pattern 42))
(define expected
(read-instruction #\a)
(read-instruction #\b)
(read-instruction #\c)
(read-instruction #\a)
(read-instruction #\b)
(read-instruction #\c)
(read-instruction #\a)
(read-instruction #\b)
(read-instruction #\c)
(split-instruction 14 10)
(read-instruction #\a)
(read-instruction #\b)
(read-instruction #\c)
(jump-instruction 9)
(match-instruction 42))))
(check-equal? (regular-patterns-compile (list tagged-pattern)) expected))
(test-case "greedy with maximum quantity"
(define pattern (repetition-pattern abc-pattern 0 3 #true))
(define tagged-pattern (tagged-regular-pattern pattern 42))
(define expected
(split-instruction 1 4)
(read-instruction #\a)
(read-instruction #\b)
(read-instruction #\c)
(split-instruction 5 8)
(read-instruction #\a)
(read-instruction #\b)
(read-instruction #\c)
(split-instruction 9 12)
(read-instruction #\a)
(read-instruction #\b)
(read-instruction #\c)
(match-instruction 42))))
(check-equal? (regular-patterns-compile (list tagged-pattern)) expected))
(test-case "non-greedy with maximum quantity"
(define pattern (repetition-pattern abc-pattern 0 3 #false))
(define tagged-pattern (tagged-regular-pattern pattern 42))
(define expected
(split-instruction 4 1)
(read-instruction #\a)
(read-instruction #\b)
(read-instruction #\c)
(split-instruction 8 5)
(read-instruction #\a)
(read-instruction #\b)
(read-instruction #\c)
(split-instruction 12 9)
(read-instruction #\a)
(read-instruction #\b)
(read-instruction #\c)
(match-instruction 42))))
(check-equal? (regular-patterns-compile (list tagged-pattern)) expected))
(test-case "greedy with minimum and maximum quantity"
(define pattern (repetition-pattern abc-pattern 3 5 #true))
(define tagged-pattern (tagged-regular-pattern pattern 42))
(define expected
(read-instruction #\a)
(read-instruction #\b)
(read-instruction #\c)
(read-instruction #\a)
(read-instruction #\b)
(read-instruction #\c)
(read-instruction #\a)
(read-instruction #\b)
(read-instruction #\c)
(split-instruction 10 13)
(read-instruction #\a)
(read-instruction #\b)
(read-instruction #\c)
(split-instruction 14 17)
(read-instruction #\a)
(read-instruction #\b)
(read-instruction #\c)
(match-instruction 42))))
(check-equal? (regular-patterns-compile (list tagged-pattern)) expected))
(test-case "non-greedy with minimum and maximum quantity"
(define pattern (repetition-pattern abc-pattern 3 5 #false))
(define tagged-pattern (tagged-regular-pattern pattern 42))
(define expected
(read-instruction #\a)
(read-instruction #\b)
(read-instruction #\c)
(read-instruction #\a)
(read-instruction #\b)
(read-instruction #\c)
(read-instruction #\a)
(read-instruction #\b)
(read-instruction #\c)
(split-instruction 13 10)
(read-instruction #\a)
(read-instruction #\b)
(read-instruction #\c)
(split-instruction 17 14)
(read-instruction #\a)
(read-instruction #\b)
(read-instruction #\c)
(match-instruction 42))))
(check-equal? (regular-patterns-compile (list tagged-pattern)) expected)))
(test-case (name-string lookahead-pattern)
(define pattern (lookahead-pattern abc-pattern))
(define tagged-pattern (tagged-regular-pattern pattern 42))
(define expected
(peek-instruction #\a)
(peek-instruction #\b)
(peek-instruction #\c)
(match-instruction 42))))
(check-equal? (regular-patterns-compile (list tagged-pattern)) expected))
(test-case "multiple tagged patterns"
(define aaa-pattern
(group-pattern (list (char-pattern #\a) (char-pattern #\a) (char-pattern #\a)) #false))
(define bbb-pattern
(group-pattern (list (char-pattern #\b) (char-pattern #\b) (char-pattern #\b)) #false))
(define ccc-pattern
(group-pattern (list (char-pattern #\c) (char-pattern #\c) (char-pattern #\c)) #false))
(define patterns
(tagged-regular-pattern aaa-pattern "three As")
(tagged-regular-pattern bbb-pattern "three Bs")
(tagged-regular-pattern ccc-pattern "three Cs")))
(define expected
(split-instruction 1 5)
(read-instruction #\a)
(read-instruction #\a)
(read-instruction #\a)
(match-instruction "three As")
(split-instruction 6 10)
(read-instruction #\b)
(read-instruction #\b)
(read-instruction #\b)
(match-instruction "three Bs")
(read-instruction #\c)
(read-instruction #\c)
(read-instruction #\c)
(match-instruction "three Cs"))))
(check-equal? (regular-patterns-compile patterns) expected))))