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#lang racket/base
(require racket/contract/base)
(struct-out terminal-derivation)
(struct-out nonterminal-derivation)
[parser-derivation? predicate/c]
[parser-derivation-first-terminal (-> parser-derivation? any/c)]
[parser-derivation-last-terminal (-> parser-derivation? any/c)]
(-> any/c terminal-derivation?)
(-> semantic-action? parser-derivation? #:rest (listof parser-derivation?)
[parser-derivation->syntax (-> parser-derivation? syntax?)]
[semantic-action? predicate/c]
[cut-action cut-action?]
[cut-action? predicate/c]
[splice-action splice-action?]
[splice-action? predicate/c]
[label-action? predicate/c]
[label-action (->* (any/c) (#:properties hash? #:expression-properties hash?) label-action?)]
[label-action-value (-> label-action? any/c)]
[label-action-properties (-> label-action? hash?)]
[label-action-expression-properties (-> label-action? hash?)]))
(require racket/match
(module+ test
(require (submod "..")
(define (parser-derivation? v)
(or (terminal-derivation? v) (nonterminal-derivation? v)))
;; A (Terminal-Derivation V) represents a terminal that was matched by the grammar. It contains the
;; value V of the (Token T V) that was matched.
(struct terminal-derivation (value) #:transparent)
;; A (Nonterminal-Derivation V A) represents a nonterminal that was matched by the grammar. It
;; contains the action of type (Semantic-Action A) of the production rule that matched, and an
;; immutable vector of subderivations
(struct nonterminal-derivation (action children)
(let ([contract-guard
(struct-guard/c semantic-action? (sequence/c parser-derivation? #:min-count 1))])
(λ (action children name)
(let-values ([(action children) (contract-guard action children name)])
(values action (sequence->vector children)))))
#:property prop:custom-print-quotable 'never
#:methods gen:custom-write
[(define write-proc
(λ (_) 'nonterminal-derivation)
(λ (this)
(cons (nonterminal-derivation-action this)
(vector->list (nonterminal-derivation-children this))))))])
(define parser-derivation
[(value) (terminal-derivation value)]
[(action first-child . children) (nonterminal-derivation action (cons first-child children))]))
(define (parser-derivation-first-terminal derivation)
(match derivation
[(terminal-derivation value) value]
[(nonterminal-derivation _ (vector first-child _ ...))
(parser-derivation-first-terminal first-child)]))
(define (parser-derivation-last-terminal derivation)
(match derivation
[(terminal-derivation value) value]
[(nonterminal-derivation _ (vector _ ... last-child))
(parser-derivation-last-terminal last-child)]))
(module+ test
(test-case (name-string parser-derivation-first-terminal)
(test-case "terminal"
(check-equal? (parser-derivation-first-terminal (terminal-derivation 1)) 1))
(test-case "nonterminal of terminals"
(define derivation
(label-action 'a)
(parser-derivation 1)
(parser-derivation 2)
(parser-derivation 3)))
(check-equal? (parser-derivation-first-terminal derivation) 1))
(test-case "nonterminal of nonterminals and terminals"
(define derivation
(label-action 'a)
(parser-derivation (label-action 'b) (parser-derivation 1))
(parser-derivation 2)
(parser-derivation 3)))
(check-equal? (parser-derivation-first-terminal derivation) 1)))
(test-case (name-string parser-derivation-last-terminal)
(test-case "terminal"
(check-equal? (parser-derivation-last-terminal (terminal-derivation 1)) 1))
(test-case "nonterminal of terminals"
(define derivation
(label-action 'a)
(parser-derivation 1)
(parser-derivation 2)
(parser-derivation 3)))
(check-equal? (parser-derivation-last-terminal derivation) 3))
(test-case "nonterminal of nonterminals and terminals"
(define derivation
(label-action 'a)
(parser-derivation 1)
(parser-derivation 2)
(parser-derivation (label-action 'b) (parser-derivation 3))))
(check-equal? (parser-derivation-last-terminal derivation) 3))))
(define (semantic-action? v)
(or (cut-action? v) (splice-action? v) (label-action? v)))
(struct cut-action () #:transparent #:constructor-name constructor:cut-action #:omit-define-syntaxes)
(define cut-action (constructor:cut-action))
(struct splice-action ()
#:transparent #:constructor-name constructor:splice-action #:omit-define-syntaxes)
(define splice-action (constructor:splice-action))
(struct label-action (value expression-properties properties)
#:constructor-name constructor:label-action
(struct-guard/c any/c
(hash/c any/c any/c #:immutable #true #:flat? #true)
(hash/c any/c any/c #:immutable #true #:flat? #true)))
(define (label-action value
#:properties [properties (hash)]
#:expression-properties [expression-properties (hash)])
(constructor:label-action value properties expression-properties))
(define (parser-derivation->syntax derivation)
(define (->splice derivation)
(match derivation
[(terminal-derivation t) (list (syntax-token->syntax t))]
[(nonterminal-derivation (? cut-action?) _) '()]
[(nonterminal-derivation (? splice-action?) children)
(for*/list ([child (in-vector children)]
[stx (in-list (->splice child))])
[(nonterminal-derivation (? label-action? label) children)
(define first-token (parser-derivation-first-terminal derivation))
(define label-location
(srcloc (syntax-token-source first-token)
(syntax-token-line first-token)
(syntax-token-column first-token)
(syntax-token-position first-token)
(define label-stx
(for/fold ([stx (datum->syntax #false (label-action-value label) label-location #false)])
([(key value) (in-hash (label-action-properties label))])
(syntax-property stx key value)))
(define children-syntaxes
(for*/list ([child (in-vector children)]
[spliced-child (in-list (->splice child))])
(define last-token (parser-derivation-last-terminal derivation))
(define expression-location
(srcloc (syntax-token-source first-token)
(syntax-token-line first-token)
(syntax-token-column first-token)
(syntax-token-position first-token)
(- (syntax-token-end-position last-token) (syntax-token-position first-token))))
(define expression-stx
(datum->syntax #false (cons label-stx children-syntaxes) expression-location #false))
(list (for/fold ([expression-stx expression-stx])
([(key value) (in-hash (label-action-expression-properties label))])
(syntax-property expression-stx key value)))]))
(define first-token (parser-derivation-first-terminal derivation))
(define last-token (parser-derivation-last-terminal derivation))
(define top-level-location
(srcloc (syntax-token-source first-token)
(syntax-token-line first-token)
(syntax-token-column first-token)
(syntax-token-position first-token)
(- (syntax-token-end-position last-token) (syntax-token-position first-token))))
(define top-level-stxs (->splice derivation))
(match top-level-stxs
[(list stx) stx]))
(define (parser-derivation->datum derivation)
(define (->splice derivation)
(match derivation
[(terminal-derivation t) (list t)]
[(nonterminal-derivation (? cut-action?) _) '()]
[(nonterminal-derivation (? splice-action?) children)
(for*/list ([child (in-vector children)]
[datum (in-list (->splice child))])
[(nonterminal-derivation (? label-action? label) children)
(define value (label-action-value label))
(define child-data
(for*/list ([child (in-vector children)]
[spliced-child (in-list (->splice child))])
(list (cons value child-data))]))
(define top-level-data (->splice derivation))
(match top-level-data
[(list datum) datum]))
(module+ test
(test-case (name-string parser-derivation->datum)
(test-case "datum terminals"
(define derivation (parser-derivation 'a))
(check-equal? (parser-derivation->datum derivation) 'a))
(test-case "datum nonterminals"
(define derivation
(parser-derivation (label-action 'a)
(parser-derivation 'b)
(parser-derivation 'c)
(parser-derivation 'd)))
(check-equal? (parser-derivation->datum derivation) '(a b c d)))
(test-case "datum cuts"
(define derivation
(parser-derivation (label-action 'a)
(parser-derivation cut-action (parser-derivation 'b))
(parser-derivation 'c)
(parser-derivation cut-action (parser-derivation 'd))))
(check-equal? (parser-derivation->datum derivation) '(a c)))
(test-case "datum splices"
(define derivation
(parser-derivation (label-action 'a)
(parser-derivation 'b)
(parser-derivation splice-action
(parser-derivation 'c1)
(parser-derivation 'c2)
(parser-derivation 'c3))
(parser-derivation 'd)))
(check-equal? (parser-derivation->datum derivation) '(a b c1 c2 c3 d))))
(test-case (name-string parser-derivation->syntax)
(test-case "syntax terminals"
(define derivation (parser-derivation (syntax-token 'a #:position 1 #:span 1)))
(define actual (parser-derivation->syntax derivation))
(check-equal? (syntax->datum actual) 'a)
(check-equal? (syntax-srcloc actual) (srcloc #false #false #false 1 1)))
(test-case "syntax nonterminals"
(define derivation
(label-action 'a)
(parser-derivation (syntax-token 'b #:position 1 #:span 1))
(parser-derivation (syntax-token 'c #:position 2 #:span 1))
(parser-derivation (syntax-token 'd #:position 3 #:span 1))))
(define actual (parser-derivation->syntax derivation))
(check-equal? (syntax->datum actual) '(a b c d))
(check-equal? (syntax-srcloc actual) (srcloc #false #false #false 1 3)))
(test-case "syntax cuts"
(define derivation
(label-action 'a)
(parser-derivation cut-action (parser-derivation (syntax-token 'b #:position 1 #:span 1)))
(parser-derivation (syntax-token 'c #:position 2 #:span 1))
(parser-derivation cut-action (parser-derivation (syntax-token 'd #:position 3 #:span 1)))))
(define actual (parser-derivation->syntax derivation))
(check-equal? (syntax->datum actual) '(a c))
(check-equal? (syntax-srcloc actual) (srcloc #false #false #false 1 3)))
(test-case "syntax splices"
(define derivation
(label-action 'a)
(parser-derivation (syntax-token 'b #:position 1 #:span 1))
(parser-derivation splice-action
(parser-derivation (syntax-token 'c1 #:position 2 #:span 1))
(parser-derivation (syntax-token 'c2 #:position 3 #:span 1))
(parser-derivation (syntax-token 'c3 #:position 4 #:span 1)))
(parser-derivation (syntax-token 'd #:position 5 #:span 1))))
(define actual (parser-derivation->syntax derivation))
(check-equal? (syntax->datum actual) '(a b c1 c2 c3 d))
(check-equal? (syntax-srcloc actual) (srcloc #false #false #false 1 5)))))