#lang racket/base (require racket/contract/base) (provide (contract-out [earley-parser (-> grammar? parser?)])) (require racket/contract racket/match racket/set racket/stream racket/struct rebellion/collection/vector rebellion/private/guarded-block yaragg/base/derivation yaragg/base/grammar (submod yaragg/base/grammar private) yaragg/base/semantic-action yaragg/base/symbol yaragg/base/token yaragg/parser (submod yaragg/parser private)) (module+ test (require (submod "..") rackunit)) ;@---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (define (earley-parser grammar) (define flat (grammar-flatten grammar)) (make-parser #:deriver (λ (tokens) (earley-parse flat tokens)))) ;; The hash keys are sppf-keys and the values are a list of sppf-child-pairs (struct sppf-forest (hash)) (define (make-sppf-forest) (sppf-forest (make-hash))) (define (sppf-forest-add-node! forest key) (define h (sppf-forest-hash forest)) (unless (hash-has-key? h key) (hash-set! h key '()))) (define (sppf-forest-add-child-pair! forest key #:left left-child #:right right-child) (define pair (sppf-child-pair left-child right-child)) (hash-update! (sppf-forest-hash forest) key (λ (children) (cons pair children)) '())) ;; SPPF trees walk each rule down the left side, and each right child of the left spine corresponds to ;; the rule's components. See https://twitter.com/doitwithalambda/status/1510217894776348681 for a ;; diagram of the binarised parse tree. (struct sppf-child-pair (left-child right-child) #:transparent) (struct sppf-key () #:transparent) (struct complete-sppf-key sppf-key (symbol input-start input-end) #:transparent) (struct incomplete-sppf-key sppf-key (rule substitution-position input-start input-end) #:transparent) (define (sppf-key-input-end key) (if (complete-sppf-key? key) (complete-sppf-key-input-end key) (incomplete-sppf-key-input-end key))) (define (possible-children-lists forest key) (define hash (sppf-forest-hash forest)) (let loop ([key key] [right-children '()]) (guarded-block (guard key else (stream right-children)) (match-define (list (sppf-child-pair left right) ...) (hash-ref hash key '())) (apply stream-append (for/list ([l (in-list left)] [r (in-list right)]) (loop l (cons r right-children))))))) (define (cartesian-stream streams) (define (combine s1 s2) (for*/stream ([x (in-stream s1)] [y (in-stream s2)]) (cons x y))) (foldr combine (stream '()) streams)) (define (sppf-forest-derivations forest key tokens) (define hash (sppf-forest-hash forest)) (let loop ([key key]) (guarded-block (guard (complete-sppf-key? key) then (define tok (vector-ref tokens (complete-sppf-key-input-start key))) (stream (terminal-derivation (token-value tok)))) (define action (flat-production-rule-action (incomplete-sppf-key-rule key))) (define possible-children (possible-children-lists forest key)) (for*/stream ([children (in-stream possible-children)] [processed-children (in-stream (cartesian-stream (map loop children)))]) (nonterminal-derivation action processed-children))))) (struct earley-state (rule substitution-position input-position key) #:transparent #:property prop:custom-print-quotable 'never #:methods gen:custom-write [(define write-proc (make-constructor-style-printer (λ (_) 'earley-state) (λ (this) (define rule (earley-state-rule this)) (define substitution (flat-production-rule-substitution rule)) (define pos (earley-state-substitution-position this)) (append (list (nonterminal-symbol-value (flat-production-rule-nonterminal rule)) '->) (for/list ([sym (in-vector substitution 0 pos)]) (if (terminal-symbol? sym) (terminal-symbol-value sym) (nonterminal-symbol-value sym))) (list '•) (for/list ([sym (in-vector substitution pos)]) (if (terminal-symbol? sym) (terminal-symbol-value sym) (nonterminal-symbol-value sym))) (list (earley-state-input-position this) (earley-state-key this))))))]) (define (initial-earley-states grammar) (for/set ([rule (flat-grammar-start-rules grammar)]) (earley-state rule 0 0 #false))) (define (earley-state-represents-successful-parse? state grammar) (and (zero? (earley-state-input-position state)) (equal? (flat-production-rule-nonterminal (earley-state-rule state)) (flat-grammar-start-symbol grammar)))) (define (earley-parse grammar token-sequence) (define tokens (sequence->vector token-sequence)) (define token-count (vector-length tokens)) (define position-count (add1 token-count)) (define forest (make-sppf-forest)) (define states (make-vector position-count (set))) (vector-set! states 0 (initial-earley-states grammar)) (for ([k (in-range 0 position-count)]) ;; Prediction and completion (define/guard (process-states unprocessed processed) (guard (set-empty? unprocessed) then processed) (define next (set-first unprocessed)) (define added-states (guarded-block (guard (completed-state? next) then ;; find all states in S(j) of the form (X → α • Y β, j) and add (X → α Y • β, j) (define j (earley-state-input-position next)) (define completed (flat-production-rule-nonterminal (earley-state-rule next))) (define parent-states (if (equal? j k) (set-union unprocessed processed) (vector-ref states j))) (completer-states completed parent-states (earley-state-key next) #:forest forest)) (define symbol (earley-state-next-symbol next)) (guard (nonterminal-symbol? symbol) else (set)) (predictor-states grammar symbol k))) (define new-unprocessed (set-subtract (set-remove added-states next) processed)) (process-states (set-union (set-rest unprocessed) new-unprocessed) (set-add processed next))) (define processed (process-states (vector-ref states k) (set))) (vector-set! states k processed) (unless (equal? k token-count) (define next-states (scanner-states processed k (vector-ref tokens k) #:forest forest)) (vector-set! states (add1 k) next-states))) (define last-state-set (vector-ref states (sub1 position-count))) (for/stream ([s (in-set last-state-set)] #:when (earley-state-represents-successful-parse? s grammar) [derivation (in-stream (sppf-forest-derivations forest (earley-state-key s) tokens))]) derivation)) (define (completed-state? state) (match-define (earley-state rule substitution-position _ _) state) (equal? substitution-position (vector-length (flat-production-rule-substitution rule)))) (define/contract (earley-state-next-symbol state) (-> (and/c earley-state? (not/c completed-state?)) grammar-symbol?) (match-define (earley-state rule substitution-position _ _) state) (vector-ref (flat-production-rule-substitution rule) substitution-position)) (define (earley-state-advance-substitution state #:key key) (match-define (earley-state rule substitution-position input-position _) state) (earley-state rule (add1 substitution-position) input-position key)) (define (completer-states completed-nonterminal states completed-key #:forest forest) (for/set ([s (in-set states)] #:when (equal? (earley-state-next-symbol s) completed-nonterminal)) (define rule (earley-state-rule s)) (define start (earley-state-input-position s)) (define end (sppf-key-input-end completed-key)) (define old-key (earley-state-key s)) (define new-key (incomplete-sppf-key rule (add1 (earley-state-substitution-position s)) start end)) (sppf-forest-add-child-pair! forest new-key #:left old-key #:right completed-key) (earley-state-advance-substitution s #:key new-key))) (define (predictor-states grammar nonterminal k) ;; add (Y → • γ, k) for every production in the grammar with Y on the left-hand side (for/set ([rule (in-vector (flat-grammar-rules grammar))] #:when (equal? (flat-production-rule-nonterminal rule) nonterminal)) (earley-state rule 0 k #false))) (define (scanner-states states k next-token #:forest forest) (define expected (terminal-symbol (token-type next-token))) (for/set ([s (in-set states)] #:when (not (completed-state? s)) #:when (equal? (earley-state-next-symbol s) expected)) (define rule (earley-state-rule s)) (define start (earley-state-input-position s)) (define end (add1 k)) (define old-key (earley-state-key s)) (define new-key (incomplete-sppf-key rule (add1 (earley-state-substitution-position s)) start end)) (define scanned-key (complete-sppf-key expected k end)) (sppf-forest-add-child-pair! forest new-key #:left old-key #:right scanned-key) (earley-state-advance-substitution s #:key new-key))) (module+ test (test-case "earley-parser integration test" ;; Grammar and input taken from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earley_parser#Example (define P (nonterminal-symbol 'P)) (define S (nonterminal-symbol 'S)) (define M (nonterminal-symbol 'M)) (define T (nonterminal-symbol 'T)) (define + (terminal-symbol '+)) (define * (terminal-symbol '*)) (define number (terminal-symbol 'number)) (define P-rule (production-rule #:nonterminal P #:action (label-action 'P) #:substitution S)) (define S-rule0 (production-rule #:nonterminal S #:action (label-action 'S0) #:substitution (group-expression (list S + M)))) (define S-rule1 (production-rule #:nonterminal S #:action (label-action 'S1) #:substitution M)) (define M-rule0 (production-rule #:nonterminal M #:action (label-action 'M0) #:substitution (group-expression (list M * T)))) (define M-rule1 (production-rule #:nonterminal M #:action (label-action 'M1) #:substitution T)) (define T-rule (production-rule #:nonterminal T #:action (label-action 'T) #:substitution number)) (define arithmetic-grammar (grammar #:rules (list P-rule S-rule0 S-rule1 M-rule0 M-rule1 T-rule) #:start-symbol P)) (define parser (earley-parser arithmetic-grammar)) (test-case "datum parser" (define input-tokens (list (token 'number 2) (token '+ 'plus) (token 'number 3) (token '* 'times) (token 'number 4))) (define expected-arithmetic-parse-tree '(P (S0 (S1 (M1 (T 2))) plus (M0 (M1 (T 3)) times (T 4))))) (check-equal? (parse-datum parser input-tokens) expected-arithmetic-parse-tree)) (test-case "syntax parser" (define input-tokens (list (syntax-token 'number 2 #:position 1 #:span 1) (syntax-token '+ #:position 2 #:span 1) (syntax-token 'number 3 #:position 3 #:span 1) (syntax-token '* #:position 4 #:span 1) (syntax-token 'number 4 #:position 5 #:span 1))) (check-equal? (syntax->datum (parse-syntax parser input-tokens)) '(P (S0 (S1 (M1 (T 2))) + (M0 (M1 (T 3)) * (T 4))))))))