#lang racket/base (require yaragg/parser-tools/private-yacc/yacc-helper yaragg/parser-tools/private-lex/token-syntax yaragg/parser-tools/private-yacc/grammar racket/contract (except-in racket/list remove-duplicates) (for-template racket/base)) ;; routines for parsing the input to the parser generator and producing a ;; grammar (See grammar.rkt) (provide/contract [parse-input ((listof identifier?) (listof identifier?) (listof identifier?) (or/c #f syntax?) syntax? any/c . -> . grammar?)] [get-term-list ((listof identifier?) . -> . (listof identifier?))]) (define stx-for-original-property (read-syntax #f (open-input-string "original"))) ;; get-args: ??? -> (values (listof syntax) (or/c #f (cons integer? stx))) (define (get-args i rhs src-pos term-defs) (define empty-table (make-hasheq)) (define biggest-pos #f) (hash-set! empty-table 'error #t) (for* ([td (in-list term-defs)] [v (in-value (syntax-local-value td))] #:when (e-terminals-def? v) [s (in-list (syntax->list (e-terminals-def-t v)))]) (hash-set! empty-table (syntax->datum s) #t)) (define args (let get-args ([i i][rhs rhs]) (cond [(null? rhs) '()] [else (define b (car rhs)) (define name (if (hash-ref empty-table (syntax->datum (car rhs)) #f) (gensym) (string->symbol (format "$~a" i)))) (cond [src-pos (define start-pos-id (datum->syntax b (string->symbol (format "$~a-start-pos" i)) b stx-for-original-property)) (define end-pos-id (datum->syntax b (string->symbol (format "$~a-end-pos" i)) b stx-for-original-property)) (set! biggest-pos (cons start-pos-id end-pos-id)) (list* (datum->syntax b name b stx-for-original-property) start-pos-id end-pos-id (get-args (add1 i) (cdr rhs)))] [else (list* (datum->syntax b name b stx-for-original-property) (get-args (add1 i) (cdr rhs)))])]))) (values args biggest-pos)) ;; Given the list of terminal symbols and the precedence/associativity definitions, ;; builds terminal structures (See grammar.rkt) ;; build-terms: symbol list * symbol list list -> term list (define (build-terms term-list precs) (define counter 0) ;;(term-list (cons (gensym) term-list)) ;; Will map a terminal symbol to its precedence/associativity (define prec-table (make-hasheq)) ;; Fill the prec table (for ([p-decl (in-list precs)]) (define assoc (car p-decl)) (for ([term-sym (in-list (cdr p-decl))]) (hash-set! prec-table term-sym (prec counter assoc))) (set! counter (add1 counter))) ;; Build the terminal structures (for/list ([term-sym (in-list term-list)]) (term term-sym #f (hash-ref prec-table term-sym (λ () #f))))) ;; Retrieves the terminal symbols from a terminals-def (See terminal-syntax.rkt) ;; get-terms-from-def: identifier? -> (listof identifier?) (define (get-terms-from-def term-syn) (define t (syntax-local-value term-syn #f)) (cond [(terminals-def? t) (syntax->list (terminals-def-t t))] [(e-terminals-def? t) (syntax->list (e-terminals-def-t t))] [else (raise-syntax-error 'parser-tokens "undefined token group" term-syn)])) (define (get-term-list term-group-names) (remove-duplicates (cons (datum->syntax #f 'error) (append-map get-terms-from-def term-group-names)))) (define (parse-input term-defs start ends prec-decls prods src-pos) (define start-syms (map syntax-e start)) (define list-of-terms (map syntax-e (get-term-list term-defs))) (define end-terms (for/list ([end (in-list ends)]) (unless (memq (syntax-e end) list-of-terms) (raise-syntax-error 'parser-end-tokens (format "End token ~a not defined as a token" (syntax-e end)) end)) (syntax-e end))) ;; Get the list of terminals out of input-terms (define list-of-non-terms (syntax-case prods () [((NON-TERM PRODUCTION ...) ...) (begin (for ([nts (in-list (syntax->list #'(NON-TERM ...)))] #:when (memq (syntax->datum nts) list-of-terms)) (raise-syntax-error 'parser-non-terminals (format "~a used as both token and non-terminal" (syntax->datum nts)) nts)) (let ([dup (duplicate-list? (syntax->datum #'(NON-TERM ...)))]) (when dup (raise-syntax-error 'parser-non-terminals (format "non-terminal ~a defined multiple times" dup) prods))) (syntax->datum #'(NON-TERM ...)))] [_ (raise-syntax-error 'parser-grammar "Grammar must be of the form (grammar (non-terminal productions ...) ...)" prods)])) ;; Check the precedence declarations for errors and turn them into data (define precs (syntax-case prec-decls () [((TYPE TERM ...) ...) (let ([p-terms (syntax->datum #'(TERM ... ...))]) (cond [(duplicate-list? p-terms) => (λ (d) (raise-syntax-error 'parser-precedences (format "duplicate precedence declaration for token ~a" d) prec-decls))] [else (for ([t (in-list (syntax->list #'(TERM ... ...)))] #:when (not (memq (syntax->datum t) list-of-terms))) (raise-syntax-error 'parser-precedences (format "Precedence declared for non-token ~a" (syntax->datum t)) t)) (for ([type (in-list (syntax->list #'(TYPE ...)))] #:unless (memq (syntax->datum type) `(left right nonassoc))) (raise-syntax-error 'parser-precedences "Associativity must be left, right or nonassoc" type)) (syntax->datum prec-decls)]))] [#f '()] [_ (raise-syntax-error 'parser-precedences "Precedence declaration must be of the form (precs (assoc term ...) ...) where assoc is left, right or nonassoc" prec-decls)])) (define terms (build-terms list-of-terms precs)) (define non-terms (map (λ (nt) (non-term nt #f)) list-of-non-terms)) (define term-table (make-hasheq)) (define non-term-table (make-hasheq)) (for ([t (in-list terms)]) (hash-set! term-table (gram-sym-symbol t) t)) (for ([nt (in-list non-terms)]) (hash-set! non-term-table (gram-sym-symbol nt) nt)) ;; parse-prod: syntax-object -> gram-sym vector (define (parse-prod prod-so) (syntax-case prod-so () [(PROD-RHS-SYM ...) (andmap identifier? (syntax->list prod-so)) (begin (for ([t (in-list (syntax->list prod-so))] #:when (memq (syntax->datum t) end-terms)) (raise-syntax-error 'parser-production-rhs (format "~a is an end token and cannot be used in a production" (syntax->datum t)) t)) (for/vector ([s (in-list (syntax->list prod-so))]) (cond [(hash-ref term-table (syntax->datum s) #f)] [(hash-ref non-term-table (syntax->datum s) #f)] [else (raise-syntax-error 'parser-production-rhs (format "~a is not declared as a terminal or non-terminal" (syntax->datum s)) s)])))] [_ (raise-syntax-error 'parser-production-rhs "production right-hand-side must have form (symbol ...)" prod-so)])) ;; parse-action: syntax-object * syntax-object -> syntax-object (define (parse-action rhs act-in) (define-values (args biggest) (get-args 1 (syntax->list rhs) src-pos term-defs)) (define act (if biggest (with-syntax ([(CAR-BIGGEST . CDR-BIGGEST) biggest] [$N-START-POS (datum->syntax (car biggest) '$n-start-pos)] [$N-END-POS (datum->syntax (cdr biggest) '$n-end-pos)] [ACT-IN act-in]) #'(let ([$N-START-POS CAR-BIGGEST] [$N-END-POS CDR-BIGGEST]) ACT-IN)) act-in)) (with-syntax ([ARGS args][ACT act]) (syntax/loc #'ACT (λ ARGS ACT)))) ;; parse-prod+action: non-term * syntax-object -> production (define (parse-prod+action nt prod-so) (syntax-case prod-so () [(PROD-RHS ACTION) (let ([p (parse-prod #'PROD-RHS)]) (prod nt p #f (let loop ([i (sub1 (vector-length p))]) (and (>= i 0) (let ([gs (vector-ref p i)]) (if (term? gs) (term-prec gs) (loop (sub1 i)))))) (parse-action #'PROD-RHS #'ACTION)))] [(PROD-RHS (PREC TERM) ACTION) (identifier? #'TERM) (let ([p (parse-prod #'PROD-RHS)]) (prod nt p #f (term-prec (cond [(hash-ref term-table (syntax->datum #'TERM) #f)] [else (raise-syntax-error 'parser-production-rhs (format "unrecognized terminal ~a in precedence declaration" (syntax->datum #'TERM)) #'TERM)])) (parse-action #'PROD-RHS #'ACTION)))] [_ (raise-syntax-error 'parser-production-rhs "production must have form [(symbol ...) expression] or [(symbol ...) (prec symbol) expression]" prod-so)])) ;; parse-prod-for-nt: syntax-object -> production list (define (parse-prods-for-nt prods-so) (syntax-case prods-so () [(NT PRODUCTIONS ...) (positive? (length (syntax->list #'(PRODUCTIONS ...)))) (let ([nt (hash-ref non-term-table (syntax->datum #'NT))]) (map (λ (p) (parse-prod+action nt p)) (syntax->list #'(PRODUCTIONS ...))))] [_ (raise-syntax-error 'parser-productions "A production for a non-terminal must be (non-term right-hand-side ...) with at least 1 right hand side" prods-so)])) (for ([sstx (in-list start)] [ssym (in-list start-syms)] #:unless (memq ssym list-of-non-terms)) (raise-syntax-error 'parser-start (format "Start symbol ~a not defined as a non-terminal" ssym) sstx)) (define starts (map (λ (x) (non-term (gensym) #f)) start-syms)) (define end-non-terms (map (λ (x) (non-term (gensym) #f)) start-syms)) (define parsed-prods (map parse-prods-for-nt (syntax->list prods))) (define start-prods (for/list ([start (in-list starts)] [end-non-term (in-list end-non-terms)]) (list (prod start (vector end-non-term) #f #f #'values)))) (define new-prods (append start-prods (for/list ([end-nt (in-list end-non-terms)] [start-sym (in-list start-syms)]) (for/list ([end (in-list end-terms)]) (prod end-nt (vector (hash-ref non-term-table start-sym) (hash-ref term-table end)) #f #f #'values))) parsed-prods)) (make-grammar #:prods new-prods #:init-prods (map car start-prods) #:terms terms #:non-terms (append starts (append end-non-terms non-terms)) #:end-terms (map (λ (term-name) (hash-ref term-table term-name)) end-terms)))