#lang racket/base (require (prefix-in is: data/integer-set) yaragg/parser-tools/private-lex/re yaragg/parser-tools/private-lex/util) (provide build-dfa print-dfa (struct-out dfa)) (define e (build-epsilon)) (define z (build-zero)) ;; Don't do anything with this one but extract the chars (define all-chars (->re `(char-complement (union)) (make-cache))) ;; get-char-groups : re bool -> (list-of char-setR?) ;; Collects the char-setRs in r that could be used in ;; taking the derivative of r. (define (get-char-groups r found-negation) (cond [(or (eq? r e) (eq? r z)) '()] [(char-setR? r) (list r)] [(concatR? r) (if (re-nullable? (concatR-re1 r)) (append (get-char-groups (concatR-re1 r) found-negation) (get-char-groups (concatR-re2 r) found-negation)) (get-char-groups (concatR-re1 r) found-negation))] [(repeatR? r) (get-char-groups (repeatR-re r) found-negation)] [(orR? r) (append-map (λ (x) (get-char-groups x found-negation)) (orR-res r))] [(andR? r) (append-map (λ (x) (get-char-groups x found-negation)) (andR-res r))] [(negR? r) (if found-negation (get-char-groups (negR-re r) #t) (cons all-chars (get-char-groups (negR-re r) #t)))])) (test-block ((c (make-cache)) (r1 (->re #\1 c)) (r2 (->re #\2 c))) ((get-char-groups e #f) '()) ((get-char-groups z #f) '()) ((get-char-groups r1 #f) (list r1)) ((get-char-groups (->re `(concatenation ,r1 ,r2) c) #f) (list r1)) ((get-char-groups (->re `(concatenation ,e ,r2) c) #f) (list r2)) ((get-char-groups (->re `(concatenation (repetition 0 +inf.0 ,r1) ,r2) c) #f) (list r1 r2)) ((get-char-groups (->re `(repetition 0 +inf.0 ,r1) c) #f) (list r1)) ((get-char-groups (->re `(union (repetition 0 +inf.0 ,r1) (concatenation (repetition 0 +inf.0 ,r2) "3") "4") c) #f) (list r1 r2 (->re "3" c) (->re "4" c))) ((get-char-groups (->re `(complement ,r1) c) #f) (list all-chars r1)) ((get-char-groups (->re `(intersection (repetition 0 +inf.0 ,r1) (concatenation (repetition 0 +inf.0 ,r2) "3") "4") c) #f) (list r1 r2 (->re "3" c) (->re "4" c))) ) (define loc:member? is:member?) ;; deriveR : re char cache -> re (define (deriveR r c cache) (cond [(or (eq? r e) (eq? r z)) z] [(char-setR? r) (if (loc:member? c (char-setR-chars r)) e z)] [(concatR? r) (define r1 (concatR-re1 r)) (define r2 (concatR-re2 r)) (define d (build-concat (deriveR r1 c cache) r2 cache)) (if (re-nullable? r1) (build-or (list d (deriveR r2 c cache)) cache) d)] [(repeatR? r) (build-concat (deriveR (repeatR-re r) c cache) (build-repeat (sub1 (repeatR-low r)) (sub1 (repeatR-high r)) (repeatR-re r) cache) cache)] [(orR? r) (build-or (map (λ (x) (deriveR x c cache)) (orR-res r)) cache)] [(andR? r) (build-and (map (λ (x) (deriveR x c cache)) (andR-res r)) cache)] [(negR? r) (build-neg (deriveR (negR-re r) c cache) cache)])) (test-block ((c (make-cache)) (a (char->integer #\a)) (b (char->integer #\b)) (r1 (->re #\a c)) (r2 (->re `(repetition 0 +inf.0 #\a) c)) (r3 (->re `(repetition 0 +inf.0 ,r2) c)) (r4 (->re `(concatenation #\a ,r2) c)) (r5 (->re `(repetition 0 +inf.0 ,r4) c)) (r6 (->re `(union ,r5 #\a) c)) (r7 (->re `(concatenation ,r2 ,r2) c)) (r8 (->re `(complement ,r4) c)) (r9 (->re `(intersection ,r2 ,r4) c))) ((deriveR e a c) z) ((deriveR z a c) z) ((deriveR r1 b c) z) ((deriveR r1 a c) e) ((deriveR r2 a c) r2) ((deriveR r2 b c) z) ((deriveR r3 a c) r2) ((deriveR r3 b c) z) ((deriveR r4 a c) r2) ((deriveR r4 b c) z) ((deriveR r5 a c) (->re `(concatenation ,r2 ,r5) c)) ((deriveR r5 b c) z) ((deriveR r6 a c) (->re `(union (concatenation ,r2 ,r5) "") c)) ((deriveR r6 b c) z) ((deriveR r7 a c) (->re `(union (concatenation ,r2 ,r2) ,r2) c)) ((deriveR r7 b c) z) ((deriveR r8 a c) (->re `(complement, r2) c)) ((deriveR r8 b c) (->re `(complement ,z) c)) ((deriveR r9 a c) r2) ((deriveR r9 b c) z) ((deriveR (->re `(repetition 1 2 "ab") c) a c) (->re `(concatenation "b" (repetition 0 1 "ab")) c))) ;; An re-action is (cons re action) ;; derive : (list-of re-action) char cache -> (union (list-of re-action) #f) ;; applies deriveR to all the re-actions's re parts. ;; Returns #f if the derived state is equivalent to z. (define (derive r c cache) (define new-r (for/list ([ra (in-list r)]) (cons (deriveR (car ra) c cache) (cdr ra)))) (if (andmap (λ (x) (eq? z (car x))) new-r) #f new-r)) (test-block ((c (make-cache)) (r1 (->re #\1 c)) (r2 (->re #\2 c))) ((derive '() (char->integer #\1) c) #f) ((derive (list (cons r1 1) (cons r2 2)) (char->integer #\1) c) (list (cons e 1) (cons z 2))) ((derive (list (cons r1 1) (cons r2 2)) (char->integer #\3) c) #f)) ;; get-final : (list-of re-action) -> (union #f syntax-object) ;; An re that accepts e represents a final state. Return the ;; action from the first final state or #f if there is none. (define (get-final res) (cond [(null? res) #f] [(re-nullable? (caar res)) (cdar res)] [else (get-final (cdr res))])) (test-block ((c->i char->integer) (c (make-cache)) (r1 (->re #\a c)) (r2 (->re #\b c)) (b (list (cons z 1) (cons z 2) (cons z 3) (cons e 4) (cons z 5))) (a (list (cons r1 1) (cons r2 2)))) ((derive '() (c->i #\a) c) #f) ((derive a (c->i #\a) c) (list (cons e 1) (cons z 2))) ((derive a (c->i #\b) c) (list (cons z 1) (cons e 2))) ((derive a (c->i #\c) c) #f) ((derive (list (cons (->re `(union " " "\n" ",") c) 1) (cons (->re `(concatenation (repetition 0 1 "-") (repetition 1 +inf.0 (char-range "0" "9"))) c) 2) (cons (->re `(concatenation "-" (repetition 1 +inf.0 "-")) c) 3) (cons (->re "[" c) 4) (cons (->re "]" c) 5)) (c->i #\[) c) b) ((get-final a) #f) ((get-final (list (cons e 1) (cons e 2))) 1) ((get-final b) 4)) ;; A state is (state (list-of re-action) nat) (struct state (spec index)) ;; get->key : re-action -> (list-of nat) ;; states are indexed by the list of indexes of their res (define (get-key s) (map (λ (x) (re-index (car x))) s)) (define loc:partition is:partition) ;; compute-chars : (list-of state) -> (list-of char-set) ;; Computed the sets of equivalent characters for taking the ;; derivative of the car of st. Only one derivative per set need to be taken. (define (compute-chars st) (cond [(null? st) '()] [else (loc:partition (map char-setR-chars (append-map (λ (x) (get-char-groups (car x) #f)) (state-spec (car st)))))])) (test-block ((c (make-cache)) (c->i char->integer) (r1 (->re `(char-range #\1 #\4) c)) (r2 (->re `(char-range #\2 #\3) c))) ((compute-chars '()) '()) ((compute-chars (list (state '() 1))) '()) ((map is:integer-set-contents (compute-chars (list (state (list (cons r1 1) (cons r2 2)) 2)))) (list (is:integer-set-contents (is:make-range (c->i #\2) (c->i #\3))) (is:integer-set-contents (is:union (is:make-range (c->i #\1)) (is:make-range (c->i #\4))))))) ;; A dfa is (dfa int int ;; (list-of (cons int syntax-object)) ;; (list-of (cons int (list-of (cons char-set int))))) ;; Each transitions is a state and a list of chars with the state to transition to. ;; The finals and transitions are sorted by state number, and duplicate free. (struct dfa (num-states start-state final-states/actions transitions) #:transparent) (define loc:get-integer is:get-integer) ;; build-dfa : (list-of re-action) cache -> dfa (define (build-dfa rs cache) (let* ([transitions (make-hash)] [get-state-number (make-counter)] [start (state rs (get-state-number))]) (cache (cons 'state (get-key rs)) (λ () start)) (let loop ([old-states (list start)] [new-states '()] [all-states (list start)] [cs (compute-chars (list start))]) (cond [(and (null? old-states) (null? new-states)) (dfa (get-state-number) (state-index start) (sort (for*/list ([state (in-list all-states)] [val (in-value (cons (state-index state) (get-final (state-spec state))))] #:when (cdr val)) val) < #:key car) (sort (hash-map transitions (λ (state trans) (cons (state-index state) (for/list ([t (in-list trans)]) (cons (car t) (state-index (cdr t))))))) < #:key car))] [(null? old-states) (loop new-states '() all-states (compute-chars new-states))] [(null? cs) (loop (cdr old-states) new-states all-states (compute-chars (cdr old-states)))] [else (define s (car old-states)) (define c (car cs)) (define new-re (derive (state-spec s) (loc:get-integer c) cache)) (cond [new-re (let* ([new-state? #f] [new-state (cache (cons 'state (get-key new-re)) (λ () (set! new-state? #t) (state new-re (get-state-number))))] [new-all-states (if new-state? (cons new-state all-states) all-states)]) (hash-set! transitions s (cons (cons c new-state) (hash-ref transitions s (λ () '())))) (cond [new-state? (loop old-states (cons new-state new-states) new-all-states (cdr cs))] [else (loop old-states new-states new-all-states (cdr cs))]))] [else (loop old-states new-states all-states (cdr cs))])])))) (define (print-dfa x) (printf "number of states: ~a\n" (dfa-num-states x)) (printf "start state: ~a\n" (dfa-start-state x)) (printf "final states: ~a\n" (map car (dfa-final-states/actions x))) (for ([trans (in-list (dfa-transitions x))]) (printf "state: ~a\n" (car trans)) (for ([rule (in-list (cdr trans))]) (printf " -~a-> ~a\n" (is:integer-set-contents (car rule)) (cdr rule))))) (define (build-test-dfa rs) (define c (make-cache)) (build-dfa (map (λ (x) (cons (->re x c) 'action)) rs) c)) #| (define t1 (build-test-dfa null)) (define t2 (build-test-dfa `(#\a))) (define t3 (build-test-dfa `(#\a #\b))) (define t4 (build-test-dfa `((repetition 0 +inf.0 #\a) (repetition 0 +inf.0 (concatenation #\a #\b))))) (define t5 (build-test-dfa `((concatenation (repetition 0 +inf.0 (union #\0 #\1)) #\1)))) (define t6 (build-test-dfa `((repetition 0 +inf.0 (repetition 0 +inf.0 #\a)) (repetition 0 +inf.0 (concatenation #\b (repetition 1 +inf.0 #\b)))))) (define t7 (build-test-dfa `((concatenation (repetition 0 +inf.0 #\a) (repetition 0 +inf.0 #\b) (repetition 0 +inf.0 #\c) (repetition 0 +inf.0 #\d) (repetition 0 +inf.0 #\e))))) (define t8 (build-test-dfa `((concatenation (repetition 0 +inf.0 (union #\a #\b)) #\a (union #\a #\b) (union #\a #\b) (union #\a #\b) (union #\a #\b))))) (define t9 (build-test-dfa `((concatenation "/*" (complement (concatenation (intersection) "*/" (intersection))) "*/")))) (define t11 (build-test-dfa `((complement "1")))) (define t12 (build-test-dfa `((concatenation (intersection (concatenation (repetition 0 +inf.0 "a") "b") (concatenation "a" (repetition 0 +inf.0 "b"))) "ab")))) (define x (build-test-dfa `((union " " "\n" ",") (concatenation (repetition 0 1 "-") (repetition 1 +inf.0 (char-range "0" "9"))) (concatenation "-" (repetition 1 +inf.0 "-")) "[" "]"))) (define y (build-test-dfa `((repetition 1 +inf.0 (union (concatenation "|" (repetition 0 +inf.0 (char-complement "|")) "|") (concatenation "|" (repetition 0 +inf.0 (char-complement "|")))))))) (define t13 (build-test-dfa `((intersection (concatenation (intersection) "111" (intersection)) (complement (union (concatenation (intersection) "01") (repetition 1 +inf.0 "1"))))))) (define t14 (build-test-dfa `((complement "1"))))) |#