#lang racket/base (require yaragg/support (submod yaragg/rules/lexer lex-abbrevs) racket/match) (provide color-brag) (define brag-syntax-lexer (lexer-srcloc [(eof) (return-without-srcloc eof)] ;; need to lex whitespace to keep srclocs accurate ;; (for DrRacket selections etc) [whitespace (token 'WHITE lexeme)] [(:or (:: "\"" "\\" "\"" "\"") ; string containg double-quote = "\"" (from/to "'" "'") (from/to "\"" "\"")) (token 'LIT lexeme)] [(:or "()" "Ø" "∅") (token 'NO-COLOR lexeme)] ; empty set symbols [(:or (char-set "()[]{}|+*:?") hide-char splice-char "::=") (token 'MISC lexeme)] [(from/to "(*" "*)") (token 'COMMENT lexeme)] [(:seq (:or "#" ";") (complement (:seq (:* any-char) NL (:* any-char))) (:or NL "")) (token 'COMMENT lexeme)] [id (token 'ID lexeme)] [any-char (token 'OTHER lexeme)])) (define (color-brag port) (define srcloc-tok (brag-syntax-lexer port)) (cond [(eof-object? srcloc-tok) (values srcloc-tok 'eof #f #f #f)] [else (match-define (srcloc-token (token-struct type val _ _ _ _ _) (srcloc _ _ _ posn span)) srcloc-tok) (match-define (list start end) (list posn (+ posn span))) (values val (case type [(ID) 'symbol] [(LIT) 'string] [(MISC) 'parenthesis] [(WHITE) 'whitespace] [(COMMENT) 'comment] [else 'no-color]) #f start end)])) (module+ test (require rackunit) (define-syntax-rule (values->list EXPR) (call-with-values (λ () EXPR) list)) (define (apply-colorer str) (for/list ([annotation (in-port (λ (p) (let ([xs (values->list (color-brag p))]) (if (eof-object? (car xs)) eof xs))) (open-input-string str))]) annotation)) (check-equal? (apply-colorer "foo") `(("foo" symbol #f 1 4))) (check-equal? (apply-colorer "'str'") `(("'str'" string #f 1 6))) (check-equal? (apply-colorer "(foo)+") `(("(" parenthesis #f 1 2) ("foo" symbol #f 2 5) (")" parenthesis #f 5 6) ("+" parenthesis #f 6 7))) (check-equal? (apply-colorer "; rem") `(("; rem" comment #f 1 6))) (check-equal? (apply-colorer "◊") `(("◊" no-color #f 1 4))))