colorer corrections

Matthew Butterick 7 years ago
parent 5e758560f6
commit 39b206974f

@ -5,27 +5,30 @@
(define brag-syntax-lexer
[(eof) (return-without-srcloc eof)]
[whitespace (return-without-srcloc (brag-syntax-lexer input-port))]
;; need to lex whitespace to keep srclocs accurate
;; (for DrRacket selections etc)
[whitespace (token 'WHITE lexeme)]
[(:or (from/to "'" "'") (from/to "\"" "\"")) (token 'LIT lexeme)]
[(:or (char-set "()[]|+*:") hide-char splice-char) (token 'MISC lexeme)]
[(:seq (:or "#" ";") (complement (:seq (:* any-char) NL (:* any-char))) (:or NL "")) (token 'COMMENT lexeme)]
[id (token 'ID lexeme)]
[any-char (token 'OTHER lexeme)]))
(define (color-brag port)
(define default-backup 10)
(define (color-brag port [backup default-backup] [in-string? #f])
(define srcloc-tok (brag-syntax-lexer port))
(if (eof-object? srcloc-tok)
(values srcloc-tok 'eof #f #f #f)
(values srcloc-tok 'eof #f #f #f 0 #f)
(match-let* ([(srcloc-token (token-struct type val _ _ _ _ _) (srcloc _ _ _ posn span)) srcloc-tok]
[(cons start end) (cons posn (+ posn span))]
[(cons _ cat) (or (assq type
'((ID . symbol)
(LIT . string)
(MISC . parenthesis)
(WHITE . whitespace)
(COMMENT . comment)))
(cons 'OTHER 'no-color))])
(values val cat #f start end))))
(values val cat #f start end backup #f))))
(module+ test
(require rackunit)
@ -37,11 +40,11 @@
(open-input-string str))])
(check-equal? (apply-colorer "foo") '(("foo" symbol #f 1 4)))
(check-equal? (apply-colorer "'str'") '(("'str'" string #f 1 6)))
(check-equal? (apply-colorer "(foo)+") '(("(" parenthesis #f 1 2)
("foo" symbol #f 2 5)
(")" parenthesis #f 5 6)
("+" parenthesis #f 6 7)))
(check-equal? (apply-colorer "; rem") '(("; rem" comment #f 1 6)))
(check-equal? (apply-colorer "") '(("" no-color #f 1 4))))
(check-equal? (apply-colorer "foo") `(("foo" symbol #f 1 4 ,default-backup #f)))
(check-equal? (apply-colorer "'str'") `(("'str'" string #f 1 6 ,default-backup #f)))
(check-equal? (apply-colorer "(foo)+") `(("(" parenthesis #f 1 2 ,default-backup #f)
("foo" symbol #f 2 5 ,default-backup #f)
(")" parenthesis #f 5 6 ,default-backup #f)
("+" parenthesis #f 6 7 ,default-backup #f)))
(check-equal? (apply-colorer "; rem") `(("; rem" comment #f 1 6 ,default-backup #f)))
(check-equal? (apply-colorer "") `(("" no-color #f 1 4 ,default-backup #f))))
