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7 years ago
#lang scheme
;; An interactive calculator inspired by the calculator example in the bison manual.
;; Import the parser and lexer generators.
(require br-parser-tools/yacc
(prefix-in : br-parser-tools/lex-sre))
(define-tokens value-tokens (NUM VAR FNCT))
(define-empty-tokens op-tokens (newline = OP CP + - * / ^ EOF NEG))
;; A hash table to store variable values in for the calculator
(define vars (make-hash))
(lower-letter (:/ "a" "z"))
(upper-letter (:/ #\A #\Z))
;; (:/ 0 9) would not work because the lexer does not understand numbers. (:/ #\0 #\9) is ok too.
(digit (:/ "0" "9")))
(define calcl
[(eof) 'EOF]
;; recursively call the lexer on the remaining input after a tab or space. Returning the
;; result of that operation. This effectively skips all whitespace.
[(:or #\tab #\space) (calcl input-port)]
;; (token-newline) returns 'newline
[#\newline (token-newline)]
;; Since (token-=) returns '=, just return the symbol directly
[(:or "=" "+" "-" "*" "/" "^") (string->symbol lexeme)]
["(" 'OP]
[")" 'CP]
["sin" (token-FNCT sin)]
[(:+ (:or lower-letter upper-letter)) (token-VAR (string->symbol lexeme))]
[(:+ digit) (token-NUM (string->number lexeme))]
[(:: (:+ digit) #\. (:* digit)) (token-NUM (string->number lexeme))]))
(define calcp
(start start)
(end newline EOF)
(tokens value-tokens op-tokens)
(error (lambda (a b c) (void)))
(precs (right =)
(left - +)
(left * /)
(left NEG)
(right ^))
(start [() #f]
;; If there is an error, ignore everything before the error
;; and try to start over right after the error
[(error start) $2]
[(exp) $1])
(exp [(NUM) $1]
[(VAR) (hash-ref vars $1 (lambda () 0))]
[(VAR = exp) (begin (hash-set! vars $1 $3)
[(FNCT OP exp CP) ($1 $3)]
[(exp + exp) (+ $1 $3)]
[(exp - exp) (- $1 $3)]
[(exp * exp) (* $1 $3)]
[(exp / exp) (/ $1 $3)]
[(- exp) (prec NEG) (- $2)]
[(exp ^ exp) (expt $1 $3)]
[(OP exp CP) $2]))))
;; run the calculator on the given input-port
(define (calc ip)
(port-count-lines! ip)
(letrec ((one-line
(lambda ()
(let ((result (calcp (lambda () (calcl ip)))))
(when result
(printf "~a\n" result)
(calc (open-input-string "x=1\n(x + 2 * 3) - (1+2)*3"))