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7 years ago
#lang racket/base
(require racket/match
(prefix-in lex: br-parser-tools/lex)
;; The level of indirection here is necessary since the yacc grammar wants a
;; function value for the error handler up front. We want to delay that decision
;; till parse time.
(define (THE-ERROR-HANDLER tok-ok? tok-name tok-value start-pos end-pos)
(match (positions->srcloc start-pos end-pos)
[(list src line col offset span)
((current-parser-error-handler) tok-name
(define no-position (lex:position #f #f #f))
(define (no-position? p)
(or (lex:position-line p)
(lex:position-col p)
(lex:position-offset p))))
;; make-permissive-tokenizer: (U (sequenceof (U token token-struct eof void)) (-> (U token token-struct eof void))) hash -> (-> position-token)
;; Creates a tokenizer from the given value.
;; FIXME: clean up code.
(define (make-permissive-tokenizer tokenizer token-type-hash)
(define tokenizer-thunk (cond
[(sequence? tokenizer)
(sequence->generator tokenizer)]
[(procedure? tokenizer)
;; lookup: symbol any pos pos -> position-token
(define (lookup type val start-pos end-pos)
((hash-ref token-type-hash type
(lambda ()
((current-tokenizer-error-handler) (format "~a" type) val
(lex:position-offset start-pos)
(lex:position-line start-pos)
(lex:position-col start-pos)
(and (number? (lex:position-offset start-pos))
(number? (lex:position-offset end-pos))
(- (lex:position-offset end-pos)
(lex:position-offset start-pos))))))
start-pos end-pos))
(define (permissive-tokenizer)
(define next-token (tokenizer-thunk))
(let loop ([next-token next-token][start no-position][end no-position])
7 years ago
(match next-token
[(or (? eof-object?) (? void?))
(lookup 'EOF eof start end)]
7 years ago
[(? symbol?)
(lookup next-token next-token start end)]
7 years ago
[(or (? string?) (? char?))
(define next-token-str (format "~a" next-token))
(lookup (string->symbol next-token-str) next-token-str start end)]
7 years ago
;; Compatibility
[(? lex:token?)
(loop (token (lex:token-name next-token)
(lex:token-value next-token)) start end)]
7 years ago
[(token-struct type val offset line column span skip?)
(cond [skip?
;; skip whitespace, and just tokenize again.
[(hash-has-key? token-type-hash type)
(define start-pos (lex:position offset line column))
;; try to synthesize a consistent end position.
(define end-pos (lex:position (if (and (number? offset) (number? span))
(+ offset span)
(if (and (number? column) (number? span))
(+ column span)
(lookup type val start-pos end-pos)]
;; We ran into a token of unrecognized type. Let's raise an appropriate error.
((current-tokenizer-error-handler) type val
offset line column span)])]
;; for the next two cases:
;; carry the token's start and end position into the `a-position-token` recursion
;; so that if an error arises, it's reported as coming from the location of the containing token
7 years ago
[(lex:position-token t s e)
(define a-position-token (loop t s e))
7 years ago
(lex:position-token (lex:position-token-token a-position-token)
(if (no-position? (lex:position-token-start-pos a-position-token))
(lex:position-token-start-pos a-position-token))
(if (no-position? (lex:position-token-end-pos a-position-token))
(lex:position-token-end-pos a-position-token)))]
[(lex:srcloc-token t loc)
(define s (lex:position (srcloc-position loc) (srcloc-line loc) (srcloc-column loc)))
(define e (lex:position (+ (srcloc-position loc) (srcloc-span loc)) #f #f))
(define a-position-token (loop t s e))
7 years ago
(lex:position-token (lex:position-token-token a-position-token)
(if (no-position? (lex:position-token-start-pos a-position-token))
7 years ago
(lex:position-token-start-pos a-position-token))
(if (no-position? (lex:position-token-start-pos a-position-token))
7 years ago
(lex:position-token-end-pos a-position-token)))]
;; Otherwise, we have no idea how to treat this as a token.
((current-tokenizer-error-handler) 'unknown-type (format "~a" next-token)
#f #f #f #f)])))
;; positions->srcloc: position position -> (list source line column offset span)
;; Given two positions, returns a srcloc-like structure, where srcloc is the value
;; consumed as the third argument to datum->syntax.
(define (positions->srcloc start-pos end-pos)
(list (current-source)
(lex:position-line start-pos)
(lex:position-col start-pos)
(lex:position-offset start-pos)
(if (and (number? (lex:position-offset end-pos))
(number? (lex:position-offset start-pos)))
(- (lex:position-offset end-pos)
(lex:position-offset start-pos))
MB: the next three functions control the parse tree output.
This would be the place to check a syntax property for hiding.
;; We create a syntax using read-syntax; by definition, it should have the
;; original? property set to #t, which we then copy over to syntaxes constructed
;; with atomic-datum->syntax and rule-components->syntax.
(define stx-with-original?-property
(read-syntax #f (open-input-string "meaningless-string")))
;; atomic-datum->syntax: datum position position
;; Helper that does the ugly work in wrapping a datum into a syntax
;; with source location.
(define (atomic-datum->syntax d start-pos end-pos)
(datum->syntax #f d (positions->srcloc start-pos end-pos) stx-with-original?-property))
(define (apply-name-property name-stx stxs)
(for/list ([stx (in-list (syntax->list stxs))])
(syntax-property stx (syntax->datum name-stx) name-stx)))
(define (splice-stx component-stx)
;; when splicing, we apply rule name as a syntax property to the remaining elements
(syntax-case component-stx ()
[(name . subcomponents)
(syntax-property #'name 'rule-id) ; name has not been removed (recognized by presence of 'rule-id)
(apply-name-property #'name #'subcomponents)]
[subcomponents ; name has been removed, but it is stored in 'generating-rule property
(let* ([name-datum (syntax-property #'subcomponents 'generating-rule)]
[name-stx (syntax-property #'subcomponents name-datum)])
(apply-name-property name-stx #'subcomponents))]))
(define (remove-rule-name component-stx)
(syntax-case component-stx ()
[(name . subcomponents)
(let ([name-datum (syntax->datum #'name)])
(datum->syntax component-stx #'subcomponents component-stx component-stx)
name-datum #'name)
'generating-rule name-datum))]))
(define (splice-component-lists component-lists)
;; each `component-list` is a list that's either empty, or contains component-stx objects
;; inside `component-stx` is a name followed by subcomponents
7 years ago
(for*/list ([component-list (in-list component-lists)]
#:unless (empty? component-list)
[component-stx (in-list component-list)])
(if (or (eq? (syntax-property component-stx 'hide-or-splice) 'splice)
(syntax-property component-stx 'splice-rh-id))
(splice-stx component-stx) ; spliced version is lifted out of the sublist
(list component-stx))))) ; otherwise left inside sublist
7 years ago
;; rule-components->syntax: (U symbol false) (listof stx) ... #:srcloc (U #f (list src line column offset span)) -> stx
;; Creates an stx out of the rule name and its components.
;; The location information of the rule spans that of its components.
(define (rule-components->syntax rule-name/false #:srcloc [srcloc #f] #:hide-or-splice? [hide-or-splice #f] . component-lists)
(define new-rule-name (syntax-property
(datum->syntax #f rule-name/false srcloc stx-with-original?-property)
'rule-id #t))
(define rule-result (cons new-rule-name (splice-component-lists component-lists)))
7 years ago
(define syntaxed-rule-result (datum->syntax #f rule-result srcloc stx-with-original?-property))
;; not 'hide-or-splice-lhs-id, because this will now become
;; a (right-hand) component in a different (left-hand) rule
;; actual splicing happens when the parent rule is processed (with `splice-component-lists`)
(syntax-property ((if (eq? hide-or-splice 'hide)
values) syntaxed-rule-result)
'hide-or-splice hide-or-splice))
7 years ago