You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

243 lines
8.5 KiB

;; This implements the equivalent of mzscheme's read-syntax for R5RS scheme.
;; It has not been thoroughly tested. Also it will read an entire file into a
;; list of syntax objects, instead of returning one syntax object at a time
(module read mzscheme
(require parser-tools/lex
(prefix : parser-tools/lex-sre)
(define-tokens data (DATUM))
(define scheme-lexer
;; Skip comments, without accumulating extra position information
[(:or scheme-whitespace comment) (return-without-pos (scheme-lexer input-port))]
["#t" (token-DATUM #t)]
["#f" (token-DATUM #f)]
[(:: "#\\" any-char) (token-DATUM (caddr (string->list lexeme)))]
["#\\space" (token-DATUM #\space)]
["#\\newline" (token-DATUM #\newline)]
[(:or (:: initial (:* subsequent)) "+" "-" "...") (token-DATUM (string->symbol lexeme))]
[#\" (token-DATUM (list->string (get-string-token input-port)))]
[#\( 'OP]
[#\) 'CP]
[#\[ 'OP]
[#\] 'CP]
["#(" 'HASHOP]
[num2 (token-DATUM (string->number lexeme 2))]
[num8 (token-DATUM (string->number lexeme 8))]
[num10 (token-DATUM (string->number lexeme 10))]
[num16 (token-DATUM (string->number lexeme 16))]
["'" 'QUOTE]
["," 'UNQUOTE]
["." 'DOT]
[(eof) 'EOF]))
(define get-string-token
[(:~ #\" #\\) (cons (car (string->list lexeme))
(get-string-token input-port))]
[(:: #\\ #\\) (cons #\\ (get-string-token input-port))]
[(:: #\\ #\") (cons #\" (get-string-token input-port))]
[#\" null]))
[letter (:or (:/ "a" "z") (:/ #\A #\Z))]
[digit (:/ #\0 #\9)]
[scheme-whitespace (:or #\newline #\return #\tab #\space #\vtab)]
[initial (:or letter (char-set "!$%&*/:<=>?^_~@"))]
[subsequent (:or initial digit (char-set "+-.@"))]
[comment (:: #\; (:* (:~ #\newline)) #\newline)]
;; See ${PLTHOME}/collects/syntax-color/scheme-lexer.rkt for an example of
;; using regexp macros to avoid the cut and paste.
; [numR (:: prefixR complexR)]
; [complexR (:or realR
; (:: realR "@" realR)
; (:: realR "+" urealR "i")
; (:: realR "-" urealR "i")
; (:: realR "+i")
; (:: realR "-i")
; (:: "+" urealR "i")
; (:: "-" urealR "i")
; (:: "+i")
; (:: "-i"))]
; [realR (:: sign urealR)]
; [urealR (:or uintegerR (:: uintegerR "/" uintegerR) decimalR)]
; [uintegerR (:: (:+ digitR) (:* #\#))]
; [prefixR (:or (:: radixR exactness)
; (:: exactness radixR))]
[num2 (:: prefix2 complex2)]
[complex2 (:or real2
(:: real2 "@" real2)
(:: real2 "+" ureal2 "i")
(:: real2 "-" ureal2 "i")
(:: real2 "+i")
(:: real2 "-i")
(:: "+" ureal2 "i")
(:: "-" ureal2 "i")
(:: "+i")
(:: "-i"))]
[real2 (:: sign ureal2)]
[ureal2 (:or uinteger2 (:: uinteger2 "/" uinteger2))]
[uinteger2 (:: (:+ digit2) (:* #\#))]
[prefix2 (:or (:: radix2 exactness)
(:: exactness radix2))]
[radix2 "#b"]
[digit2 (:or "0" "1")]
[num8 (:: prefix8 complex8)]
[complex8 (:or real8
(:: real8 "@" real8)
(:: real8 "+" ureal8 "i")
(:: real8 "-" ureal8 "i")
(:: real8 "+i")
(:: real8 "-i")
(:: "+" ureal8 "i")
(:: "-" ureal8 "i")
(:: "+i")
(:: "-i"))]
[real8 (:: sign ureal8)]
[ureal8 (:or uinteger8 (:: uinteger8 "/" uinteger8))]
[uinteger8 (:: (:+ digit8) (:* #\#))]
[prefix8 (:or (:: radix8 exactness)
(:: exactness radix8))]
[radix8 "#o"]
[digit8 (:/ "0" "7")]
[num10 (:: prefix10 complex10)]
[complex10 (:or real10
(:: real10 "@" real10)
(:: real10 "+" ureal10 "i")
(:: real10 "-" ureal10 "i")
(:: real10 "+i")
(:: real10 "-i")
(:: "+" ureal10 "i")
(:: "-" ureal10 "i")
(:: "+i")
(:: "-i"))]
[real10 (:: sign ureal10)]
[ureal10 (:or uinteger10 (:: uinteger10 "/" uinteger10) decimal10)]
[uinteger10 (:: (:+ digit10) (:* #\#))]
[prefix10 (:or (:: radix10 exactness)
(:: exactness radix10))]
[radix10 (:? "#d")]
[digit10 digit]
[decimal10 (:or (:: uinteger10 suffix)
(:: #\. (:+ digit10) (:* #\#) suffix)
(:: (:+ digit10) #\. (:* digit10) (:* #\#) suffix)
(:: (:+ digit10) (:+ #\#) #\. (:* #\#) suffix))]
[num16 (:: prefix16 complex16)]
[complex16 (:or real16
(:: real16 "@" real16)
(:: real16 "+" ureal16 "i")
(:: real16 "-" ureal16 "i")
(:: real16 "+i")
(:: real16 "-i")
(:: "+" ureal16 "i")
(:: "-" ureal16 "i")
[real16 (:: sign ureal16)]
[ureal16 (:or uinteger16 (:: uinteger16 "/" uinteger16))]
[uinteger16 (:: (:+ digit16) (:* #\#))]
[prefix16 (:or (:: radix16 exactness)
(:: exactness radix16))]
[radix16 "#x"]
[digit16 (:or digit (:/ #\a #\f) (:/ #\A #\F))]
[suffix (:or "" (:: exponent-marker sign (:+ digit10)))]
[exponent-marker (:or "e" "s" "f" "d" "l")]
[sign (:or "" "+" "-")]
[exactness (:or "" "#i" "#e")])
(define stx-for-original-property (read-syntax #f (open-input-string "original")))
;; A macro to build the syntax object
(define-syntax (build-so stx)
(syntax-case stx ()
((_ value start end)
(with-syntax ((start-pos (datum->syntax-object
(syntax end)
(format "$~a-start-pos"
(syntax-object->datum (syntax start))))))
(end-pos (datum->syntax-object
(syntax end)
(format "$~a-end-pos"
(syntax-object->datum (syntax end))))))
(source (datum->syntax-object
(syntax end)
(list source
(position-line start-pos)
(position-col start-pos)
(position-offset start-pos)
(- (position-offset end-pos)
(position-offset start-pos)))
(define (scheme-parser source-name)
(start s)
(end EOF)
(error (lambda (a name val start end)
(position-line start)
(position-col start)
(position-offset start)
(- (position-offset end)
(position-offset start)))))
(tokens data delim)
(s [(sexp-list) (reverse $1)])
(sexp [(DATUM) (build-so $1 1 1)]
[(OP sexp-list CP) (build-so (reverse $2) 1 3)]
[(HASHOP sexp-list CP) (build-so (list->vector (reverse $2)) 1 3)]
[(QUOTE sexp) (build-so (list 'quote $2) 1 2)]
[(QUASIQUOTE sexp) (build-so (list 'quasiquote $2) 1 2)]
[(UNQUOTE sexp) (build-so (list 'unquote $2) 1 2)]
[(UNQUOTE-SPLICING sexp) (build-so (list 'unquote-splicing $2) 1 2)]
[(OP sexp-list DOT sexp CP) (build-so (append (reverse $2) $4) 1 5)])
(sexp-list [() null]
[(sexp-list sexp) (cons $2 $1)]))))
(define (rs sn ip)
(port-count-lines! ip)
((scheme-parser sn) (lambda () (scheme-lexer ip))))
(define readsyntax
(case-lambda ((sn) (rs sn (current-input-port)))
((sn ip) (rs sn ip))))
(provide (rename readsyntax read-syntax))