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131 lines
3.5 KiB

Initial Setup:
- Second menu is enabled "Apple"
Delete Apple
Menu Inserting & Deleting:
Add Apple - apple menu appears
Add Banana - banana menu appears
Delete Apple (from apple menu) - apple menu goes, banana menu still there
Delete Banana - back to starting point
Add Apple
Add Banana
Delete Banana - apple still there
Delete Apple
Add Apple
Add Coconut - coconut submenu appears
Delete Coconut (from sub-menu) - coconut submenu gone
Delete Apple
Add Coconut
Add Apple - apple menu appears with coconut already
Delete Apple
Delete Coconut
Add Apple - apple menu appears without coconut
Menu Enabling:
Disable Second - apple menu gray & unselectable
Enable Second - back to normal
Disable Second
Delete Apple (from tester menu)
Add Apple - NOT gray anymore
Item Enabling:
Disable Apple Once Item -> once item grayed & unselectable
Un-Disable Apple Once Item -> once item normal
Disable Apple Once Item
Delete Apple
Add Apple -> once item still gray
Un-Disable Apple Once Item
Delete Apple
Disable Apple Once Item
Add Apple -> once item gray again
Un-Disable Apple Once Item
Item Inserting & Deleting:
Append Donut - donut item added
Delete Once - once item disappears
Delete Apple
Add Apple - once item still gone
Append Donut - another donut
Delete Apple
Append Donut
Add Apple - three donuts total
Checkable Items & Insertions:
Test Apple Item -> "no"
Apple Checkable
Test Apple Item -> "yes"
Delete Apple
Test Apple Item -> "yes"
Apple Checkable
Test Apple Item -> "no"
Delete Apple
Test Apple Item -> "no"
More Checkable (Apple & Banana currently deleted):
Test Aeros -> "yes"
Test Bruin -> "no"
Test Capitols -> "no"
Check Astros -> nothing
Check Braves -> "Braves checked", braves checked, astros unchecked
Check Cardianls -> "Cardinals checked", cardinals checked, braves unchecked
Check Bruins -> "Boston checked", aeros unchecked, bruins checked
Test Aeros -> "no"
Test Bruin -> "yes"
Test Capitols -> "no"
Checkable via Menubar (Apple & Banana currently deleted):
Via Menubar
Test Aeros -> "no"
Test Bruin -> "yes"
Test Apple Item -> "no"
Check in Apple (Button)
Add Apple - checkable item *not* checked
Check in Apple (Button) - item checked
Test Apple Item -> "yes"
Delete Apple
Test Apple Item -> "no"
Add Apple
Apple | Checkable
Delete Apple
Via Menubar
Labels (Apple & Banana currently deleted):
Add Coconut - (coconut item needed for the rest)
Test Labels - "ok" in console
Find Labels - "ok" in console
Toggle Labels - "Tester" -> "Hi", "Add Apple" -> "Apple Adder", "Astros" -> "'Stros"
Add Apple - check that "Delete Apple" -> "Apple Deleter"
Delete Apple
Test Labels - "ok" in console
Find Labels - "ok" in console
Toggle Labels - original labels
Add Apple - check for original labels
Toggle Labels - "Delete Apple" -> "Apple Deleter"
Toggle Labels
Delete Apple
Via Menubar
Test Labels - "ok" in console
Find Labels - "ok" in console
Toggle Labels - "Add Apple" -> "Apple Adder", "Astros" -> "'Stros"
Test Labels - "ok" in console
Find Labels - "ok" in console
Toggle Labels - original labels
Add Apple
Test Labels - "ok" in console
Find Labels - "ok" in console
Via Menubar - off
Handling Bad Requests:
Test Bad Item -> #f
Test Other Bad Item -> #f
Bad Item Labels - "ok" in console
Via Menubar
Bad Item Labels - "ok" in console
Via Menubar
Bad Check - nothing
Bad Enable - nothing