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490 lines
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490 lines
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;; Takes a zodiac:sexp, and an env: sym -> zodiac:bound,
;; and produces a zodiac:ast and a list of unbound zodiac:bounds
;; Only handles R4RS primitive syntax
;; ======================================================================
(define keywords
'(begin cond delay if set! set!-values quote begin lambda case-lambda
let-values letrec*-values
unit compound-unit invoke-unit
: type:-quote
cache-exp-quote cache-inv-quote
struct typed-structure const-typed-structure
(define define-keywords
;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
(define (top-level-parse-defs defs)
(set! unbound-env '())
(let-values ([(defs nuenv) (parse-defs defs empty-env)])
(values defs (map cdr unbound-env))))
(define (top-level-parse-exp exp)
(set! unbound-env '())
(let ([ast (parse exp empty-env)])
(values ast (map cdr unbound-env))))
(define unbound-env '())
;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
(define syntax-error
[(exp) (syntax-error exp "Bad syntax")]
[(exp s)
(format "File ~s, Line ~s: ~a ~s"
(zodiac:location-file (zodiac:zodiac-start exp)))
(zodiac:location-line (zodiac:zodiac-start exp))
s (zodiac:stripper exp)))]))
(define syntax-error-no-exp
[(exp) (syntax-error-no-exp exp "Bad syntax")]
[(exp s)
(format "File ~s, Line ~s: ~as"
(zodiac:location-file (zodiac:zodiac-start exp)))
(zodiac:location-line (zodiac:zodiac-start exp))
(define assert-syn
[(exp x) (assert-syn exp x "Bad syntax")]
[(exp x s) (unless x (syntax-error exp s))]))
(define parse-body
(lambda (o s f body env)
(assert (list? body))
(recur loop ([rest body])
(match rest
[(exp) (parse exp env)]
[(exp . rest)
(zodiac:make-begin-form o s f (box 0)
(parse exp env)
(loop rest))]))))
(define do-bindings
(lambda (env syms)
(assert (list? syms))
(let* ([bindings
[($ zodiac:symbol o s f sym)
(let ([bound (zodiac:make-bound o s f (box 0) sym sym)])
(cons sym bound))]
[exp (syntax-error exp "Bad binding syntax")])
[syms (map car bindings)]
[bounds (map cdr bindings)]
[nuenv (extend-env* env syms bounds)])
(values bounds nuenv))))
(define do-bindingss
(lambda (env symss)
(recur loop ([env env][symss symss][boundss '()])
(if (null? symss)
(values (reverse boundss) env)
([(bounds env) (do-bindings env (car symss))])
(loop env (cdr symss) (cons bounds boundss)))))))
(define parse
;; parses an expression
(lambda (exp env)
(pretty-debug-front `(parse ,(zodiac:stripper exp)))
(letrec ([lookup-sym
(lambda (sym s f env)
(let ([bound
(or (lookup-or-#f env sym)
(lookup-or-#f unbound-env sym)
;; Add to unbound-env
(let ([n (zodiac:my-create-bound sym s f)])
(set! unbound-env (cons (cons sym n) unbound-env))
;;(set-bound-refs! bound (add1 (bound-refs bound)))
(lambda (env)
[($ zodiac:symbol o s f sym)
;;(printf "ref sym ~s~n" sym)
(zodiac:make-lexical-varref o s f (box 0)
sym (lookup-sym sym s f env))]
[exp (syntax-error exp "Expected a variable:")]))]
[parse-sym (parse-sym-env env)]
(lambda (o s f)
o s f (box 0)
(zodiac:make-lexical-varref o s f (box 0)
'void (lookup-sym 'void s f '()))
(lambda (exps env)
(map (lambda (e) (parse e env)) exps))]
(lambda (args env)
(match args
[($ zodiac:list _ _ _ args) (do-bindings env args)]
[($ zodiac:symbol)
([(bounds nuenv) (do-bindings env (list args))])
(values (car bounds) nuenv))]
[($ zodiac:improper-list _ _ _ l)
(recur loop ([args '()][l l])
(match l
([(bounds nuenv)
(do-bindings env (cons arg args))])
(values (append (reverse (cdr bounds)) (car bounds))
[(arg . rest) (loop (cons arg args) rest)]))]))])
(pretty-debug-front `(parse ,(zodiac:stripper exp)))
(match exp
;; Identifiers
[($ zodiac:symbol o s f sym) (parse-sym exp)]
;; Scalars, vectors
[(or ($ zodiac:scalar o s f) ($ zodiac:vector o s f))
(zodiac:make-quote-form o s f (box 0) exp)]
;; Special forms
[($ zodiac:list o s f
(and l (($ zodiac:symbol _ _ _ sym) . body)))
(=> fail)
(let ([sym (strip-hash-percent sym)])
[(memq sym keywords)
(match (cons sym body)
(call-void o s f)]
[('delay exp)
(zodiac:make-delay-form o s f (box 0) (parse exp env))]
[('if test then else)
(zodiac:make-if-form o s f (box 0)
(parse test env)
(parse then env)
(parse else env))]
[('if test then)
(zodiac:make-if-form o s f (box 0)
(parse test env)
(parse then env)
(call-void o s f))]
('set! var exp)
('set!-values ($ zodiac:list _ _ _ (var)) exp))
(let ([var (parse-sym var)])
(when (zodiac:lexical-varref? var)
(zodiac:lexical-varref-binding var)
(zodiac:make-set!-form o s f (box 0)
var (parse exp env)))]
[('quote sexp)
(assert-syn exp (= (length body) 1))
(zodiac:make-quote-form o s f (box 0) sexp)]
[('begin . exps)
(recur loop ([exps exps])
(match exps
[() (call-void o s f)]
[(exp) (parse exp env)]
[(exp . exps)
(zodiac:make-begin-form o s f (box 0)
(parse exp env)
(loop exps))]))]
[('lambda args . bodies)
([(bounds nuenv) (handle-args args env)])
(zodiac:make-lambda-form o s f (box 0)
(parse-body o s f bodies nuenv)))]
[('case-lambda . cases)
o s f (box 0)
[($ zodiac:list _ _ _ (args . body))
([(bounds nuenv) (handle-args args env)])
(cons bounds (parse-body o s f body nuenv)))]
[_ (syntax-error-no-exp exp "Bad case lambda")])
($ zodiac:list _ _ _
(($ zodiac:list _ _ _
(($ zodiac:list _ _ _ varss)
. bodies)
([(boundss nuenv) (do-bindingss env varss)])
o s f (box 0)
(parse-exps exps env)
(parse-body o s f bodies nuenv)))]
($ zodiac:list _ _ _
(($ zodiac:list _ _ _
(($ zodiac:list _ _ _ varss)
. bodies)
([(boundss nuenv) (do-bindingss env varss)])
(lambda (name) (zodiac:set-bound-mutated! name #t))
(apply append boundss))
o s f (box 0)
(parse-exps exps nuenv)
(parse-body o s f bodies nuenv)))]
;; ---------------------------------------------------------
;; MzScheme specific code
;; --- units ---
[('unit ($ zodiac:list _ _ _
(($ zodiac:symbol _ _ _ 'import)
i-ids ...))
($ zodiac:list _ _ _
(($ zodiac:symbol _ _ _ 'export)
(or ($ zodiac:list _ _ _
($ zodiac:symbol _ _ _ e-eids)))
(and i-eids
($ zodiac:symbol _ _ _ e-eids)))
. body)
(let*-vals ([(i-names env1) (do-bindings env i-ids)]
[(defs env2) (parse-defs body env1)]
(map (parse-sym-env env2) i-eids)]
[exports (map cons e-vars e-eids)])
(zodiac:make-unit-form o s f (box 0)
i-names exports defs))]
;; --- compound-units ---
($ zodiac:list _ _ _
(($ zodiac:symbol _ _ _ 'import)
($ zodiac:symbol _ _ _ imports) ...))
($ zodiac:list _ _ _
(($ zodiac:symbol _ _ _ 'link) . links))
($ zodiac:list _ _ _
(($ zodiac:symbol _ _ _ 'export) . exports)))
[($ zodiac:list _ _ _
(($ zodiac:symbol _ _ _ tag)
($ zodiac:list _ _ _ (exp . imports))))
(list tag
(parse exp env)
(apply append
[($ zodiac:symbol _ _ _ sym)
(list (cons #f sym))]
[($ zodiac:list _ _ _
(($ zodiac:symbol _ _ _ tag)
($ zodiac:symbol _ _ _ syms)
(map (lambda (sym) (cons tag sym))
[_ (syntax-error exp "Bad link imp")])
[_ (syntax-error exp "Bad link")])
[($ zodiac:list _ _ _
(($ zodiac:symbol _ _ _ tag)
(or ($ zodiac:list _ _ _
(($ zodiac:symbol _ _ _ i-eids)
($ zodiac:symbol _ _ _ e-eids)))
(and ($ zodiac:symbol _ _ _ i-eids)
($ zodiac:symbol _ _ _ e-eids))) ...))
(lambda (i-eid e-eid) (list tag i-eid e-eid))
i-eids e-eids)]
[_ (syntax-error exp "Bad link export")])
o s f (box 0) imports links exports))]
;; --- invoke-unit ---
[('invoke-unit exp . ((and vars ($ zodiac:symbol)) ...))
o s f (box 0)
(parse exp env)
(map (lambda (var) (parse-sym var env)) vars))]
;; --- structures ---
[((or 'struct 'typed-structure 'const-typed-structure)
($ zodiac:list _ _ _ fields))
([(tag parent)
(match first
[($ zodiac:symbol _ _ _ tag) (values tag #f)]
[($ zodiac:list _ _ _
(($ zodiac:symbol _ _ _ tag) parent))
(values tag (parse parent env))])]
[fields (map zodiac:stripper fields)])
o s f (box 0)
tag (eq? sym 'const-typed-structure) parent fields))]
;; -------------------------------------------------------
;; MrSpidey specific code
[('poly exp)
o s f (box 0) (parse exp env))]
[(': exp type)
(zodiac:make-:-form o s f (box 0)
(parse exp env)
(zodiac:stripper type))]
($ zodiac:list _ _ _
(($ zodiac:symbol _ _ _ (or 'quote '#%quote))
($ zodiac:list _ _ _ (type . attrs)))))
(zodiac:make-type:-form o s f (box 0)
(zodiac:stripper type)
(map zodiac:stripper attrs))]
[('st:control para val)
(zodiac:make-st:control-form o s f (box 0)
(zodiac:stripper para)
(zodiac:stripper val))]
[((or 'cache-exp-quote 'cache-inv-quote)
($ zodiac:list _ _ _
(($ zodiac:symbol _ _ _ (or 'quote '#%quote)) exp))
($ zodiac:string _ _ _ za))
(when (string=? za (regexp-replace ".za$" za ""))
(syntax-error exp "Cache filename must end in .za"))
o s f (box 0) exp
(normalize-path za)
(case sym
[cache-exp-quote 'exp]
[cache-inv-quote 'inv]
(mrspidey:internal-error 'parser "Bad sym ~s" sym)])
;; -------------------------------------------------------
[else (syntax-error exp)])]
[(memq sym define-keywords)
(syntax-error-no-exp exp "Defines not allowed")]
[else (fail)]))]
;; Don't handle vectors or improper lists
;; Applications
[($ zodiac:list o s f (and l (fn . exps)))
(zodiac:make-app o s f (box 0)
(parse fn env)
(parse-exps exps env))]
[($ zodiac:list o s f ())
(zodiac:make-quote-form o s f (box 0) '())]
[_ (syntax-error exp)]))))
(define (parse-defs defs env)
([varss (mapLR
[($ zodiac:list _ _ _
(($ zodiac:symbol _ _ _ '#%define-values)
($ zodiac:list _ _ _ vars)
[_ '()])
[(boundss nuenv) (do-bindingss env varss)]
[_ (for-each
(lambda (name) (zodiac:set-bound-mutated! name #t))
(apply append boundss))]
(lambda (def bounds)
(pretty-debug-front `(parse-def ,(zodiac:stripper def)))
(mrspidey:zprogress "Parsing" (zodiac:zodiac-start def))
(match def
;; Special forms
[($ zodiac:list o s f
(and l (($ zodiac:symbol _ _ _ sym) . body)))
(=> fail)
(let ([sym (strip-hash-percent sym)])
[(not (memq sym define-keywords)) (fail)]
(match (cons sym body)
[('define-values ($ zodiac:list _ _ _ vars) exp)
o s f (box 0)
[(and bound ($ zodiac:bound o s f _ sym))
(zodiac:make-lexical-varref o s f (box 0)
sym bound)])
(parse exp nuenv))]
;; ----------------------------------------------------
;; MrSpidey specific code
[('define-type ($ zodiac:symbol _ _ _ sym) type)
o s f (box 0)
sym (zodiac:stripper type))]
[('define-constructor ($ zodiac:symbol _ _ _ sym)
. modes)
(let ([modes (map zodiac:stripper modes)])
(assert-syn def (andmap boolean? modes))
(zodiac:make-define-constructor-form o s f (box 0)
sym modes))]
;; ----------------------------------------------------
[else (fail)])]))]
[exp (parse exp nuenv)]))
defs boundss)])
(unless (null? defs)
(mrspidey:zprogress "Parsing" (zodiac:zodiac-finish (rac defs))))
(values defs nuenv)))
;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------